S am a r k a n d , Market days at, 605
— Medresses of, 564, 586
— Money-changing at, 610
— Mosques of, 586
— Observatory at, 564, 585
— Orphan asylum at, 600
— Palace of Governor, 565
— Patients in hospital, 599
— Population of, 605
— Prison at, 606, 673
Cleanliness of, 675
— Lavatory arrangements, 675
— Purchase of antiquities, 611
— Rifle practice at, 604
— Russian camp near, ii. 4
capture of, 625
— Sart disease at, 596
— Schools of, 593, 600
■— Scriptures for, 443
— Shah Zindeh mosque, 564, 57L 573
— Shir-Dar medresse, 585
— Shrines of, 588
—1 Spastic paralysis at, 599
— Suburban gardens of, ii. 4
— Synagogue of Jews, 592
— Tamerlane’s burial-place at, 564
capital, 562
— Telegraphing to London, 612
— Tillah-Kari medresse, 586
— Trade of, 604
— Tradition of Jews, 594
— Vegetation near. ii. 8
— Visit to Jew’s house, 589
— Jewish Rabbi, 593
— Weavers and their products, 606
Sam-Su, Breakdown near, 353
Sanatorium at Chimgan, 450
Sand floods at Patar, 515
Sands of Kyzyl-Kum Steppe, 426
— Shifting, ii. 170
Sandstorm on the Steppe, 181
Sandy surroundings, ii. 171
Sarakhs, Heri Rud river at, ii. 453
Sari-bulak, Camel caravan at, 187
Sarkan, Beekeeping in, 185
— Missionary operations in, 169
Sart bazaar, Visit to, 240
— curiosities at Tashkend, 458
— Disease, Cause of, 598
Characteristics of, 597
Treatment of, 598
— pastime of Kok-Bari, 556
— school at Petro-Alexandrovsk, ii. 234
Sarts, Ascendency of, in Khokand, 509
— Betrothal among the, ii. 353
— Festivals of the, ii. 250
— Funerals among the, ii. 248
— Hospitality of the, ii. 300
— Music of the, ii. 91
Sarts, Songs of the, ii. 90
— Turbulence of the, 507
Sary Baba, Tomb at, ii. 425
— Kamish, Arrival of Author at, ii. 397
J enkinson at, ii. 402
■ j------ lakes, ii. 398
---------Canals near, ii. 407
— ^ — Cemetery near, ii. 407
---------Crossing the basin of, ii. 400
Saxaul fofests near, ii. 411
— — Water of, Buoyancy of, ii. 400
------------Chemical Analysis of, ii. 400
------------ Specific gravity of, ii. 399
-----Wells of, ii. 394
Saryks of Turkmenia, ii. 445
— Lessar, M., on the, ii. 445
— Settlements on Upper Murgab, ii. 455
Satinsk, Dr., on Sart disease, 599
Saussure, H. de, on Orthoptera, ii. 613
Scoliidae, ii. 572
Saxaul, Fires of, ii. 411
— Forests of, ii. 411
Scandal concerning Eastern Sovereigns,
ii. 155
Scaphirhynchus, Geological questions
concerning, ii. 244
in the Amu river, ii. 243
Scenery at Batoum, ii. 504
— of the Ala-Tau range, 270
School at Samarkand, 593
— for Cossacks at Omsk, 134
Schools at Almatinka, 279
Kunia Urgenj, ii. 365
Petro-Alexandrovsk, ii. 234
Tashkend, 466
Vierny, 279
— in Bokhara, ii. 120
---------Method of study in, ii. 121
—— Kuldja, 232
— Omsk, 63
j — of Samarkand. 600
I Semipolatinsk, 138
Semirechia, 172
the Kirghese, 358
Schuyler, Dr., on Muhammadan worship,
ii. 295
— Samarkand antiquities. 564
Schuyler’s description of Emir of Bokhara,
ii. 24
— “ Turkistan,” ii. 162
Scientific explorations of Gen. Komaroff,
ii- 575 .
— introductions, 13
Scoliidae of Turkistan, ii. 572
Scripture analogies, ii. 124
— distribution at Khokand, 529
Samarkand, 611
-------- Tiumen, 29
I in T o b o ls k , 29
Scripture illustrations, see Index, p. xxv
Scriptures bought by Muhammadans, 73
— Chinese anxiety for, 236
— sold to Kirghese, ii. 303
Sea-bed, Animal life in a, ii. 419
( Camping in a, ii. 419
— —7 Marching in a, ii. 420
Seikiz Khan, Road to, ii. 421
Well of, ii, 421
Seldjuk rulers of Bokhara, ii. 67
Self-esteem of Khivan Consul, ii. 247
Semenoff, M., Expeditions of, 295, 296
—on Thian Shan mountains, 152
“— 7 Plants collected by, ii. 620
Seminary for training schoolmasters, 465
S e m ip o l a t in s k , Accidental deaths in,
1 1 7 . . — Administration of, 111
— Agriculture of, 97
— Agriculturists in, 315
— Animals of, 94
Area of, 42
— Arrival of Author at, 82
— Artisans in, 104
p| Asylum at, 138
—- Beekeeping in, 102
- Births in, 108
- Books for hospitals, 144
- -— — prisons* 144
: Cattle-breeding in, 101
- Cereals grown in, 98
- Cossack population of, 66
- Criminal statistics, 665
- Deaths in, 108
- Departure of Author from, 141
- Diseases in, 116
• Economy of, 96
- Etymology of, 136
■ Excise duties in, 112
• Exports of, 107
■ Fairs of, 105
■ Fires in, 115
Forests of, 93
■ Gardening in, 100
Gold-mining in, 103
Governor’s report, 97
Harvest statistics, 99
Hospital statistics, 116
Houses in, 114
Imports of, 107
Industry of, 103
Land revenue, 112
Locai products of, 106
■— rates in, 112
Location of population, 109
Marriages in, 108
Mechanics in, 104
Meteorology of, 137
Military building, 114
I S e m i p o l a t i n s k , Military h o s p it a ls of,
—r Personal liabilities in, 113
— Population of, 42, 107
I — Post-office statistics, 139
roads in, 141
— Posting service in, 141
— prison, 664
— — Birching in, 664
Books for, 665
— Morality of inmates, 664
Raskolnik fanatic in, 664
— province, Dimensions of, 83
— Public buildings of, 114
—Á- health of, 115
— Races inhabiting, 94
— Ratepayers in, 109
— Religions of, 108
— Rivers of, 84
— Scarcity of bread in, 140
I — Schools of, 138
— Situation of, 136
— Taxation in, 111
— Towns of, 95
— Trade of, 105, 132, 139
— Traders at, 286
— Vaccination in, 117
— Violent deaths in, 117
— Visit to Governor of, 137
— Wild animals of, 94
— and Omsk, Stations between, 66
S e m i r e c h i a , Agriculture of, 165
-- Area of, 42
7— Atkinson’s travels in, 289
— Beekeeping in, 185
7- Books distributed in, 671
— Boundaries of, 151
Cattle in, 166
I jBCivil administration of, 291
— Climate of, 159
— Colonization of, 292
— Cossack settlers in, 166
— Dimensions of, 151
— Educational affairs of, 172
— Ethnology of, 162
— Fauna of, 160
— Forests of, 160
— Habitations, of, 164
— Industry of, 164
— Kalmuks of, 162
-— Lakes of, 157
— Mammals of, 160
— Mountains of, 152
— Orography of, 151
Orthodox Christian Brotherhood, 169
— Population of, 42, 164
— Postal communication in, 292
prisons, Official report of, 667
Voluntary committees. 668