cated, after hearing it read (not reading it himself),
by impressing his seal upon it ;* while the messengers
went out to make preparations for our departure
on the morrow. When the Bek heard that we had
come from Kuldja, that was shortly to be given
back to the Chinese, his eyes sparkled, evidently
at the thought of the Russians having to disgorge
some of their prey, and he inquired particularly
how many Chinese there were in Kuldja, and how
many versts westward the frontier had been fixed.
Before leaving I presented the Bek with an Arabic
New Testament, and a portrait of myself, whereupon
he asked whether I had given the like to his Majesty.
Then, to my surprise, they brought me a present, by
desire of the Emir, from the Bek, of more khalats
and another Arab horse with saddle and bridle, but
not so gorgeously ornamented as the one I had
received in the morning.
It was quite dark when our visit was over, and a
crowd outside was waiting to escort us back with torches
and lanterns. The Khoja and his interpreter accompanied
us to our lodgings, where we found a company
of batchas, and the people assembled for a performance.
I did not decline it, but gave the Khoja to understand
that it would be a far greater treat to me than seeing
* Like Shaphan, the scribe, reading before the king (2 Chron.xxxiv. 18),
or like Mordecai writing letters, sealing them, and sending off messengers
in the name of Ahasuerus (Esther viii. 8, 10). The Emir, not reading
personally the letter I presented to him, recalls the words of Artaxerxes,
“ The letter which ye sent unto us hath been plainly read before me
(Ezraiv. 18,23). The carrying a signet appears to have been customary
with dignitaries in patriarchal times in Palestine, if we may so understand
the case of Judah (Gen.'xxxviii. 18); and later in Persia, for Darius
sealed Daniel in the lions’ den (Dan. vi. 17). So, too, in Judaea under
Pilate, who “ made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone ” (Matt. xxvn.
66). We read of none of these affixing their sign manual, as it would
be with us.
ruins of T a m e r l a n e ’s p a l a c e at s h a h r -i*s a b z , and review of b o k h a r io t t r o o p s .