Races inhabiting Vierny, 274
Racing games of the Kirghese, 555
Radoszkovsky, O. K., on Turkistan
Chrysidiformes, ii. 579
z jd| Mutillidae, ii. 575
~ —■— Sphegidae, ii. 568
Railway adventure at Perm, 18
— at Kizil Arvat, ii. 489
Rain scarcity in Turkistan, 372
Ram-fighting at Shavat, ii. 320
Raskolnik fanatic in prison, 664
Ratepayers in Semipolatinsk, 109
Rawlinson, Sir H., on Aralo-Caspian
region, ii. 403
Rebellion in Hi valley, 203
Reception by Grand Duke Michael, 11
'jj- room at Kitab, ii. 26
Reconnaissances of bed of Oxus, ii. 406
Recruiting statistics, 114
Recruits on the march, 74
Red river, ii. 194
Reeds and rushes in the desert, ii. 397
Refreshment stalls in Bokhara, ii. 135
Refreshments at Kainar, ii. 11
Kitab, ii. 15
Refusal of Author’s requests in Bokhara,
ii. 129
Regel, Dr., Exploration of, ii. 50
Release of Author from custody, 24
Religion of the Kalmuks, 217
■ Kirghese, 343
Religions and races of Kuldja, 234
— of Semipolatinsk, 108
SVierny, 280
Religious aims of Author, 6, 7
— beliefs in Russian Tashkend, 441
— character of Author’s journey, 3
— Tract Society, Help of, 5
Reptiles of Kuldja, 248
Restaurants in Kuldja, 241
Revenue of Amu-daria province, 437
— Khan of Khiva, ii. 270
Revolt of prisoners at Khokand, 673
Riches among Bokhariots, ii. 150
Riddles of the Kirghese, 342
Ride outside Bokhara, ii. 123
to Baha-uddin, ii. 137
B- — Kitab, ii. 12
Petro-Alexandrovsk, ii. 226
— towards Katte-Kurgan, ii. 136
Riding and racing, ii. 59, 62
— with dumb guides, ii. 226
Rifle practice at Samarkand, 604
Righistan of Bokhara, ii. 125, 135
Rings worn by Kirghese, 357
Rishta disease in Bokhara, ii. 146
—I — Treatment of, ii. 146
— Fedchenko’s investigations of, ii. 512
Rivers in the Steppe, 44
I Rivers of Akmolinsk, 47
Ferghana province, 493
Semipolatinsk, 84
—- — Semirechia, 156
Turkistan, 385
Turkmenia, ii. 439
Roads of Ili province, 201
Syr-daria province, 389
7— Zarafshan province, 545
i ^ to Tssik-Kul, 354
— — Kashgar, 354
Robbers in the desert, ii. 394
— -—: — Tejend oasis, ii. 455
•— Luggage attacked by, ii. 336
— on the Amu, Precautions. against, ii.
Robbery in Bokhara, ii. 135
Rock salt in Nuratagh hills, ii. 141
Roman Catholic request for religious
service, 227
— Catholics in Kuldja, 225
Romanovski, Gen., Victory over Bokhariots,
Rope scarcity at Kunia Urgenj, ii. 365
Rosy, Accident to. ii. 3 7 7
Roubles, Value of, xxxii
Route over Chulak hills, 266
— to Hindustan, ii. 194
Tashauz, ii. *327
Routes from Kungrad, ii. 351
— to Central Asia, 10
Ruffianism at Kirghese elections, 350
Ruins in the desert, ii. 383
^Hnear Borokhudzir, 195
Tokmak, 356
— of Bibi-Khanum medresse, 575
— — Peikand, ii. 166
BSon Amu banks, ii. 214
Taldyk banks, ii. 242
Rulers of Merv, ii. 480
Russia, Asiatic policy of, 620
: — Disabilities of Jews in, ii. 104
Russia’s responsibility towards Muhammadans,
ii. 293
! Russian advance to Merv, ii. 460
I — — the Syr-daria, 400
—----- Trans-Ili region, 290
—-agents in Bokhara, ii. 88
! — annexation, 402
sp of the Steppe, 287
— attempt to release Stoddart, ii. 76
— camp near Smarkand, ii. 4
— Central Asia, Bibliography of, ii. 654
Definition of, 42
---------History of, 120
—' Prisons of, 661
II— church in Kuldja, 227
' — conquest of “ Golden Horde,” 401
• '• iSr Kazan, 402
Russian exiles, Books for, 6
— fishing station at Hassan Kuli, ii. 439
— forts in Turkmenia, ii. 461
— Government, Bokhariots on, ii. 188
Salt deposits in Turkistan, 537
— exportation from Krasnovodsk, ii. 496
- fields of the Kara-boghaz, ii. 427
—rr lakes near Kara-Kul, ii. 141
Samanid races of Bokhara, ii. 67
Samara, Migration from, ii. 238
S am a r k a n d , Ancient ruins-of, 563
— Antiquities of, 563
----------Schuyler, Dr., on, 564
— — — Ujfalvy, M., on, 564
— Arrival of Author at, 559
— Astronomical instruments at, 565
jg— Attendants for journey, 610
— Barracks at, 601
— Bazaar of, 604
— Bibi-Khanum medresse, 575
— Bird’s-eye view of, 581
— Bokhariot refuge in, 623
— Butcher’s shrine at, 588
— Chupan-Ata hill, 564
— Citadel of, 601
0- palace at, 577
— Colleges of, 586
— conquered by Jinghiz Khan, ii. 69
I if— Conquests of, 561
— Dancing dervishes at, ii. 295
— Decline of, 562
— Departure from, ii. 1
— Devastation by nomads, 563
— Dimensions of, 581
— Distribution of Scriptures at, 611
— Education at, 600
hospital at Kuldja, Book distribution
. in, 235
— influence on the Irtish, 124
— inhabitants of Turkistan, 393
— intercourse with Bokhara, ii. 74
— invasion of India, Feasibility of, ii.
— itinerary from Iliali to Krasnovodsk,
ii. 425
— maps of Turkmenia, ii. 435
— march on Tashkend, 620
— missionary work, ii. 303
Igj- missions to Bokhara, ii. 75
occupation of the Irtish, 120
Administration of new territory, 134
Export trade with China, 133
Frontier fortified, 131
Submission of Kalmuks, 127
He§3 Tatars, 123
Trade at Semipolatinsk, 132
^ on the Irtish 124
Trading-place of Bukhtarminsk, 131
■ —f Ust-Kamenogorsk, 131
Treaties with Kalmuks, 128
— occupation of Turkistan, 614
— population in Akmolinsk, 53
— prisons, Nineteenth Century on, 675
E - provincial statistics, 96
-r reconnaissance of Khivan oasis, ii.
— rule in Turkmenia, Native gain by,
ii. 490
— Samarkand, 596
— slaves in Khiva, ii. 278
— spies at Bokhara, ii. 74
— subjection of Kirghese Kazaks, 403
— survey of old Oxus bed, ii. 406
— Tashkend, 440
— Trade in Central Asia, 462
— Turkistan, Flora of, ii. 618
Prostitution in, ii. 299
— war with Khokandians, 298
— warehouse at Bokhara, ii. 88
Russians on the Aral Sea, 409
Russo-Turkoman relations, ii. 460
S a i n t , K i r g h e s e n o t io n o f a , 366
— Saviour’s Cathedral at Moscow., 15
Saint’s tomb at Khiva, ii. 294
Sairam lake, Road to, 200
Salaries of Kirghese judges, 348
Sale of books at Taldi-Kuduk, 175
h -rf- on steamboat, 33
—-,-r- Scriptures in Kuldja, 236
Salors of Turkmenia, ii. 445 (
Enamelled bricks at, 587
>— Endowment of medresses at, 586
— Execution stone at, 579
— Executions at, 563
— Foundation of, 560
— Gur-Emir at, 564
— f® — mausoleum, 566
11— Horse-buying at, 610
— Hospital for military, 596
— Hospitals for natives, 598
— Industries of, 605
— Interpreter necessary at, 610
— Ishrat Khana palace at, 579
— Jews’ quarter at, 589
— -§H Hebrew pronunciation of, 595
Tribes of, 595
— Kazi of, ii. 187
— Khoja-Akhrar medresse, 582
— Khudaiar Khan at, 510
^7- Kindness of M. Arendarenko, 610
—— r — Gen. Ivanoff, 612
— Koktash stone at, 564, 577
— Koran of Othman, 582
— Korolkoff, Gen., Visit to, 566
— Legend concerning Tamerlane, 570
— Leprosy in, 541
i.-Tr* Library of Tamerlane, 582