S e m i r e c h i a province, Towns of, 398
— Religious affairs of, 172
— Rivers of, 156
— Russian occupation of, 282
— Schools in, 172
— Statistics of, 164
— Taranchis in, 163, 168
■<-— Trade progress in, 291
Sepulchres at Khanki, ii. 249
Sergiopol, Antiquities of, 145
— Arrival of Author at, 143
— Beekeeping in, 185
— Climate of, 159
;— Decline of, 145
— Departure o f Author from, 174
— Distribution of books at, 143
— Foundation of, 288
— Minerals near, 145
— Remarkable skulls found near, 145
— Road to, 142
— Scientific discovery at, 288
— S itu a ion of, 145
— Sund ty at, 143
Serpitzky. Col., Visit to, in camp at
Tashkend, 468
Servant, A new, ii. 359
Servants’ wages in Tashkend, 461
S^ven Streams, Land of, 151
Severtsoff, M., Explorations of, 494
— Fatal accident to, ii. 5°8
on Turkistan animals, ii. 514
---------— zoology, 415
Sevier, Mr. A, H., as interpreter, 17
— Accident to, ii. 166
—------ 7 horse of, ii. 209
— Attention to sick in Bokhara, ii. 163
■tt“ Farewell to, at Odessa, ii. 5°4
Shadman-Malik, Bridge of, 563
Shah Murad, Death of, 510
— Zindeh mosque, 564, 571
— Legends concerning, 572
---------Ornamentation of, 573
—------- Places of devotion in, 574
Shahr-i-sabz, Ak-Serai palace at, ii. 32
— Arrival of Author at, ii. 30
— Batchas at, ii. 34
— Bek of, Conversation with, ii. 33
-T-— Presents from, ii. 30, 34
fftj- — to, ii. 30
Visit to, ii. 32
— Bokhariot rebels in, 625
— Departure of Author from, ii. 40
— Entertainment at, ii. 34.
— Historical associations of, ii. 32
— Information from courtiers at, ii. 36
:d- Mosques and medresses, ii. 39
— Population of, ii. 39
Sr Torchlight procession at, ii. 34
— View of, ii. 9
Shakespear, Lieut., at Kunia Urgenj, ii.
¡¡PItt — Merv, ii. 457
Conduct of Russian slaves, ii. 278
Route of, ii. 385
Shalgin, M., on goitre disease, 547
Shamanism among the Kirghese, 343
Shavat, Dog-fighting at, ii. 320
— Farm-houses near, ii. 321
81- Lodging at, ii. 319
— Ram-fighting at, ii. 320
— Shops of, ii. 320
— Town of, ii. 320
Sheep in Zarafshan province, 545
of the Steppe, 317
---------Thian Shan, 245
---------Yuldus, ,247
— and cattle at Chirakchi, ii. 40
goats of the desert, ii. 382
Sheibanid rulers of Bokhara, ii. 71
; Sheikh-djeili mountains, 427, ii. 241
Shepherd at Karategin wells, ii. 380
Ship-building at Orenburg, 409
Shir-Dar medresse, 585
Shirabad bekship, ii. 40
— river, ii. 196
Shirish, a remarkable plant, 557
Shoemakers’ street in Bokhara, ii. 133
Shopping at Petro-Alexandrovsk, ii. 235
Shops in Iliali, ii. 332
— ¡11 Karshi, ii. 45
— i t Khiva, ii. 284
■ •<*-?—- Khojeili, ii. 349
Kuldja, 240
Kunia Urgenj, ii. 365
— — Tashauz, ii. 330'
Shrine of a Samarkand butcher, 588
Shrines of Samarkand, 588
Shrubs of Turkistan, 480
Shurakaneh, Arrival of Author at, ii. 227
— Houses at, ii. 227
— Population of, ii. 227
— Taxes in, 436
Siberia, Bible work in, ii. 237
^ Bibliography of, ii. 673
Siberia’s one monument, 36
Siberian prisons, see “ Prisons.”
IBS steamer, 32
I Sibo curiosities, 213
pi encampment, Visit to a, 212, 222
— superstition, 213
I Sibos, Hospitality of, 214
— Household gods of the, 212
— Number of, 212
— of the Hi valley, 211
1 — Sickness among the, 213
Silk culture at Bokhara, ii. 144
— factory at Khiva, ii. 287
I Silver-mining near Kuldja, 199
Silversmith’s shop in Khiva, ii. 287
Sin, Conviction of, from reading Scripture,
ii. 240
Singing oarsmen on the Amu, ii. 221
— and dancing at Bokhara, ii. 89
Skin-dressing at Bokhara, ii. 144
Skobeleff at Zmukshir, ii. 332
— in Ferghana, 512
----Turkmenia, ii. 464
Skulls found near Sergiopol, 145
Slaughter of Bokhariots, ii. 69
Slave-trade at Charjui, ii. 185
■---------Karshi, ii. 45
—1- 5#^ of the Turkomans, ii. 481
Slavery in Bokhara, ii. 185
Kharezm, ii. 276
:M Merv, ii. 479
Slaves in Central Asia, Cruelty to, ii. 329
— ip Former condition of, ii. 329
-----1 — Release of, ii. 329
Sleep on horseback, ii. 379
Sleeping in the desert, ii. 173, 376
Slumbers disturbed at Bokhara, ii. 92
Snow bridges of Thian Shan range, 155
Social evening at Petro-Alezandrovsk, ii.
Society, Bible, Help of, 5
— Religious Tract, Help of, 5
Sogdiana, Capital of, 561
Soil of Bokhara khanate, ii. 50
Khiva, Character of, ii. 254
Solomon, Throne of, 500
Solons at Jarkend, 196
— of the Ili valley, 211
Solsky on Turkistan beetles, ii. 552
Songs of the Kirghese, 342, ii, 90
Sorcery among Kirghese, 359
Soup in the desert, ii. 429
Souvenirs of Khiva, ii. 287
Spastic paralysis at Samarkand, 599
Sphegidae of Turkistan, ii. 568
Spiders of Turkistan, ii. 543
Spies in Emir’s palace at Kitab, ii. 20
Spirit distilleries, 55
Sponge-plant at Tashkend, 456
Sports of Central Asiatics, ii. 320
Staff, Bek’s official, ii. 186
Stalls in Bokhara, ii. 135
Starovers, Sect of, 665
Stations between Altyn-Immel and
Kuldja, 190
Aulie-Ata and Tashkend, 414
—Sr- Bokhara and Charjui, ii. 177
— ¡¡I- Katte-Kurgan, ii. 137
Huzar and the Oxus, ii. 52
Karshi and Bokhara, ii. 56
Khojend and Khokand, 514
^ Samarkand, 551
Khokand and Osh, 531
Stations between Semipolatinsk and
Sergiopol, 141
I — — Sergiopol and Vierny, 174
Tashkend and Jizakh, 477
------------Khojend, 478
Tiumen and Semipolatinsk, 37
Vierny and Aulie-Ata, 353
Statistics of Central Asia, 117
cotton, 195
crime in Kuldja, 236
------------ Semipolatinsk, 665
crops in Turkistan, 484
I domestic animals in Turkistan, 420
drink traffic in Turkistan, 607
education in Zarafshan prov., 600
habitations, Amu-daria prov., 433
- Kuldja, 243
— pr — nomads, 192
Semipolatinsk hospital, 116
---------post-Cffice, 139
Semirechia, 164
prisons, 668
l l i— Suidun, 258
Tashkend hospital, 449
— — trade at Tashkend, 462
— Ura-Tiube, 553
— — Vierny, 274
Zarafshan province, 544
— Recruiting, 114
— Religious, of Kuldja, 234
— Russian provincial, 96
— Ureliability of native, 118
Stealing in the desert, ii. 396
Steam navigation of Upper Oxus, ii. 197
Steamboat, Church music on, 40
— passengers, 40
— Siberian, 32
Steamers on Amu river, ii. 242
Syr-daria river, 410
Steamship Samarkand on Upper Oxus
ii. 197
Stebnitzky’s reconnaissances of old Oxus
bed, ii. 407
Stephen, Mr. C., in Turkmenia, ii. 440
| fr on Balkan mountains, ii. 437
S t e p p e , Boundaries of the, 43
— Cattle of, 316
— Climate of, 44
— Communications of, 46
b'fr Dimensions of, 43
— “ Ehbi” wind on, 181
— Fauna of, ii. 430
— Forts erected in, 408
— Government of, 411
General of, 42
— Hydrography of, 44
Inundations of. 88
— Kirghese, Administration of, 411
— Lakes in, 44