A k m o l i n s k , Province of, 42, 46
— Punishment for personal offences, 351
— Rivers of, 47
— Russian population in, 53
— Surface of, 47
— Tobacco plantations in, 52
— Towns of, 53
— Uyezds of, 50, 51
I— Visit to Governor of, 64
Ala-Kul, Altitude of, 177
— Desiccated lake-bed near, 177
. —_— district, Fauna of, 147
s----Mammalia of, 149
lake, Description of, 146
— !ü — Fish in, 148
Lizards near, 148
>=?--------Onithology of, 147
Ala-Tau mountains, 268
-----------Morgan, Mr, D ., on, 185
---------Scenery of, 270
Alabaster grotto at Krasnovodsk, ii. 496
Alai expedition in Ferghana, 512
— plateau, 492
Alexandrof mountains, 361
Alielis of Turkmenia, ii. 445
Aliken’s hotel at Viemy, 271
Alikhanoff, Lieut., at Merv, ii. 471
Alim-Kul, Death of, ÿi|| 621
yÉ----Defeat at Khokand, 510
; ÿ-'by Khudaiar Khan, 510
------------- Russians, 510
Disaffection against, 510
^ ----Regent of Khokand, 510
—- — Waning influence of, 510
Alim-Tu, Russian defeat of Taranchi
rebels, 627
“ All’s well that ends well,” ii. 139, 505
Almatinka, Schools at, 279
Alpheraky, M., on Kuldja Lepidoptera,
247, ii. 596
—I------Vertebrata, 247
—— Yuldus sheep, 247
Altyn - Immel and Kuldja, Stations
between, 190
Arrival at, 188, 266
pass, 189
Villages near, 187
Alum manufacture in Kohistan, 537
Aman-Kutane caravansary, ii. 8
Amphibians of Central Asia, ii. 529
Amu-daria Province, 425
fiPffl Agriculture of, 434
---------Area of, 42
---------- Boundaries of, 425
---------Children’s diseases, 433
---------Climate of, 432
--------Difficulties of the nomads, 435
— Dimensions of, 425
---------Diseases of military, 433
A m u -d a r i a Province, Divisions of, 434
; ~-i----4 Geology of, 426
---------Health of population, 433
------- - Hydrography of, 428
—#§---- Increase of cultivation, 434
---------Inhabitants of, 433
---------Karakalpaks in, 433
---------Kyzyl-Kum steppe, 426
---------Meteorology of, 432
Mountains in, 426
— Ophthalmia among natives, 4 3 3
— Population of, 42
^—'Revenue of, 437
---------Russian administration of, 436
s Statistics of habitations in, 433
---------Taxes in, 436
---------Temperature of, 432
-------- - Towns of, 398
Amu river, Aground in the, ii. 224
— — at Charjui, ii. 199
— — — Kabakli, ii. 213
— Nukus, Delta of, ii. 241
Banks of, ii. 199
— Bokhariot frontier camp, ii. 221
— — Branches of, ii. 242
■— — “ Camel’s Hump ” on, ii. 224
m — Cliffs on, ii. 200
— Detonations on, ii. 220
— Fall into Aral Sea, ii. 241
— Fauna of islands, ii. 218
— Fish of, ii. 243
Flooding of, ii. 223
— Flora of banks of, ii. 223
— — Fossil remains on, ii. 200
;i—- M- Game on islands of, ii. 218
— — Ganoid fishes of, ii. 245
— Journey to Kabakli, ii. 209
— — Kishak gates on, ii. 241
— Legend of Kyz-kala fort, ii. 214
— Linseed farming on, ii. 222
É||if t( Lion’s Mouth ” on, ii. 224
— -— Muddiness of, ii. 219
Native boats on, ii. 200
BHB information on, ii. 219
Navigability of, ii. 198
Pitniak curve on, ii. 224
— Precaution against robbers, ii. 216
Restiveness of horses, ii. 209
1 Ruined towns on, ii. 215
Ruins on banks, ii. 214
^ Scaphirhynchus in, ii. 243
Singing boatmen on, ii. 221
— Steamers on, ii. 242
— Strategical importance of, ii. 194
— —: Temperature on, ii. 224
— Tugais on, ii. 215
Vegetation on banks, ii. 223
— Wolf scare on, ii. 217
I Amulets of the Turkomans, ii. 447
Amusements at Karshi, ii. 48
Shavat, ii. 320
— of the Taranchis, ii. 208
Angren river, 478
Animal life in a sea-bed, ii. 419
--------- the desert, ii. 172, 393
— products of Bokhara, ii. 143
Animals of Akmolinsk, 52
— Bokhara, ii. 142
B — Khivan khanate, ii. 269
— — Merv, ii. 478
Semipolatinsk, 94
Turkistan, ii. 514
Antiquities at Samarkand, Purchases,
— in Tashkend museum, 455
— of Lake Issik-Kul, 159
— H Samarkand, 563
— ■-+- Sergiopol, 145
Antiquity of Khojeili, ii. 349
Kunia Urgenj, ii. 339
Ants of Turkistan, ii. 576
Apothecaries of Bokhara, ii. 149
Appendices revised by Mad. Fedchenko,
ii. 513
Apples of Khiva, ii. 267
Aqueduct at Kyz-Kala, ii. 214
Arab capture of Merv, ii. 456
Arabs of Zarafshan province, 544
A r a l Basin, Depression of, 385
— Sea, Ancient course of Oxus, ii. 402
— f|| Bed of, ii. 404
Derivation of name, 429
Dimensions of, 429
Disappearance of, ii. 403
Fall of Amu into, ii. 241
Fauna of islands, 430
Fluctuation of, ii. 402
Geological changes of, 385
Geographical problems of, ii. 402
Harbours of, 429
Islands of, 430
Navigation of, 409
Oxus junction with, ii. 242
Reduction of, 431
~ Russians on, 409
Shores of, 430, 432
Winds of, 429
Aralo-Caspian region, Historical discussion
on, ii. 403
--------- Murchison, Sir R., on, ii. 403
----------Rawlinson, Sir H., on, ii. 403
• — Travellers in, ii. 404
— :— Route, ii. 231
Arasan sulphur baths, 186
Arbas for luggage at Khiva, ii. 316
Archbishop of Tobolsk, Visit to, 36
Arendarenko, M., Kindness of, 610
Argamak horses at Khiva, ii. 259
Arganatinsk, Arrival at, 178
Aris river, Description of, 420
— — Journey along the, 420
Aristocratic mariner, ii. 499
Armenian literature, 583
— trading at Krasnovodsk, ii. 499
Armourers’ street in Bokhara, ii. 134
Arms of Charjui soldiers, ii. 186
Kirghese, 313
— Turkistan troops, 602
Army of Bokhara, ii. 21
Jinghiz Khan, ii. 68
Arrest of Author at Chusovaia, 20
Art among the Kalmuks, 244
— of Jewish illumination, ii. 116
Artillery of the Khivans, ii. 306
Artisans of Kuldja, 243
Merv, ii. 478
Semipolatinsk, 104
Artists, Chinese, 262
Aryks of Khiva, ii. 252
A sia (C e n t r a l ), Amphibians of, ii.
Ants of, ii. 576
|Si — Bees of, ii. 562
Beetles of, ii. 552
Bible-work in, ii. 237
Bibliography of, ii. 654
Book scarcity in, 584
r-^- — Chronology of, 677
Coins of, ii. 502
— — Colleges of, 586
Colporteur work in, ii. 304
Crustacea of, ii. 548
Divorce in, ii. 353
Earth closets in, ii. 415
Fishes of, ii. 530
Fortresses of, ii. 321
Fuel of, ii. 411
Funerals in, ii. 250
— Gardens in, .480
Geological features of, ii. 170
—^ — History of, 120
Home life in, ii. 352
Jewellery of, ii. 286
— •— Jews of, 446, 520
■ Maps of, ii. 679
Marriage in, ii. 352
Meteorology of, ii. 442
— — Mineral wealth of, 380
||r-— Mollusksof, ii. 537
Money of, 682
Mongol invasion of, ii. 69
Pilgrim showmen in, ii. 344
— Pioneers of, 287
— — Polygamy in, ii. 354
Prisons of, 661
Routes to, 10, ii., 493
Russian trade in, 462
I Scoliidae of, ii. 572