Iranian history, ii. 456
■— population of Tashauz, ii. 330
Iranians of Turkistan, 392
Irjar, Rout of Bokhariots at, 622
Irkutsk, Bible Society’s Depot, 28,
ii. 239
— Introduction to Governor of, 18
Iron Gates defile at Derbent, ii. 51
— mines in I li valley, 199
— near Darwaz, ii. 54
Irrigation at Bokhara, ii. 165
— of Khiva, ii. 334
—3.*— Merv oasis, ii. 476
the Kirghese, 98
— Turkmenia, ii. 439
gjfjZarafshan province, 536
— works at Tarkend, 264
Irtish river, 85
- Consolidation of Russian power
on, 124
Fish of, 79
— Forts along, 127
'Russian influence on, 124
Scenery on, 87
Tributaries of, 88
— Voyage up, 38
§- Steppe, Character of, 79
i— — Russian occupation of, 120
— trade with natives, 124
Ishrat Khana palace at Samarkand, 579
Iskander-Kul lake, 535
Islamism among the Kirghese, 343
Islands of the Oxus, ii. 204, 241
—----- ^— Fauna of, ii. 218
Issik-Kul lake, Antiquities of, 159
— Depth of, 158
----- Dimensions of, 158
Fish of, 159
-- g? Origin of, 157
— Proposed Mission.at, 172
— Shores of, 158
gBjj-- Roads to, 354
— — Semenoft’s expedition to, 295
— VeniukofFs survey, 297
Issirik grass, Diseases cured by, ii. 57
Ist-poos, Fortress of, ii. 207
Itinerary from Khiva to Krasnovodsk,
ii- 493
— of Author, xxx.
--re — Russians from Iliali to Krasno-
’ vodsk, ii. 425
Ivanoif, Gen., Governor of Samarkand,
^Misinfo56rm5 ati•o n concerni■ ng, *6 12
— -— Victory over Turkomans, ii. 463
J a c k d aw s in the desert, ii. 422
Jahria Brotherhood, Ceremonies of, ii.
Jakatut, Inexperienced postilions at, ii. 166
Jarkend, Dungans at, 196
— Irrigation works at, 264
— Solons at, 196
— Taranchis at, 196
Jasper wainscoting at Tamerlane’s tomb,
ii. 124
Jedurun, Camping at, ii. 392
Jenkinson, A., at Kunia Urgenj, ii. 341
pi Sary Kamish, ii. 402
— — in Kharezm, ii. 274
Jenkinson’s alleged “ Bay of the Caspian,”
ii. 402, 405
— journey to Bokhara, ii. 71
Jewellery at Khokand, 522
— in Central Asia, ii. 286
— of the Turkomans, ii. 447, 497
Jewish manuscripts at Bokhara, ii. no
— migration to China, 521
— persecution at Odessa, ii. 107
— quarter of Samarkand, 589
— refugees at Brody, ii. 107
Jews at Karshi, Books presented to, ii. 48
-— in Asia (Central), Information concerning,
446, 520
— Bokhara, 521, ii. 103
I H — Astonishment at Author’s visit,
ii. Ill
---- :---- Author’s inquiry for Hebrew
MSS., ii. 114
9 4 9 Hr~ letter to Emir on behalf of,
ii. 118
— offer of assistance to, ii. 109
plans concerning, ii. 103
— Condition of, ii. 108
from Persia, ii. 108
B8Bj Tunis, ii. 108
— Interview with, ii. 108
— Prophecy fulfilled-, ii. 108
33-----— Torahs of, ii. 11c
Visit to sick, ii. 113
China, Tradition of, 594
aS Khiva, ii. 269
jr Merv, ii. 479
— -¡SIMoscow, ii. 104
t Hr Alleged persecution of, ii. 104
— Russia, Disabilities of, ii. 104
---------Liquor traffic among, ii 106
w- Money-lenders among, ii. 106
— — Samarkand, Hebrew pronunciation
of, 595
■— j Traditions of, 594
Tribes of, 595
— Persecution of, ii. 105
■— quarter at Samarkand, 589
— synagogue at Bokhara, ii. 109
— Karshi, ii. 48
e-f, «4-— Khokand, 519
---------Tashkend, 445
Jinghiz Khan, Army of, ii. 68
‘- f — Bokhara conquered by, ii. 68
5®— Conquests of, ii. 69, 273
Descendants of, ii. 72
— & Sieges of, ii. 340
Nj£— Sons of, ii. 68
Jizakh, Khudaiar Khan at, 510, 511
— Klopatoff, Dr., at, ii. 147
— Road from Tashkend, 477
— Russian capture of, 623
— march to, 622
—■ Scriptures for, 443
Joot amongst Kirghese cattle, 318
Joss-house in Kuldja, 232
Journey across desert, Rate of travel,
— along the Aris river, 420
— Author’s reasons for, 3, 5
Cost of, 4
— — Object of, 6
— *jj through sandy desert, ii. 171
to Kitab, ii. 7
Journeys of M. Semenoff, 296
Judges and judgments of Kirghese, 347
¿IjBalloting for, 349
— Election of, 347
— in Bokhara, ii. 187
— salaries among Kirghese, 348
Jumma mosque at Bokhara, ii. 95
— Sa — - Interior of, ii. 96
— S ^ Service in, ii. 95
--------- Khiva, ii. 259, 307
Justice, Court of, at Kunia Urgenj, ii.
K a b a k l i , Arrival at, ii. 210
— Departure from, ii. 213
— Presents to Bek of, ii. 211
— Provisioning boat at, ii. 212
— Visit from Bek at, ii. 211
— Wolves among sheep at, ii. 210
Kainar, Descent to, ii. 9
— Refreshments at, ii. 11
Kakir, Bazaar at, ii. 62
— Cistern at, ii. 60
— Furniture at, ii. 62
— Native oven at, ii. 62
— “ Unfurnished apartments ” at, ii. 61
Kalbinsk mountains, Gold industry in,
io 3
Kalim of a Kirghese bride, 323
Kalmuk art, 244
Kalmuks at Kuldja, 243
— Characteristics of, 214
— Destruction of U rgenj by, ii. 341
— Domestic concerns of, 215
— Family life of, 218
— Food of, 215
— Foreign influence among, 220
! Kalmuks, Geluns among, 215
— History of, 125
— Idols of, 218
1 —- Marriages among, 218
] — of Ili valley, 214
Semirechia, 162
*— Opposition of, to Russians, 126
— Ostroumoff, M., on the, 215
— Prejevalsky, Col., among the, 244
— Religion of, 217
— Russian treaties with, 128
1-— School in Viemy, 170
— Superstition of, 220
i-— Zangs among the, 215
ii. ; Kamensky Brothers, carriers, 473
Agent at Bokhara, ii. 88
Kaplan Kir, Ascent from bed of, ii. 420
I------ Bay of, ii. 417
I------ Caverns at, ii. 419
iSSw Cliffs-at, ii. 418
:---— Crevasses of, ii. 420
; First Englishman at, ii. 420
¡ Phenomenon at, ii. 418
Kara-boghaz gulf, ii. 427
Geography of, ii. 427
B----E- Salt-fields of, ii. 427
— Chukum, Street-sleeping in, 549
— Kirghese, Origin of, 304
— —e; Revolt of, 512
;— Kul, Arrival at, ii. 167
----Crazy bridges at, ii. 168
:----- Danger of roads near, ii. 168
:----- Journey to, ii. 166
F lake, 495, ii. 169
— -u|- Salt-lakes near, ii. 141
■— Su, Breakdown at, 267
I— — river, Length of, ii. 440
■— Tiube, Arrival at, ii. 5
: ----- Slumbers disturbed at, ii. 6
Tent lodging at, ii. 5
Karagatch trees at Khiva, ii. 258
Karakalpaks, Characteristics of, 434
;— in Amu-daria province, 433
i - - - - - - Khivan khanate, ii. 269
Karakol, Prisoners at, 670
Karamazar mountains, Minerals in, 515
Karamuk Fort, M. Oshanin at, ii. 53
Karategin, Dimensions of, ii. 53
;— Food at, ii. 54
— Oshanin’s exploration in, ii. 50
— Routes in, ii. 54
— Tajiks, Strength of, ii. 54
— Trade of, ii. 54
— Wells of, ii. 379
Karaul, Altitude of, ii. 64
5 |A- Bazaar, ii. 63
— guard-house, ii. 63
Karkaraly, Mines at, 74
I Karshi, Arrival at, ii. 44