Land at Khanki, Cost of, ii. 250
Kunia Urgenj, Value of, ii. 369
Petro-Alexandrovsk, Cost of, ii.
K u n ia -U rgenj, Escort from, ii. 368
— Houses of, ii. 352, 365
— Interpreter and guides, ii. 373
— Jenkinson at, ii. 341
— Journey to, ii. 334
— -Kalmuk destruction of, ii. 341
— Kirghese at, ii. 359
— Kuhn, M., at, ii. 319
•— Land value at, ii. 369
— Lodgings at, ii. 352
— Luxuries at, ii, 364
— Mausoleums of, ii. 344, 347
— Meat at, ii. 364
lit- Minarets of, ii. 342
— Mosques at, ii. 365
— Native life at, ii. 357
— Parting view of, ii. 369
-— Pheasants at, ii. 364
— Photographs of, ii. 341
— Prison at, ii. 358
— Provisions at, ii. 364
— Purchases at, ii. 363
— Rope scarcity at, ii. 365
— Routes from, ii. 349
— Ruins of, ii. 339
— Schools at, ii. 365
— Shakespear at, ii. 341
Route from, ii. 385
— Shops of, ii. 365
— Sieges of Jinghiz Khan, ii. 340
— Starting for’the Desert, ii. 367
— Tamerlane’s siege of, ii. 340
— Tax-gatherer of, ii. 316
— Tomb of Tiurebek Khanim, ii. 345
— Vambery at, ii. 341
Kunia Vezir, Camping opposite, ii. 383
Jenkinson’s description of, ii. 384
Kunjà lake, ii. 64
Kurama, Vegetation of, 478
Kuramas in Turkistan, 394
Kuren-dagh mountains, ii. 437
Kush-beggi of Bokhara, Conversation
with, ii. 128
— Presents from, ii. 132
— to, ii. 132
— Reticence of, ii. 129
Visit to, ii. 125
Kutban-Kul lake, 494
Kyz-Kala, Legend of, ii. 214
— Subterranean aqueduct, of, ii. 214
Kyzyl Kum Steppe, 426
— Geology of, 426
----------Marshes of, 426
--------— Mountains of, 426
— — — Sands of, 426
L a bo u r , Cheapness of, in Ili valley, 198
Lai-lak, Meaning of, ii. 11
Land at Bokhara, Value of, ii. 165
— communications of Khiva, ii. 348
— distribution among Kirghese, 411
laws of the Kirghese, 411
— mollusks of Turkistan, ii. 542
— of Seven Streams, 151
— revenue of Semipolatinsk, 112
— tortoises of the Steppe, ii. 430
Language of the Kirghese, 357
Languages of books for distribution, 27
Lake Ala-Kul, Description of, 146
---------Fish in, 148
If Lizards near, 148
----------Ornithology of, 147
— Issik-Kul, Origin of, 157
— Yamyshef, Fortress at, 127
rr—. Zaisan, 89
Chinese junks on, 131
—----Cossack fisheries on, 91
Fauna of banks, 91
Lakes in old bed of Oxus, ii. 393
— the Steppe,. 44
— of Ferghana province, 494
— -y Semirechia, 157
Last rose of summer, ii. 234
Law, “ Glorious uncertainty” of, ii. 358
Lawlessness of Merv Tekkes, .ii. 480
Laws of the Kirghese, 350
Lawyers in Bokhara, ii. 187
Leaders of Kirghese rebels, 112
Lectern,- Miraculous, 576
Lecturing the Kush-beggi, ii. 130
Legacies of Bokhariot Jews, ii.. 110
Legend of Kyz-kala fortress, ii. 214
I Legends of Shah-Zindeh mosque, 572
Lepers at Khokand, 528, 539
— quarter near Bokhara, ii. 138
Lepidoptera of Alpheraky, M., 248
Kuldja, 248, ii. 596
— Turkistan, ii. 581
Leprosy in Samarkand, 541
— — Turkistan, 540
Zarafshan province, 538
Lepsa, Prisoners at, 670
— river, Description of, 183
Lepsinsk, Beekeeping in, 185
— station, 182
Lessar, M., Chapters on Turkmenia
revised by, ii. 435
Journeys of, ii. 472
\- on the Attek oasis, ii. 451
--------- — Saryks, ii. 445,
Letters and favours, Official, 12
! Libraries searched for Bibliography, ii.
I 654
I Library at Tashkend, 470
Library at Vierny, 279
— of Khan of Khiva, ii. 262
—4 — Tamerlane, 582
Linseed farming on the Amu, ii. 222
“ Lion’s Mouth | on the Amu, ii. 224
Liquor traffic among Jews in Russia, ii.
111— in Turkistan, 607
Little Balkhan mountains, ii. 437
Littoral of the Caspian, ii. 437
Lizards near'Ala-Kul lake, 148
Loading camels in the desert, ii. 387
Lodging at Aulie-Ata, ii. 330
Bokhara, ii. 80
— Khoja-Moburak, ii. 58
— Kitab, ii. 19
— Kunia Urgenj, ii. 352
fi j l y i?- Tashauz, ii. 330
— near Charjui, ii. 176
Logic of the Khan of Khiva, ii. 487
Lomakin, Gen., and the Yomud Turkomans,
ii. 463
Defeat of, in Turkmenia, ii. 464
London, Return of Author to, ii. 504
— to the Urals, 10
Love-making among Kirghese, 324
Lovers’ fortresses on'the Amu, ii. 214
Low spirits in the desert, ii. 422
Luggage attacked by robbers, ii. 336
Lunatics in Bokhara, ii. 250
Lunch at Khanki, ^'250
Lupandine, M., on bed of Oxus, ii. 407
Luxuries at Kunia Urgenj, ii. 364
M a c g r e g o r , Col., on Turkoman frontier,
ii. 466
MacLachlan, Rw, on Turkistan Neuro
ptera,ii. 609
Madrahim medresse at Khiva, ii. 289 '
Maieff, Col., Assistance from, 456
— gil Explorations of, ii. 50
- Routes of, ii. 51
Mammalia of Ala-Kul district, 149
Kuldja district, 247
-7-------- Semirechia, 160
Turkistan, ii. 515
Manak, Hawks at, ii. 326
— Corn-mill at, ii. 325
— Fruit-trees at, ii. 326
— Garden at, ii. 326
— Havli at, ii. 323
— — — Interior of, ii. 327
IP — Walls of, ii. 326
— Hospitality at, ii. 327
— Intoxicants at, ii. 326
— Oil-mill at, ii. 323
— Ruins near, ii. 327
— Uzbeg society at, ii. 323
Manchu, Massacre of, 203
7 ir
Manchu of the Ili valley, 257
Manghit rulers of Bokhara, ii. 72
Mangyshlak, Opposition to Russians at,
ii. 462
Manufactures of Khiva, ii. 287
Manuscript of Old Testament, ii. 115
Manuscripts of Bokhariot Jews, ii. n o
Tamerlane, 583
Maps of Central Asia, ii. 679
Maracanda, History of, 560
March along old bed of Oxus, ii. 391
Marching in a sea-bed, ii. 420
Marghilan, Climate of, 497
Marionettes at Khokand, 524
Market at Aulie-Ata, 364
— days at Iliali, ii. 333
— Samarkand, 605
— prices at Aulie-Ata, 365
Markozoff, Reconnaissances of, ii. 406
— Turkmenian failures of, ii. 462
Marmots in the desert, ii.,422
Marriage among the Kalmuks, 218
— customs among the Kirghese, 322
j — in Central Asia, ii. 35 2
— Semipolatinsk, 108
Marsh, Capt., on Turkmenian frontier,
ii. 466
Marshes of Kyzyl-Kum steppe, 426
Martens, Prof. von, on Turkistan mol-
lusca, ii. 537, 542
Mashrek, Ruins of, ii- 383
Massacre at Merv, ii. 456
— of Chinese, 203
! — Khivans at Merv, ii. 457
— Manchu, 203
Massoretic writing, ii. 115
Matmurad, Prime Minister of Khan, ii.
Mausoleum of Nedjm-ud-din-Kubera, ii.
Mausoleums of Kunia Urgenj, ii. 344
Maievsky, Col., Visit to, 253
Measures of Central Asia, 682
Meat at Khiva, Price of,'ii. 364
Kunia Urgenj, ii. 364
Mechanics in Semipolatinsk, 104
Medical staff of Akmolinsk, 53
Medicine and divinity conjoined, 18
Medresse at Tashauz, ii. 330
— of Shir-Dar, 586
Tillah-Kari, 586
—-----■ Ulug-Bek, 585
Medresses of Bokhara, ii. 89, 135
Khiva, ii. 288
— — Samarkand, 564, 586
Melons at Viemy, 277
'— of Khiva, ii. 266
---------Attempted cultivation in Eng-
■ land, ii. 266