Melons of Kosh-ku-pryk, ii. 317
Memorials of the Kirghese, 336
Men and bear fights, ii. 211
Mendicant prisoners at Bokhara, ii. 153
Mennonite colony at Khojeili, ii. 349
Mennonites in Aulie-Ata, 421
— of the Volga, ii. 350
—•-Persecution of, ii. 350
Merchandise of Khokand, 522
Merchant at Khokand, Visit to, 530
Merke, Author’s delay at, 362
Mertvy Kultuk route, ii. 493
M e r v , Abbott at, ii. 457
— Agriculture of, ii. 478
— AlikhanofF, Col., at, ii. 471
— Animals of, ii, 478
— Arab capture of, ii. 456
— Artisans.of, ii. 478
— as annexed, ii. 475
— Bazaar of, ii. 478
— Beg tribe o f T ekkes at, ii. 477
— Benoist-Mechin, Baron, at, ii. 474
— Bokhariot criminals banished to, ii.
456 '
— Bumes, Alex., at, ii. 457
— Canals at, ii. 476
— Carpet manufacture at. ii. 478
— Cattle of, ii. 478
—- Cotton cultivation at, ii. 478
— Counterfeit coin at, ii. 478
— Daily News correspondent at, ii. 467
—^ Dependence upon Khiva, ii. 486
— desert, Historical associations, ii. 456
— Dissentients in, ii. 488
— French travellers at, ii. 473
— Fruit of, ii. 477
— G a r d e n s o f , i i . 4 7 6
— Gunpowder manufacture at, ii. 478
H- Jews of, ii. 479
— Khivan defeats at, ii. 457
occupation of, ii. 457
— Lessar, M., at, ii, 472
— Manufactures of, ii. 478
— Massacre at, ii. 456
o f Khivans at, ii 457
— Mongol sacking of, ii. 69
— Moscow Gazette on submission, ii. 483
— Murgab river at, ii. 476
— oasis in Turkmenia, ii. 454
— ;— Area of, ii. 476
Irrigation of, ii. 476
y* — Occupations of Tekkes, ii. 478
Population of, ii. 477
Vegetation of, ii. 476
— O’Donovan, Mr., at, ii. 467
— Otamish Tekkes of, ii. 477
— Persian siege of, ii. 457
— Population of, ii. 483
— Produce of, ii. 479
M e r v , Rulers of, ii. 480
— Russian advance to, ii. 460
r-— Shakspear ut, ii. 457
— Slavery in, ii. 479
— Submission to Russia, ii. 487
— Suspicious movement of Russians at,
ii. 48s
— Tekkes, Distribution of, ii. 477
Divisions of, ii. 477
Number of, ii. 477
— Tomb of Sunjur Shah, ii. 456
-— Trade of, ii. 479
— Uzbeg occupation of, ii. 456
— Visit to, abandoned by Author, ii.
B* Wolff, Dr., at, ii. 457
Mervis. Moral characteristics of, ii. 479
— Religious characteristics of, ii. 479
Meteorological instruments lent by Mr.
Glaisher, 8
—- observations in Turkistan, 374
— tables of Turkistan, 376
Meteorology of Amu-daria province, 432
Central Asia, ii. 442
■ ' E Khiva, ii. 331
Omsk, 48, 49
Pamir, 493
— — Semipolatinsk, 137
—----Tashkend, 469
Miankal island, 535
Midnight intruders, ii. 6
Military buildings of Semipolatinsk, 114
— encampment at Bokhara, ii. 93
— hospital at Khokand. 525
Semipolatinsk, 115
— notions, ii. 194
Milk and cream at Bokhara, ii, 143
Minaret of Khiva, ii. 290
Minarets of Kunia Urgenj, ii. 342
Mineral oil at Krasnovodsk, ii. 496
— springs near Zaisan lake, 92
Minerals near Sergiopol, 145
— of Akmolinsk, 51
— -— Bokhara, ii. 141
Ferghana, 497
HH- Ili valley, 198
— Karamazar mountains, 515
Turkistan, 379
Mines at Karkaraly, 74
— near Baian-aul, 74
{**■ of the Steppe, 74
Miniature fortresses, ii. 321
Mining in the Ili valley, 198
Minister of Interior, Interview with, 11
Miri-arab medresse in Bokhara, ii. 89
Mirza Akhmet, Bek of Tashkend, 509
— Khoort, Croesus of Bokhara, ii. 150
— Yusuf, Parting with, ii. 166
Misbehaviour of “ Diotrephes,” ii. 338
Mission proposed at Lake Issik-Kul,
Missionary work of Russians, ii. 303
Missions to%Mongolia, ii. 404
Muhammadans, ii. 303
Mokanna, Prophet of Khorassan, ii, 456
Moldabavsk, Breakdown near, 363
Mollusks of Turkistan, ii. 537
Money arrangements at Tashkend, 473
— changing at Khiva, ii. 285
Samarkand, 610
— lending Jews in Russia, ii. 106
.— of Central Asia, 682
Mongol invasion of Central Asia, ii. 69
Mongolia, Missions to, ii. 404
Mongolians in Turkistan, 392
Monumental inscriptions scarce in Bokhara,
ii. 100
Monuments of the Muhammadans, 5S0
Moonlight suppers on Oxus, ii. 203, 206
Morals of Asiatic people, ii. 299
Moravitz, Dr. F., on bees, ii. 562
Morgan, Mr. Delmar, at Sergiopol, 145 |
-------- -on Ala-Tau range, 185
— m the “ Ehbi ” wind, 181
Moscow, Arrival at, 14
— Cathedral at, 15
— Exhibition at, 14
Gospel distribution at, ii. 238
— Gazette on Merv submission, ii. 483
Jews in, ii. 104
Moslem pilgrimages, ii. 294
Moslems frustrated by Author, ii. 112
Mosque at Karshi, ii. 47
— of Abdul Aziz Khan, ii. 100
Akhmed Yasavi, 391
X-----Hazret Imlah, ii. 100
Namazi-gah, ii. 123
Shah Zindeh, 571
Mosques at Bokhara, ii. 135
Khiva, ii. 288
— .— Kunia Urgenj, ii. 365
Samarkand, 586
Shahr, ii. 39
Tashauz, ii. 330
Mothers, Kirghese, 360
Moths of Turkistan, ii. 581
Mountains of Eastern Bokhara, ii. 50 I
Ili valley, 190
Kitab, ii. 9
Kyzyl-Kum Steppe, 426
Semirechia, 152
|g|Syr-daria province, 384
Turkmenia, ii. 437
Zarafshan province, 533
Mountebanks at Kitab, ii. 15
Mud walls of havli at Manak, ii. 326
Muhammadabad, Stewart and O’Donovan I
at, ii. 469
I Muhammad, Rosy, as Author’s servant,
“ •359
— E^nin, Decapitation of, ii. 457
j Muhammadan monuments, 580—595
— persecution of Jews, ii. 105
j — sanctity, ii. 344
— studies at Khiva, ii. 290
— tomb at Sary Baba, ii. 425
Muhammadans, Attitude towards Christianity,
ii, 302
Ii- Books bought by, 73
— Fanaticism of,- ii. 298
— Missions to, ii. 303
Religious orders of, ii. 295
— Russia’s responsibility towards, ii. 293
Mulberries at Khiva, ii. 267
Mulla Khan, ruler of Khokand, 509
Mullahs, Ignorance of Kirghese, 346
Murad Bek medresse at Khokand, 524
Muravieff on old bed of Oxus, ii. 406
Murchison, Sir R., on Aralo-Caspian
region, ii. 403
Murgab river, ii. 454
— at Merv, ii. 476
— valley at Penjdeh, ii. 454
Desolation of, ii. 455
Museum at Russian Tashkend, 441
Tashkend, 455
Mushketoff, M., on geology of Thian
Shan, 155
Music at Khiva, ii. 308
— — Petro-Alexandrovsk, ii. 233
— of the Dungans, 210
7-— Sarts, ii. 91
Musical entertainment at Kitab, ii. 15
H reception of Author at Charjui, ii.
Mussulman Kul, ruler of Khokand, 506
Defeat and death of, 509
Mussulmans, Characteristics of, ii. 299
Mutillidae of Turkistan. ii. 575
Mythology of Kirghese, 357
N a c h a l n i k o f K h o je n d , H o s p i t a l i t y o f,
Nakshbendi, Religious order of, 582
Namazi-gah mosque, ii. 123
Names of the Oxus, ii. 192
Naphtha springs at Cheleken, ii. 496
— wrorks on the Kizil Arvat line, ii. 496
Napier, Ca.pt. Hon. G., on Turkoman
frontier, ii. 466
Nasr-Ullah, late Emir of Bokhara, ii. 73
National Exhibition at Moscow, 14
Tative boats on the Amu-daria, ii. 200
- carts in Khiva, ii. 316
- dispensary at Tashkend, 450
- gain by Russian rule in Turkmenia, ii,