was taken there as prisoner about twenty years ago.
Several Europeans, however, have been there in the
present decade, and recently the eyes of all Europe
have been attracted to Merv in consequence of its
St. Quentin, Alexander, Albert, Guichard, Longjourel, 1245 to 1267 ;
the monk Andrew, 1248; Ruisbruque, 1253 ; Nicholas and Matthew
Paolo, 1230—60; Marco Paolo, 1271—»1295; Highton(P), 1254: Ricold
de Montecroce, 1290; John de Montecroce, 1288 to 1307 ; Odesico
Mateneci, 1317 ; John de Caro, 1330 ; Jourdan Cataliani, 1330; Pascal
de Victoria and Juan de Mariniolli, j'339—53 ; Francesco Pegoletta,
J335 > Mandeviile, 1322 to 1355 ; Arigo, 1374 ; Gomez de Satomajor
and Herman Sanitz, 1393 ; Gonzales de Clavijo, 1403 ; Schiltberger,
*395 to 1427; Conti, 1424 to 1449; Joseph Barbara, 1471 ; Ambrose
Contarini, 1473 : Bartem, 1502 to 1508.
In the 16th and 17th centuries occur the following :—Jenkinson and
Johnson in 1538 ; Jenkinson in 1561 ; Aldcock and Chiny (?) in 1564 ;
Edwards and Johnson, 1563 ; Edwards and Chapman, 1368 ; Borough,
Edwards, Turnbull, Talboys, and Hasasde, from 1579 to 1581 ; Nirberri
(?)> 1582 ; Kichel, 1585 to 1589 ; Kakasch and Dectander, 1602 ; Benedict
Goes, 1603 ; Tesseiro, 1604 ; Stelland Crofter, 1615 ; Posere, 1621;
Garcia Silva, 1621 ; Piestro de Lavalli, 1614 to 1626 ; Olearius, Krusius,
and Herbert, 1628 to 1641 ; Mandeilo and Fleming, 1636 to 1638; John
de Lucca, J 637; Anderson, 1644 to 1650; Tavernier, 1645 to 1670;
Shardan, 1666, 1669, and 1673 to 1677 ; Heidenfeldt, 1680; Struiss,
1645 to 1670; and Kempfer, 1684,
Among those who visited Central Asia in the 18th and 19th centuries,
and the accounts of whose travels are more or less known, are :—Meyer,
I7°3 >' Truschinski, 1713; Bucholtz, 171410 1717; Volynski, 1718;
Beneveni, 1718; Werden, Soimonoff, and Prince U'rusof, 17x9; Lik-
haref, 1720; Soimonoff, 1722; Harber, 1722 and 1723; Bruce, 1723;
Soimonoff and Dolmatof, 1726; Dubrovin, 1729 ; Harber, 1731; Tev-
kelef, 1731; Urgumef, 1732; Miller, 1734; Kushelef, 1733; Miller,
J739 > Thompson, 1740; Moravin, 1741 ; Gladishef, 1742; Miller,
:743 ; Elton, 1743 ; Lerche, 1747 ; Reigelmann, 1730; Rukavkin and
Maksulof, 1753 ; military expedition, 1767 ; Gordayef, Tokmachef, and
Panin, 1764; military expedition, 1767 ; Pallas and Kraft, 1-769; Gme-
lin, 1770; military expedition, 1771 ; Lovitch and Inokhdusef, 1769 to
1771 ; Islenief, Lepekhin, Rytchkof, Falck, andSokolof, 1771 ; military
expedition, 1774; Tchemishof, 1780 ; Efremof, 1774-1782 ; Noinof,
1871 ; military expedition, 1784, 1783, and 1790 ; Herman, 1790 ; Sivers,
1791; Blankenagel, 1793; Chevkin, 1794; Snegiref, 1795; Idanof,
1796; Pospelof and Bumashof, 1800; Gaverdooski, 1803; Telckerzam,
1805 ; Klaproth, 1807; Kolodkin, 1809— 1817; Nazarof, 1813; Kishu-
evski, 1806 to 1815 ; expedition to Svinsovi Mountains, 1814 to 1815 ;
incorporation by Russia. This brings us, however,
to a new chapter in the history of Turkmenia, once
more conquered by a European power.
Bystrinski, Zavialof, Meushenin, Losef, and Leshof, 1817 ; Bumashof,
1818; Muravief, 1819; Negri, Meyendorf, and Eversmann, 1820; Siberian
Line Surveys, 1820-to 1830; Levshin, 1820 to 1822; Muravief, 1821;
Berg, 1822 ; Bronevski, Grigorief, and Gorski, 1823 ; Jemchujnikof,
1823 and 1824; Berg, Lemm, and Eversmann, 1823 and 1826; Tafayefand
Yagmin, 1823 ; Bassargin, 1823, 1,824, 1825 ; Eichwaed and Ladyjinsk,
1826; Meyer, 1826; Engelhardtand Helmersen, 1826; Reconnaissance
from Semiarsk Outpost to River Chu, 1827 ; Helmersen and Hofmann,
1828 ; Humboldt and Rose, 1826 ; Survey of Orenburg region, 1830 to
1830; Lenz, Larin, and Karelin, 1830; Parrot, 1831; Karelin, from 1831
to 1832 ; Fedorof, 1832 to 1837 ; Helmersen, 1833 > Reconnaissance of
territory of Siberian Kirghese, 1832 to 1841 ; Habel, Vasilief, and
Demaisons, 1834; Sozi and Vitkevitch, 1833 ; Lessing, 1833 to 1836;
Helmersen, 1835; Karelin, Telkner, andBlaramberg, 1836; Caspian expedition,
i836andi837; HomerdeHell, 183610 1840; JacobKhanikof, 1836
to 1840; survey of territory, of Inner Kirghese Horde, 1836 to 1839;
Mansurof and Danilefski, 1837; Vitkevitch, 1837 and 1838 ; Lehmann,
1838 ; Eversmann, Leman, Bodisco,)Shirkof, Nicholas Khanikof, Khiva
expedition, and Vasilief, 1839 ; Kovalefski and Herrngrosz, 1839 and
1840; Reichenberg, 1840; Romanof, Blaramberg and Nikiforof, 1840;
Butenef, Leman, and Nickanyof, 1840 and 1841; Karelin, 1840 to 1842 ;
Dal, 1832 to 1841; Danilefski and Basiner, 1841 and" 1842 ; Gentz and
Schrenck, 1840 to 1844 ; Murchison, 1841 ; Sokolof, 1842 ; Ivanin and
Leman, 1846; Jerebtsof, 1847; Butakof, 1848 and 1849; surveying
corps, 1850.