Bo k h a r a , Bazaar of, ii. 133
— Bibliography of, ii. 667
— Book scarcity in, ii. 134
— Bribery in, ii. 152, 187
— British envoy sent to, ii. 74
— Building materials in, ii. 142
— Bumes’ visit to, ii. 73
Capital punishment in, ii. 152
— Caravan routes, ii. 55
— Caravansaries in, ii. 133
— Cistern at Haifa Khu-daidat, ii. 100
— City' of, History of, ii. 66
— Clock and towers at, ii. 125
— Coal at, ii. 141
— Colporteurs in, ii. 304
— Commerce of, ii. 133
— Conolly imprisoned at, ii. 76
g — killed at, ii. 76
— conquered by Jinghiz Khan, ii. 68
— Conversation at court, ii. 154, 189
— — with Kush-beggi, ii. 128
— Crops of, ii. 164
— Curiosities of, ii. 127
— purchased in, ii. 134
— Custodians in, ii. 140
— Dancing-boys at, ii. 89
— Danger of wealth in, ii. 187
— Departure from, ii. 163
— Deserted streets at night, ii. 92
—- Desire to mount a minaret, ii. 87
— Divan-beggi medresse, ii. 135
— Doctors in, ii. 149
— Earliest people of, ii. 67
— Eastern, Hospitality of natives, ii. 52
— Education in, ii. 120
— Emir of, Audience with, ii. 26
—---- Character of, ii. 24
— — ■—• Children of, ii. 188
— Conversation with, ii. 26
---------- Description of, ii. 24
— Drive in carriage of, ii. 30
— H a r e m o f , i i . 1 5 5
--- - Hospitality of, ii. 160
—---- Hostility to England, ii. 76, 77
—----- — Insults to Russians, ii. 76
---------Manner of life of, ii. 153
---------Palace of, ii. 125
---------Presents for, ii. 27
------------ returned by, ii. 36
— to Author, ii. 29
-------- - Schuyler’s description of, ii. 24
---------Scriptures accepted by, ii. 37
— — — Stremoukhof s account of, ii. 25
---------Submission to Russia, 625
---------Vambery’s description of, ii. 24
------------Wives of, ii. 156, 355
• - Espionage of Author at, ii. 94. 128
— Farm-houses in, ii. 165
— Fate of a fallen favourite, ii. 80
I Bo k h a r a , Feasting at, ii. 154
— Female seclusion in, ii. 156, 355
— fired by Mongols, ii. 68
— Frontier camp of, ii. 221
— Fruit-trees of, ii. 82
— Fuel at, ii. 142
— Furs at, ii. 134
— Gallop round walls of, ii. 101
— Garden produce of, ii. 142
— Gardens of, ii. 137, 165
— Gates of, ii. 101
— Graveyards of, ii. 249
-— Guest and prisoner at, ii. 140
~ Guest-houses in, ii. 80
— Gunpowder manufacture in, ii. 141
— Harvests of, ii. 164
— Hebrew MSS. in, ii. 114
Hindu disabilities in, ii. 100
twilit Sarai jqo
— History of, ii. 66
— Horse-dealing in, ii. 132
- Horticulture at, ii. 85, 165
— Immorality in, ii. 189
— Irrigation of, ii. 165
— Jenkinson’s journey to, ii. 71
— Jewish legacies in, ii. 110
— manuscripts at, ii. 110
— torahs at, ii. 110
— Jews of, 521, ii. 103
h—,—B- Interview with, ii. 108
Synagogue at, ii. 109
-—Judges in, ii. 187
■:— Jumma mosque at, ii. 95
7— Kamensky’s agent at, ii. 88
1— Khanate, ii. 49
|Dimens ion s of, ii. 49
— Divisions of, ii. 50
— Mountains of, ii. 50
I — -¿r- Soil of, ii. 50
E— Khudaiar Khan a refugee in. 509
— Kokol-task medresse in, ii. 89
— Kush-beggi, Visit to, ii. 125
— Land value at, ii. 165
— Lecturing the Kush-beggi, ii. 130
— Lepers’ quarter at, ii. 138
— Life in Emir’s harem, ii. 355
Lunatics in, ii. 250
Treatment of, ii. 145
— Manghit rulers of, ii. 72
-— Medresses of, ii. 135
— IM Visits to, ii. 89
— Military encampment at, ii. 93
— Milk and cream at, ii. 143
— Minerals of, ii. 141
— Miri-arab medresse in, ii. 89
— Moslems frustrated by Author, ii. 112
— Mosque of Abdul Aziz Khan, ii. 100
— — — Hazret Imlah, ii- 100
— Mosques of, ii. 135.
B o k h a r a , Musical entertainment at, ii.
89, 90
— Namazi-gah mosque, ii. 123
— Nasr-Ullah, late Emir of, ii. 73
— Native society in, ii. 150
— Natives and their diseases, ii. 144
— Official letters of Author, ii. 128
Opinions (Native) of Emir’s government,
ii. 188
— Orchards of, ii. 165
— Patron Saint of, ii. 71
— Perils of Dr. Wolff in, ii. 77
— Perquisites at, ii. 479
— Persian Jews in, ii. 108
';S§- Persians in, ii. 150
— Pillage of, ii. 68
[ ¡B Pink salt at, ii. 141
— Population of, ii. 124
Increase of, ii. 150
ra * Presents to Author, ii. 132
g S Kush-beggi, ii. 132
—- Prison torture at, ii. 75
I rM Prisons of, ii. 151
— Prostitution in, ii. 151
— Public pool at, ii. 147
— Punishment for theft, ii. 151
under Manghit rule, ii. 73
— Rebellious attitude of Author, ii. 136
— Religious buildings in, ii. 100
— — duties compulsory, ii. 73
— Reticence of Kush-beggi, ii. 129
— Ride outside walls, ii. 123
— Righistan of, ii. 125, 135
— Rishta disease in, ii. 146
^HRobbery in, ii. 135
— Russian agents in, ii. 88
1 ,a*:*:emPt *° release Stodaart, ii. 76
intercourse with, ii. 74
— missions to, ii. 75
— jfjijf spies at, ii. 74
— — warehouse at, ii. 88
—r Sacred singing in, ii. 91
— Samanid rulers of, ii. 67
Scarcity of monumental inscriptions,
ii. 100
— Schools in, ii. 120
— Seldjuk rulers of, ii. 67
— Sevier’s attention to the sick, ii. 163
— Sheibanid rulers of, ii. 71
— Shoemakers’ street in, ii. 133
— Sick Jews visited by Author, ii. 113
— Silk culture at, ii. 144
— Singing and dancing at, ii. 89
— Skin-dressing at, it 144
— Slaughter of defenders, ii. 69
— Slavery in, ii. 185
— Slumbers disturbed at, ii. 92
— Smokers punished in, ii. 73
— Splendid garden at, ii. 81
B o k h a r a , Stalls in, ii. 135
— Stations to Charjui, ii. 177
'—----- Katte-Kurgan, ii. 137
— Stoddart, Col., at, ii. 74
compelled to embrace Islamism,
. B ?5
imprisoned at, ii. 75
—‘— killed at, ii. 76
'— Streets and lanes of, ii. 135
— Subjects’ letters read by Emir, ii. 162
— Suburbs of, ii. 137, 165
— suing for peace, 624
— Sumptuous lodging at, ii. 80
— Suspicious hospitality at, ii. 82
— Tanning at, ii. 144
7— Taxes in khanate of, ii. 187
— the Noble,’ ii. 86, 120
*,jH- Trade of, ii. 133
— Tunisian Jews in, ii. 108
— “ Twickenham Ferry” in, ii. 91
— Uigur rulers of, ii. 68
— under Abdullah Khan, ii. 11
’— Unnatural practices in, ii. 158
—• Uzbeg rulers of, ii. 71
— Vegetation at, ii. 165
— Vocal entertainment by Author, ii. qi
-- ; Walls of, ii. 124
— Water of, ii. 149
— Weaving in, ii. 144
j-7 White asses at, ii. 163
Wine-drinkers punished in, ii. 73
— Wolff’s journey toj ii. 77
Bokhariot ambassadors, W elcome from,
ii. 10
— army, ii. 21
— boats, ii. 200
— bodyguard at Kitab, ii. 20
— communications, ii. 54
— conceit, ii. 25
— conquest of Ferghana, 506
— courtiers, Presents to, ii. 29
— cowardice, ii. 88
— criminals banished to Merv, ii. 456 .
— cunning, ii. 129
-— curiosities, ii. 185
— defeat at Uchum, 625
— Zerbulak, 625
■ by Gen. Romanovsky, 622 i
■ diseases cured by Issirik grass, ii. 57
— dislike of ruler, ii. 188
7 entry into Tashkend, 621
fyr etiquette, ii. 13
at Kitab. ii. 20
— evacuation of Khokand, 507
— exiles, ii. 210
H—• ignorance, ii. 124
: life in the harem, ii. 155
Jr manuscripts, ii. 115
— negotiations for peace, 624