I. C l e p t id a e , D l b .
1. Cleptes, Latr.
1. Cleptes Morawitzi, n.s.
I I . E l a m p id a e , D l b .
1. Omalus, Panz.
2. Omalus auratus, Dlb.
3. ,, pusillus, Fabr.
4 . ,, coeruleis, de Geer.
5. „ aeneus, Panz.
2. Elampus. Spin.
6. Elampus ambiguus, Dlb.
7. ,, truncatus, „
8. ,, femoralis, Evers.
3. Holopyga, Dlb.
9. Holopyga ovata, Pall.
10. ,, Bogdanovii, n.s.
I I I . H e d y c h r id a e , D l b .
1. Hedyehrum, Latr.
11. Hedyehrum incrassatum, Spin.
12. ,, lucidulum, Dlb.
I-!. ,, Erschovi, n.s.
14. ,, rutilans, Meger.
15. „ flavipes, Evers.
16. ,, Solskyi, n.s.
I V . C h r y s id id a e .
1. Chrysis, Fabr.
Group 1.
17. Chrysis vagans, n.s.
18. ,, varicomis, Spin,
uniformis, Dlb.
Group 2.
Fedchenkoi, n.s.
versicolor, Spin,
foveata, Dlb.
Group 3.
23. ,, cyanea, Lin.
Group 4.
Chrysis maracandensis, n.s.
indigotea, Duf.
dentipes, n.s., Rad.
nitidula, Fabr.
soluta, Dlb.
Ehrenbergi, ,,
palliditarsis, Spin,
orientalis, Dlb.
diversa, ,,
speciosa, n.s.
soror, Dlb.
kokandica, n.s.
sinuata, Dlb.
superba, n.s.
rutilans, Oliv,
analis, Spin.
Kessleri, n.s.
Grohmanni, Spin,
armena, ,,
Uljanini, n.s.
impar, Dlb.
ignita, Lin.
Group 5'
pulchella, Sp.
micans, Rossi,
sabulosa, n.s.
2. Stilbum, Spin.
Stilbum calens, Fabr.
3. Polyodontus, n.g., Sad.
Polyodontus Stchurovskyi, n.s.
V. E u c h r o e i d a e , D l b .
1. Euchroeus, Latr.
30. 31- 32-
45- 46.
52. Euchroeus quadratus, Kl.
2. Brugmoia, n.g., Rad.
53. Brugmoia pellucida, n.s., Rad.
VI. P a r n o p i d a e , D l b .
Parnopes, Fabr.
54. Parnopes carnea, Ross.
LEPIDOPTERA (.Butterflies and Moths').
By Nicholas G. Erschoff.
The Lepidoptera collected by Fedchenko serve as the chief, but not the
whole, of the materials for the following remarks for I made use of
certain information concerning the lepidoptera of Turkistan contained
in the works of Ménétriès2 and Eversmann.3
It appears that the total number known at present in Turkistan, and
included in my work, is 367 species, of which 122 are species of
The Lepidopterafurnished to meby Fedchenko, Golike.andDobujinsky
were collected in the eastern part of the Syr-daria province, in Kho-
kand, and in the Zarafshan valley, between 66° and 73^° long. E. from
Greenwich, and 39° and 43° N. lat. The species described by Messrs.
Ménétriès and Eversmann, though collected somewhat further east, and
perhaps to the north, are included by me in the list, on account of the
very great probability that they are also to be found in the province
whence were obtained the collections described in the present work.
The Syr-daria and Zarafshan provinces present a very great variety
in the character of localities ; we find in them a transition, in a horizontal
direction, from almost barren, sandy waste to the most fruitful
oases, and, vertically, from the level of the sea to the perpetual snowline.
Golike and Dobujinsky collected in the oases, the former at Hazret
or Turkistan city, and the latter at Samarkand, while Fedchenko’ s
expedition visited localities of diversified character. Since the various
localities appear to present important differences in the character of,
their fauna, I have considered it necessary to cite the place where the
Lepidoptera collected in Turkistan have been found.
The month and day (old style) of capture by the expedition is given
for each specimen, because they furnish interesting data concerning
the time of the appearance of the various forms in Turkistan. They
indicate the occurrence sometimes of two broods of such forms,
which in Europe appear in one brood ; as, for example, Spintherops
spectrum, Esp., Liithocolletis cpm^pctrella,, Z., and others. Finally,
we see from them that in Turkistan a certain number of Lepidoptera
fly even in the winter months, since we find that five species were
collected m February, three in "January, and three species even in
1 In Fedchenko’s collection there were in all 321 species, i.e., I of all the forms
here enumerated. Of these, 86 species, i.e. 27%, appeared to be new. Specimens
ot these, as well as of all animals collected by the expedition, are preserved in the
Zoological Museum of the Imperial University of Moscow. Besides those collected
by Fedchenko, there were others in the collection, caught by Myshenkoff, Lovitsky,
and Veltsin.
2 * Description des insectes recueillis par feu M. Lehmann.” Some Lepidoptera
found in Bokhara are described here, of which four species were not found by
the expedition, namely, Argyrospila succinea, Esp., Ligia ciliaria, Men., L. simi-
Liana, Men., and Margarodes unionalis, Hb.
3 Of those enumerated by Eversmann there have not been found since -.—Polyom.
Athamanthis, Ev., Lyc. Elvira, Ev., Agrotis fallax, Ev., Agr. acuminifera, Ev.,
naaena. Hrghisà, Ev., H. abrupta, Ev., described in the Bulletin de la Société
impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 1854 and 1856.