
articulationibus singulis connexa, húmida erecta, sicca incurva vel sinistrórsum subconvoluta, paulispor
hygroscopica. Calyptra cuculiata.—Habitus Trichostomi. Florescentia monoica, fl. masc. axillaris, gem-
1. Desmatodon n erv o su s (Br. et Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 132) ; caule humili, foliis patentibus sic-
citate inllexis vel convolutis ovali-oblongis apiculatis concavis margine revolutis, nervo valido superne incrassato
spongioso excurrente, capsula ovali-oblonga erecta exannulata, operculo suboblique conico-rostellato,
peristomio dentibus iuæqualibus.
H a b . Oil dry earth, banks, etc., abundant, J. D. Cheshunt, Archer.
D i s t r ib . New Zealand, Europe, America.
Dr. Hooker’s specimen has the peristome longer than usual, approaching to that of Tortida. Nearly allied to
TortvXa recni-vata (Hook.), but the leaves are shorter aud more thickly neiweci.
Gen. XV. TORTELA, Schreh.
Peristomium simplex; denies 32, longissimi, filiformes, sinistrórsum contorti, hygroscopici, basi membrana
brevi vel in tubum producta coaliti. Capsula erecta, oblonga, annulata. Operculum conicum, oblique
1. T o rtu la K n igh tii (Mittcn) ; “ monoica, habitu statura coloreque T. Northianoe similbma, foliis
siccitate crispatis húmido patentibus e basi paululum latiore subovata lanceolatis apice acumiuatis, comalibus
sensim ad apiccm angustatis lanceolatis marginibus undulatis integerrimis nervo concolore excurrente
mucronatis, cellulis basi hyalinis elongatis utrinque ad margines altiore quam in medio adsccndentibus
subito in minutas virides obscuras transeuiitibus, perichætialibus longioribus paululo latioribus, tbeca in
pedúnculo rubro cylindrica, operculo subulato, theca dimidio breviore peristomio et flore masculo T.
Northianoe.”—Mitten, in Journ. Limn. Soc. ined. T. cæspitosa, var.. Hook. fil. et Wils. in Fl. N. Zeal,
p. 70. (Tab. CLXXII. Eig. 11.)
H a b . Wellington Falls, Mount Wellington, Mosman.
D is t iu b . New Zealand.
“ Distinct from T. Nortìiiana (Grev.) = T. cæspitosa (Schwægi-.) in the much naiTower leaves, witli undulated
margms.” Mitten, I.e.—P l a t e CLXXII. Fig. 11; 1 and 2, leaves; 3, capsule; 4, ditto, with operculum removed
; 5, male flower :—all magnified.
2. T o rtu la recurvata (Hook. Muse. Exot. t. 130) ; monoica, caule humili, foliis patentibus siccitate
erectis inflexis ligulato-lanceolatis concaviusculis nervo crasso excurrente apiculatis margine revolutis,
seta elongata gracili, capsula oblonga suberecta, auuulo simplici, operculo conico-subulato.
H a b . On wet ground : Mount Dromedary. [Oldfield, ZZb.)
D i s t r ib . Soutb Africa.
Nearly allied to Desmatodon nervosus, twice as tall, and of more slender \\úiii.— Leaves almost ligulate, the
nerve not so much thickened upwards. Seta very pale reddisli, 1 inch long. Capsule elongated, tapering at the
base and in the upper part, pale reddish-brown. Peristome twisted, and perfectly conformable to the genus.
3. T o rtu la torquata (Taylor) ; foliis confertis erecto-patentibus siccitate spiraliter arctcque con-
tortis lanceolatis acuminatis integerrimis margine revolutis, nervo valido subexcurrente, capsula erecta
oblonga, operculo subulato.—Taylor, in Lond. Journ. Bot. v .p . 50 ; Mitten, in Journ. Linn. Soc. ined.
H a b . Cheshunt, Archer.
4. T o rtu la Au stralasise (Hook, et Grev. in Brewst. Journ. Sc. i. 301. t. 12) ; caule breviusculo
subsimplici, foliis lineari-lanceolatis acutis patentibus subrecurvis siccitate crispis tortilibus carinatis margine
subreflexis nervo rubcllo percursis, capsula ovato-cylindracea, operculo brevi-rostrato.
Var. foliis laxioribus. [Oldfield.)
H a b . Hobarton, on tbe ground, L yall; west side of Cataract, Launceston, Archer.
D is t r ib . New Zealand, Australia.
5. T o rtu la calyc in a (Schwægr. Suppl. t. 110); caule brevissimo subramoso, foliis lanceolatis sub-
undulatis margine planis crassinerviis, perichætialibus elongatis vaginantibus, seta longissima, capsula ellip-
tico-oblonga suberecta, operculo longissiino subulato.—T. flexuosa, var.?. Hook. Muse. Exot. t. 125.
Var. foliis longioribus acutioribus attenuatis. [Cunn)
H a b . Hobarton ; on stones and at the foot of trees, dry hills : Brown’s River, etc., Lyall. [Oldfield,
331, 132.) [Cunn, 1620, 1587.) Port Sorrell, Archer.
D is t r ib . New Zealand, Australia, East Indies.
6 . T o rtu la pungens (Hook. fil. et Wils.) ; dioica, caule longiusculo subramoso rigidulo, foliis
erecto-patentibus subrecurvis siccitate crispato-tortis lanceolato-ligulatis margine revolutis dorso papillatis
nervo valido concolore in mueronem lævem breviusculum excurrente, perichætialibus longioribus erectis
lanceolatis membranaceis subvaginautibus, capsula cylindrica curvula.—T. luteola. Mitten, in Keiv Miscel.
1 8 5 7 , 2 5 8 ! T. Tasmanica, Hampe, in Linnaa ? (Ta b . CLXXII. Fig. 7.)
H a b . Common on rocks : Grass Tree Hill, etc., J. I . IL , Gunn ; on a high hill called the Dromedary,
Johnny’s Creek. [Oldfield, l i b ) Chesliunt,
D is t r ib . Australia.
Nearly allied to T.pilifera (Hook. Muse. Exot. t. 12).—Leaves wider, not .piliferous, less dilated below, more
crisped wlien dry. Perichatial leaves less sheathing. Seta longer (1 inch), reddish below, yellowish above»
flexuose.—P la t e CLXXII. Fig. 7 ; l.le a f; 2, capsule; 3, calyptra;—all magnified.
7. T o rtu la A n ta r c tica [Barhula, Hampe, C. Mueller, Syn. Muse. i. 638) ; synoica, laxe cæspitosa,
caule inferne radiculoso subgracili longiusculo, foliis erecto-patentibus subrecurvis siccitate laxe tortis lan-
ceolato-ligulatis obtusis canaliculato-cariiiatis nervo crasso rubentein aristam hyalinam spinulosam producto
margine revolutis basi pellucide reticularis superne dense minute areolaris clilovopliyllosis tenuissime papillosis,
capsula in pedicello stricto rubenti-stramineo erecta.—T. Muelleri, Fl. Antarct.p. 103; Fl. N . Zeal,
p . 71. Syntrichia priuceps. Be Not. ex parte Mitten, in Journ. Linn. Soc. ined. (Ta b . CLXXII. Fig. 8 .)
H a b . Hobarton, J. B. H. ; Port Sorrell, Archer.
D is t r ib . Falkland Islands, New Zealand.
Leaves fawn-coloured, more lax and more twisted when dry than in T. Muelleri (Br. ct Sch.), to which it is
more nearly allied than to T. lævipila (Schwægr.), which has spathulate leaves.—P late CLXXII. Fig. 8 ; 1, leaf ;
2, capsule ; 3, calyptra ;—all magnified.
8 . Tortu la cuspidata (Hook. fil. et 'Wils.) ; synoica, caule longiusculo crassiusculo subramoso,
foliis confertis erecto-patentibus subrecurvis siccitate incurvis ligulatis obtusis margine revolutis nervo
crasso rubcnte in mueronem longiusculum lævem producto basi pellucide reticularis superne minutissime
densius areolatis papillosis, capsula in pedicello rubelio torto erecta.—Syntrichia princeps. Be Not. ex parte
Mitten, in Journ. Linn. Soc. ined. (Ta b . CLXXII. Fig. 9.)
I Iab. Moistearth, in woods, on Mount Wellington, Kangaroo B ottom,/ . i> ./ / . ; Cheshunt,
D is t r ib . New Zealand.