
I-I.AB. Sea-shores.
D i s te ib . Sliores of New HoUand, New Zealand, Chili, Cape of Good Hope, and Canary Islands.
The less or greater length of racMs, and the absence or presence of spines on the surface of the frond, characters
which distinguish the E. radiata and E. exasperata of Agardh from each other, are certainly variable, and we
think we have satisfactoi-ily traced one form into the other. Nor is E. Ricltardiana a more satisfactory species.
Gen. S S I . CHORDA, Stacich.
(Lamour. Ess. p. 26. Lyngb. Hyd. Dan. p. 72. Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 46. Harv. Phyc. Brit. 1.107, 285. Kütz.
Sp. Alg. p. 548. Scytosiphon, Endl. 3rd Suppl. p. 25. J. Ag. Sp. AJg. i. p. 125.)
1. Chorda lomentar ia (Lyiigb. H jd . Dan. p. 74. t. 18 ; Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 2 8 5 ).-Scytosiphon
lomentarium, J. Ag. Sp. Alg. i.p . 126.
H a b . Georgetown, Gunn, etc. Southport, C. Stuart.
D i s t r ib . Native of the Atlantic and Pacific, in the northern and southern temperate zones, and of
the Antarctic Sea.
Gen. S X I I . ADENOCYSTIS, E o o L fil. et Ham.
(Fl. Antarct. i. p. 179. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 124. C/wrrf« sp., Kiitz.)
1. A d en o c y s tis L e s so n ii (Hook. fil. et Harv. PI. Antarct. i. p. 179; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 124).
—Asperococcus Lessonii, Bory, Coq. t. 1 1 ./ . 2. Chorda Lessonii, Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p . 549.
H a b . Tide-pools at Port Arthur, W. H. H.
D i s t r i b . Antarctic shores. New Zealand.
Gen. X X III. HALYSERIS, Targion.
(Targion. MS. Ag. Sp. i. p. 141. Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 63. Endl. 3rd Suppl. p. 34. Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 19.
Kütz. Phyc. p. 340. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 114. Kütz. Sp. Alg. p. 561.)
1. H a ly se r is M u eller i (Sond.) ; stipite elongato ramoso, fronde dichotoma v. suppressione ramo-
mm alterne ramosa, sinubus obtusiusculis, segmentis erectis latis linearibus mtegernmis sæpe alterne
divisis, lamina crassiuscula enervi, antheridiis sparsis.— S a rv . Alg. W. Austr. %n Trans. R. I. A. xxn.
p. 535. H. polypodioides, Harv. in Bond. Jotirn. Bot. Y\. p . 415.
H ab. Georgetown, e tc ., common.
D i s t r ib . Abundant along the western and southern coasts of AustraUa.
(J A-. Linnæa, xv. p. 444. Endl. 3rd Suppl. p. 2b. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 106. Stypopodii sp., et Phyeoptms,
Kütz. Sp. Alg. 563, 564.)
1. Z ona r ia interrup ta (Ag. ; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 111).—Phycopteris interrupta, Kiitz. Sp. Alg.
p . 564. Pucus interruptus. Turn. Eist. t. 245.
H a b . Georgetown, R. Gunn, etc.
Gen. XXV. DICÏYOTA, Lamour.
(J. Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 86. Kütz. Sp. Alg. p. 553. Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 103.)
1. D ic ty o ta fa stig ia ta (Sond. Bot. Zeit. 1845, p. 5 0 ; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 100).
H a b . Flinders’ Island, Milligan.
D i s t r ib . West and south coasts of Australia.
2. D ic ty o ta paniculata (J. Ag. Symb. p. 5 ; Sp. Alg. i. p. 9 1 ; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 558).
H a b . Georgetown, etc.
D i s t r ib . Coasts of Australia.
3. D ic ty o ta dichotoma (Lamour. ; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 92 ; Kütz. Sp. Alg. p. 554 (also I), vulgaris,
Kütz.) ; Harv. Phyc, Brit. t. 103).—Ulva dichotoma, E ig . Bot. t. 774.
H a b . Georgetown, etc.
D i s t r ib . Cosmopohtan.
4. D ic ty o ta n e rv o sa ? (Suhr, in Flora, 1834, ii. 1 .1. f. 4 ; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 95 ; Harv,! Alg.
Austr. Exsic. n. 74).
H a b . Georgetown.
D i s t r ib . Cape of Good Hope.
(J. Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 83. Endl. 3rd Suppl. p, 26. Spermatochnus, Kütz. Phyc. p. 334. Sp. Alg. p. 549.)
1. S tilop h ora rhizodes (J. Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 85; Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 70).—Fucus rhizodes,
Turii. E is t. t. 235.
H a b . Georgetown, in tidal pools, and on the mudflats.
D i s t e ib . Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America.
2. S tilophora Lyngbysei (J. Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 84; Haiv. Phyc. Brit. t. 237).
H a b . Georgetown, in deep water.
D i s t r ib . Shores of Europe, King George’s Sound.
(Lamour. Ess. p. 61. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 74. Encoelium et Ealoglossum, Kütz.)
1. A sp er o co ccus T um e r i (Hook. Br. Fl. ii. p. 277; Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 11).—A. bulbosus,
Lamour. Ess.p. 6 2 ; Grev. Alg. B r it.p . 51 ; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. i.p . 76.
H a b . Georgetown, etc., common.
D i s t r ib . Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean, coasts of New Holland, Cape of Good Hope, and Falkland
2. A sp er o co ccus sinu osus (Bory; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 75).—Encoelium sinuosnm, Kütz. Sp.
Alg. p. 552.
(J. Ag. Alg. Medit. p. 34. Endl. 3rd Suppl. p. 23. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 60.)
1. Liebmannia? au stralis (Ilarv.) ; fronde subsimiflici v. sæpius vage ramosa nunc ramosissima,
ramis cylindraceis v. inæquahtcr incrassatis carnoso-gelatinosis apice obtusis v. acutis, filis axillaribus densis,
pei'iphericis elongatis dichotomis, articulis cylindraceis diametro 3-4-pIo longioribus, sporis obovoideis.__
Earv. Alg. Exsic. n. 8 8 .