
cross the stein transversely without the least tendency to decuvrence. The apices of the leaves being a little iucuned,
and the leaves themselves subeonnivent, give the plants a canaliculate appearance.—P la t e CLXXIX, Fig. 2 ; 1, a
portion of the stem, «ith leaves and stipule :—inatjnified.
2. Ch ilosc3rphus B illa rd ie r i (Nees ab E .; G, L. et N. Syn. Hep. pp. 175 et 704).
H a b . Tasmania, Labillardiere, Menzies.
8 . Ch iloscyph u s Gunnianus (Mitten) ; caule repente vage ramoso, foliis imbricatis perfoliatis
subdeltoideis apice bispinosis margine dorsali spinoso-dentato in folium oppositum late transeunte margine
ventrali bidentato basin versus valde arcuato in ampliigastrium transverse oblongum apice breviter biden-
tatum lateribus extus circiter quadrideiitatis decurrente. (T a b . CLXXVIII. Fig. 8.)
H a b . Tasmania, Gunn.
Sordide pallide fusca, CauUs bipollicaris, flaccidus. Folia explanata, margiue dorsali apicem basinque versus
ilentibus subulatis spinoso-dentato, medio sæpe lærinsculo, apice ut plurimnm bispinoso, rarius unispiiioso, margine
ventrali undulato, dentibus latioribus. Amphigastria transverse oblonga vel latissime cordata, sinu brevi rotundato
breviter bidentata, lateribus utrinque medium versus breviter quacb-identatis. Textura foliorum tenera, e cellulis parvis
hexagonis iutercalaribus nullis composita. Spica masculæ breves, foliis ovatis acntis dentatis concavis, inter folia
amphigastriaque omnino latentia.
A remarkable species, possessing considerable resemblance to C. Billardieri in tbe general outline and dentation
of its leaves, but its areolation is altogether different.—P l a t e CLXXVIII. Fig. 8 ; 1, a portion of the stem, with
leaves and stipule ;—magnified.
4. Ch iloscyphus fissistip u s (Hook. fil. et Tayl. Flor. Antarct. p. 157).
H a b . Tasmania, Lahillardiere. St. Patrick’s River, 2Stli October, 1845, and Circular Head, Gunn.
Back River Gully, Oldfield. Tents Creek, Archer.
5. Chiloscjrphus csrmbaliferus {Jungermannia, Hook. fil. et Tayl. Flor. Antarct. p. 137. t. 64.
G. L. et N. Syn. Hep. p. 711).
H a b . Mount WeUington, Mossman, 780, in. part.
6 . Ch iloscyphus sinu o sus [Hook.] (G. L. et N. Syn. Hep. pp. 175 et 705).
H a b . Valleys near Hobarton, J. D. II. North-west Bay Gully, Oldfield.
7. Ch iloscyphus eo a litu s [Hook.] (G. L. et N. Syn. Hep. pp. 180 et 706).
H a b . Tasmania, Gunn, J. D. II. Among other Hepaiicce : Back River Gully, Mount Wellington,
West-end Rivulet, Archer.
The perianths of this species are small, campanulate, aud with the laciniæ of the unequally dentate mouth
f. 5
incurved. The involucral leaves are minute and denticulate.
8 . Ch iloscyphus la x u s (Mitten; Hook. fil. Fl. N. Zeal. p. 142. pi. 99. fig. 1).
H a b . Growing amongst Symphogyna fiabellata and Lepidozia tenax, Gunn. With Radula buccinata
and Metzgeria furcata : Back River Gully. North-west Bay Gully, Oldfield.
9. Ch iloscyph u s tr id en ta tus (Mitten) ; caule procumbente elongato subsimplici, foliis patentibus
brevi-oblongis subquadratisve distiche explanatis apice truncatis breviter tridentatis sinubus obtusis marginibus
recurvis superficiem convexam formantibus statu sicco vel húmido immutatis, amphigastriis parvis
quadridentatis basi uno latere cum folio eoalitis, perianthio juvenili in ramo brevissimo laterale campanulato?—
C. corabinatus. Mitten, in Fl. N . Zeal. p . 141 ; G. L . et N. ex parte Syn. Hep.p. 182. (T a b .
CLXXIX. Fig. 1.)
Ya&maxi\a,I)urn.ont d'Urville, Archer. Damp ground: Grass-tree Hid, St. Patrick's
River, Gunn.
Folia firma, convexa, apiee ut plurimum sub-.
Hqjaiiccs, by JF. Mitten?)
Pallide fusco viridis. Caulis subimcialis, pare
truncata, breviter trideiitata, rarius bidentata.
A small species, often not much longer thau C. echinellus, «nth rarely branched stems, aud leaves of a firm
texture, not altered in form or dii-cction by drying. The original specimens of C. combinatus, kindly lent by Nees
ran Esenbeck, are a rather larger species, with soft and flaccid leaves composed of more lax ceUs.—P l a t e CLXXIX.
Fig, 1; 1, a portion of tlie stem, «ith leaves and stipule :—maynified.
10. Chiloscyphus echin ellus (Mitten, in PI. N, Zeal. p. M l ) .—Lophocolea echmella, G. L . et
N. Syn. Rep. p . 70S.
H a b . Creeping amongst Mosses, Arelier.
Gen. T l . PSILOCLADA, Mitten.
1. P silo c lad a clan de stina (Mitten, in PI. N. Zeal. p. 143. pi. 9 9 . f. 4).
H a b . Tasmania, Gnnn.
Gen. T I I . GÏMN ANTHE, Icnjl.
1. Gymnanthe saccata (Tayl. PI. Ant, p. 163; G.L . e tN . Syn. Hep. pp. 193 et 712).—Jnnger-
mannia saccata. Reek. Muse. Exot. t. 16.
H a b . Ovens Creek, Areher.
2. Gymnanthe tene lla (Hook. ffl. et Tayl. Lond. Jonrn, Bot. 1844, p. 377 ■ G L et N Syn
Hep. pp. 192 et 712). (T a b . CLXXIX. Eig. 3.)
H a b . St. Patrick's Eiver, Gunn. Springs; Mount Wellington, Otd/etJ, Mosman. Bronn's River,
Oldfield. Cheshunt, Areher.
It appears th.it. although Dr. Taylor first distinguished this from 0. saccata, he had afrenvavds misgiidugs
that it was but a slate ot the same species, for nohvithslaudiiig the p e a t difference iu appearauce between the sped-
mens ot G. tenella iu Herb. Gresdhe, aud the larger states ot G. saccata, differences for the most part owing to the
Bubbidentate leaves and empty cells in the oiiginal specimens, afi those received from New Zealand nnd Tasmania,
although having the le.aves ot the s.ame torm, have the ceOs more or less replete with colouring matter, and agree in
colour and substance with those ot G. saccata, there being in reahty no difference between the two in the sise of
the cells. It is greatly lo he desired thnt G. saccata, G. tenella, and G. Urcilkaaa should be carefuDy observed in
their phiccs of p o r f i , tor it appears hy no means improbahle that they are but different slates of the same species.
—P la t e CLXXIX. Fig. 3 ; 1, a portion of stem and leaves ;—magnified.
3. Gymnanthe U r v illean a (Tayl. Loud. Journ. Bot. 1844, p. 4 6 8 ; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep. pp.
193 et 712 ; Fl. Antarct. pp. 153 et 435).—Scapania Urvilleana, Mont. Voy. au Pole Sud, t. 1 6 . / . 2.
Plagiochila abbreviata, Tayl. (Jungermannia) Lond. Journ. Bot. 1844, p p . 374 et 377; G. L . et N. Syn.
Hep.p. 646.
P Ia b . Tasmania, Gunn, J. B .H ., Archer.
4. Gymnanthe cin erasc en s (Lehm. et Ld b g .; Mitten).—Jungermannia cinerascens, Lehm. et
Ldbg. in P u g .p l. 4. p. 46 ; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep.p. 78. (T a b . CLXXIX. Fig. 4.)
H a d . St. Patrick’s River, Gunn.
Although the perfect torus of this species is yet wanting, there are sufficient indications present in the specimeus
to warrant its being placed in this geuus. The stipules, overlooked in the description of the plants in the
‘ Synopsis Ilepaticarum,’ are uevertheless present as well in the specimen kindly contributed by Dr. Lehmauu as in
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