
. Tetnarrhena d istichop h y lla {Br. Prodr. 21 0 ); rigid., scaberula et pilosa, culmis basi ramosis
eæspitosis M .0S.S, tolus distiobis brevibus strictis plauis eoucavisve vagiuisqne sulcatis ore ciliatis, spiculis
seabris pilosis axe imbricatis inferioribus pedicellatis, paleis nervosis, floris inümi hormaphrodito multo
bretnore.—Ebrbarta distichophylla, Lah. Nov. EoU. i. 90, t. 117. (Gunn, 1473.)
H a b . Dry woods, probably common : Hobarton and Penquite, Omn .— {F\. N o v .)
A very harsh, rigid, tufted Grass, a span to a foot high, v.ri.hlc in sizo, very rough to the toncli, also covered
wrth short spreading h a irs .-O tó i, ascending, of many short branohes, and a few long flowering ones, some of
them prostrate, and covered with sheaths. Leave, more or less closely imbricated, distiehous, strict nnd rigid, fl.t
or concuve, deeply grooved ¡ sheaths haify at the month ; blade J - I J iuch long. FUwmng e , l , le.fy to the top.
Sp,ke u- 2 inches long, erect; lower spikelets pedicelled. SpikeUl, scabrid and pubescent, blm.t, i iuch long.
Glurnes and lowei-palea short, broad, blunt.
2. Tetrarrhena ten a c issim a (Nees, in Hook. Lond. Joum. Bot. ii. 409) ; scabrida, culmis olon-
gatis flexnosis mtertextis laxe foliosis ad nodos ramosis, foliis planis, vaginis ore ciliatis, cnlmis floriferis gra-
cihbns, spiculis glabns, glumis obtnsis neiwosis, paleis obtnsis inferiore cæteris J breviore.— T. contexts
Mueller, MSS. (Ounn, 987.) (T a b . OLIT.)
H a b . Moist places, near the sea, at Black Eiver (north-west coast), Gmn.
D is t e ib . Tictoria, Cape Otway, south-east c o a st ot Australia.
A veiy remarkable Grass, cKmbiug over bushes wflth its flexuous, blanching oulms, 6-7 feet lonr.—Whole
plant very scabrid. Calm, deeply flnrowed. Leave, remote, with loug sheaths, haiiy at the mouth and blades,
1 1., inch long. Spike, 1 meh long, of eight to ten distichons, smooth spikelets on a lloxuous laohis, terminating
the slender upper part of the eulm. Glume, blunt, nerved; lower palea blunt, itself as long as the upper which
are also blunt, and 2 lines long.-PiATE CLIV. Fig. 1, spikelet; 2, hermaphrodite flower; 3, ovary and squa-
mulæ :—all magnified.
3. T etra rrhena acuminata {Br. Prodr. 310) ; culmis decumbentibus, foliis brevibus vaginisque
glabris, spica oblonga 4 -8 , spiculis lanceolatis, palea iuferiore nervosa acuminata, superiore breviore truncata.
H a b . Tasmania, Rroîiî« ; Longford, «írcíe;-.— (PI. Nov.)
D is t k ib . Victoria.
A slender, much branched species.— decumbent, about 6-12 inches high. Leaves short, 1-3 inches
long, glabrous. Spike oblong, of four to eight large, lanceolate spikelets. Palea strongly striate; outer acuminate;
luner shorter, truncate.
Giumæ minimæ, 3-floræ, floribus remotæ ; fioribus approximatis, stipitatis, stipite barbato, inferioribus
neutns 1-paleatis, paleis aristatis, terminali hermaphrodite. Fl. hermaph. Paleæ 2 ; inferiore carinata
acuminata v. anstata ; superiore breviore, lineari, hyalina. Squamulæ 2, glabræ. Stamma 4. Ovarium
sessile. Caryopsis libera, paleis obtecta.—Culmis simplicibus v. ramosis ; foliis parvis v. elongatis, planis ;
spiculis racemosis v.paniculatis.
A small geuus of Australian, Tasmanian, and New Zeaiaud Grasses, doseiy allied to Tetrarrhena, diifering
from it k the long villous pedicel lo the florets, which are thus separated from the small glumes, as also by the
narrow awned palea of one or both ot the nenter flowers, the linear, hyaflne, upper palea of the terminal flower and
the Knear, compressed caryopsis; the stamens are four. (Name from p.apos. mall, .aud yW a . a coverm'g¡ iu
allusion to the small glumes.) '
Gramineae] FLOKA OP TASMANU. 1 0 5
1. Mic rolæna Gunnii (Hook, fil.); cnlmis elongatis foliosis vaginis foliisque scaberulis pilosisve,
racemo elongato subsimplici, pedicellis breviusculis, glumis minimis acutis stipite florum æquilongis, aristis
palcarnm inæqualibus, paleis scaberulis v. dorso cibatis inferiore intermedio i breviore, floris hermaphroditi
inferiore aeuminato v. subaristato. [Gunn, 1492.) (T a b . CLV. A.)
U a b . Penquite, near Launceston, Ounn; Cheshunt, Archer; Huon Eiver, OUJield.— ( i l Nov.)
Culm, tnfted, branched below, 2-3 feet high, leafy. Sheath, rough or polished. Leave, h.iiy or srabious,
rarely smooth, then blade 2 inches long. Pankle drooping, slender, 6 -8 inches long. SpikeM, sessile or on veiy
short pedicels, 1* inch long, kcludkg the long awus, the lower of which is fully one-third shorter than the other.
Glume, very small, as long as the stalk of the flower, sharp-pointed. Palea deeply furrowed, rough or ciliated at
the back; intermediate one acumk.rte. or with a very short awn.—Very nearly allied to ilf. etipoide,, bnt larger,
more rough and hairy, with a shorter pedicel lo the flower.—P la t e CLV. A. Fig. 1, spikelet, 2, hermaphrodite
flower; 3, squamulæ, ovaiy, and stamens:—a77m ‘ '
2 . Mic rolæn a stip o id e s (Br. Prodr. 210) ; glabra v. vaginis foliisque parce pilosis, culmis gracilibus
basi ramosis foliosis, panicula gracili nutante, pedicellis inferioribus elongatis, glumis minimis acutis sti-
pite florum brevioribus, aristis palearum subæquilongis, paleis scaberulis subæqualibus v. inferiore 4 bre-
viore, floris hermaphroditi palea inferiore acuta v. breviter aristata.— Agrost. p . 16; Fl. N . Zeal. i.
289. Ehrharta stipoides, Lab. Fl. Nov. Holl. I p . 16. t. 118. {Gunn, 997.)
H ab. Launceston and Flinders’ Island, etc., Gunn.— {Y\. Nov.)
Dist iu b. South-eastern and South-western Australia, from Port Jackson to Swan Eiver; New Zealand.
A slender Grass, 18 inclies to 2 feet high, smooth or slightly hairy on the sheaths and leaves, which are short
and flat (2-3 inches \ong).—Panicle branched at the base, long, slender, nodding. Lower spikelets on long slender
stalks. Glumes veiy minute, deciduous, generally shorter thau the bearded pedicel of the flowers. Flowers 1 inch
long, the two lower of one palea each, their awns of equal length, in the lower 4 shorter than in the upper. Lower
palea of the upper flower sharp or with a short bristle.
Gen. I I I . DIPLAX, Banks et Sol.
Glumæ minimæ, 3-floræ ; /m d w i sessilibus, approximatis, basi nudis; inferioribus neutris, 1-paleatis,
paleis acuminatis v. aristatis; supremo hermaphrodite 2 -paleato, palea inferiore acuminata, superiore hya-
lina. Squamulæ 2, glabræ. Stamina 2-4. Caryopsis libera, paleis obtecta.—Culmis simplicibus v. ramosis
; foliis elongatis, planis ; panicula nutante.
A Tasmanian and New Zeaiaud genus, veiy nearly allied to Microlæna, but differiug in the sessile flowers not
hairy at the base, and the obscurely awned paleæ of the neuter flowers. (Name in allusion to the two stamens of
the first-described New Zealand species.)
1. D ip la x Tasmanica (Hook, fil.) ; glaberrima, culmis cæspitosis basi foliosis (foliis planis) superne
gracihbus, racemo brevi ranfloro, spiculis longe pedunculatis, gluma snperiore obtusa inferiore ter majore
paleis 4 breviore, fl. neutr. paleis breviter aristatjs, 11. hermaph. palea inferiore subacuta, staminibus 2
{Gunn, 1481.) (Tab. CLV. B.)
H ab. Eecherche Bay, Gunn.— (Fl. Dec.)
A perfectly smooth, tufted Grass, a foot Culms tufted and leafy below, very slender above. Leaves 4
mches long, 4 broad, flat. Raceme of sis to eight large spikelets (f inch long with the awns), on slender, flexuous
peduncles. Glumes veiy unequal, blunt, the upjier largest, one-fomih as long as the palea above it. Palea of the lower
neuter flower shorter and with shorter awns than the upper. Lower palea of the fertile flower sharp. Stamens 2.
— P l a t e CLV. B. Fig. 1, spikelet ; 2, hermaphi-odite flowers ; 3, squamulæ, ovaiy, and stamens -.—all magnified
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