
ibigiuosus,21. F o ly p o ru s (Flacodermei) Laur en cii (Berk.).—Polyporus Berh. in Ann. Nat.
Hist. iii. 7?. 324 {not o f Fries).
H a b . Ou dead w o od , Gunn, etc.
22. F o lyp o ru s (Flacodermei) T a smanicus (Berk.) ; pileo angusto sulcato pallide fulvo tomentoso,
hymenio coutextuque concoloribus, poris minutis punctiformibus.
H a b . On d e a d w o o d , Archer.
Pileus apparently o f several years’ growth, very uatrow, grooved, pale-tawny when yonng, slightly tomentose.
Hymenium and substance o f the same colour. Pores minute, puuctiform, substratose, inch across.— Th is species
resembles P. concMtus and salicinus, hu t the substance is o f a far paler hue, and the appearance different.
23. F o lypo rus (Inodermei) cinnabarinus (Fr. Ep. p. 473).
H a b . O n d ead w o od , Gunn, Archer, J. B . H , etc.
24. F o ly p o ru s (Inodermei) scrup o sus (Er. Ep. p. 473).
H a b . On dead wood, Gunn.
I believe my P. isidioides is merely a state o f this.
25. F o lyp o ru s (Inodermei) lila c in o -g ilv u s (Berk, in Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. p. 324).
H a b . O n d ead w o od , Gunn, Archer, etc.
26. F o lyp o ru s (Inodermei) bru nn eo-leucus (Berk, in Hook. Loud. Journ. Bot. v. p. 4).
H a b . On dead wood, Gunn, Archer, etc.
27. Foljrporus (Inodermei) v e r sic o lo r (Er. Ep. p. 478).
H a b . On dead wood, Gunn, Archer, J. B . H.
28. Foljrporus (Inodermei) v em ic iflu u s (Berk.) ; pileo dimidiato subflabelUformi tenui verni-
coso-polito rufo, hymenio pallido, poris minutis irregularibus.
H a b . On dead wood, Archer.
Pileus 1 inch broad, f inch lon g, thin, slightly zoned, dimidiato-flabcUate, covered with a thin, shining, rufous
vaanish ; edge imeven, thin. Hymenium pale. Pores minute, scarcely visible to the naked eye, irregular, ^ iuch
across ; dissepiments thin.
29. Foljrporus (Inodermei) F r ie s ii (Kl. Linn. viii. t. 11).
H a b . O u dead wood, •/. B . II.
This species occurs also in th e warmer parts o f the U n ited States.
30. F o lypo rus (Resupinatus) apricus (Berk.) ; resupinatus, effusus, laxe adhærens, xylostromati-
cus, cervino-pallidus, poris mediis sparsis, dissepimentis tenuibus.
H a b . On dead timber, J. B . H.
Effused, o f a paUid fawn-colour, tinged here and there w ith yeUow, membranous, adhering loosely, in parts
slightly reflexed and tomentose. Pores occupying detached patches, inch across, pale fawn-coloured, angular ;
dissepiments thin, their edge acute.
31. Fo lypo rus (Resupinatus) merulinus (Berk.); resupinatus, effusus, aurantiacus, subiculo tenui
membranaceo tomentoso, poris mediis dissepimentis membranaceis.
H a b . On d ead w o od , Archer.
Orange-coloured, resupinate, effused, without any definite margin, or only the thin, somewliat membranaceous,
tomentose subiculum. Pores elongated from their position, darker than the subiculum, small, inch across ; dissepiments
thin, raembranaceous.—This species has a Mcrulioid aspect, but is a true Polyporus, allied to P. aneirinus.
Its dark-orange pores must render it a pretty species when fresh.
32. F o lypo rus (Resupinatus) A r ch eri (Berk.); resupinatus, effusus, armeniacus, coriaceo-mem-
branaceus, margine tomentoso, poris minutis irregularibus, acie acuta.
H a b . On dead wood, Areher.
Effused, resupinate, coriaceo-membranaceous, apricot-coloured; margiu tomentose, flat or slightly raised. Pores
minute, ^4 ^ inch across, frregular; edge acute.—The coriaceo-membranaceous texture aud bright apricot tint easOy
distiuguish this pretty species. OccasionaUy paiis of the plant are bleached. The pores are much smaller tlian in
P. apricus, which however differs in other respects.
33. Foljrporus (Resupinatus) orbicularis (Berk, in Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. p. 324).
H a b . On dead wood, Gunn.
34. Foljrporus (Resupinatus) la tu s (Berk, in Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 325).
H a b . On dead wood, Gunn, J. B. H.
85. Foljrporus (Resupinatus) daedaleoides (Berk, in Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 325).
H a b . On dead wood, Gunn.
36. Foljrporus hyalinus (Berk.); resupinatus, albus, vitreus, tenuis, ambitu tomentoso, poris minimis
centro elongatis.
H a b . O u dead decorticated wood. Archer.
Eesupinate, thin; border tomentose, but tolerably even, not spreading out into byssoid threads. Hymenium
much cracked when diy. Pores hyaline, veiy minute, elongated in the centre, ^4o inch across.—AUied to P. vilreiis,
but very thin and deUcate.
37. Fo lypo rus (Resupinatus) vaporarius (Er. Ep. p. 487).
H a b . Ou dead wood, Archer.
Hymenophorum. deseendens in tramam cum pilei substantia omnino concolorem et similem. Fori
alveolares primitus dilatati.
Distinguished from Polyporus by its regular, large pores, shaped like the ceUs of a honeycomb. The species
are mostly tropical. (Name from «¿, six, and ytovia, an angle)
1. H ex a g o n ia Gunnii (Berk.).—Polyporus vesparius, Berk, in Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 7;. 323.
H a b . Ou trunks of Eucalyptus, Gunn, Areher, etc.
Caruoso-lcntus. Hymenium reticulatum, ceUulosum, alveolatum. Alveoli radiantes e lamellis dense
anastomosautibus formati, elongati, parietibus duplicatis.
The species approach some of the fleshy Polypori, hut they diller iu the ceUs being dilated from the flrst, as in
Hexagonia. (Name from/ai;«s, a honeycomb.)
1. Fa v o lus p usillu s (Fr. in Linn. v. p. 511).
U a b . On dead wood, Gunn.