ris, squama lanceolata longe superantibus; stigmatibus 3 ; perigyniis ovatis 1 aristata brevioribus.
(Ounn, 1416.)
H ab. Woolnorth, Gunn.
a I b o U o n r Ï ” / ’ “ f ' ' ’“‘" ' ‘'L “ ‘ ® r i s i l ««„„th; InHorescen«
evaginate ”f “ «»« kown-pmple colour,
Gen. X T I. UNOINIA, P en .
Spieoe terminales, solitariæ, androgynæ. Squamai undique imbricate, l-Joræ. Fhree nnisexnales
Maso, supenores. Periantkium 6. Stamina %. F<em. (perigynium) utrienlns compressns,
ap.ce contractus, persistons, arista hypogyua exserla hamata. Stigmata 2 -3, exserta. N ux perianthio aucto
inclusa.—Herbæ h ahtu Caricis.
.i remarkable genus, eouSued ahnosl wboll, to the southern hemisphere, not infrequent in South a n.erte.
both tiopicM and temperale. Eleven species are found in New Zealand, and four in Tasmania, whereof two has)
been detected m the Australian continent. B ™ is veQ- nearly allied to Cren, but differs from most species ot
a genua m the sobtap. spike, and most conspicuously in the erect bristle, hooked at the apex, which, arising
from c ose to the base of the ovary, projects from the mouth ot the perigynium. A similar organ, but not hooked
hm the so-c^ed penanlhiuna or pengjnnun is not a iior.l organ, hut a bract, or ratho, two connato bracts placed
„lit and left to the axis, hke the double upper palea of Grasses.-I am indebted to Dr. Boott for the descrip-
tions of tbe species. (Name from oy«tvos, a small hook.)
1. Un cimu ten e lla (Br. Prodr. 24 1 ); spica parva ovali laxa alho-viridi apioe parce mascula ple-
ruiuque nuda; stigmatibus 3 ; pengymis lanceolatis triquetris enerviis glabris viridibus, squama Imieeolata
acuta alba nervo vmdi decidua paulo longioribus. {Gunn, 975.) (Tab. CLII. A.)
H ab. Moist woods at Hobarton aud Black Eiver, etc., Ounn i T e s te ra Mountains, Archer
D ist r ib . Victoria.
,-------'------------------------ Imvis. setaeeus. Folia setacea, scabra, culmum snbmquantia Spica
3 -0 un. long., 1. Im. lata, apiee inconspicue mascula. Squama, conformes, infima rarius foliácea, spie, plus duplo
ongioi. Ferajgmum 1 * hn. longum, * liu. latnm. Adami.,, conforme, * lin. lol.gum, * lin, lalmn, trique-
trum, castaneum. e . i o ’ H '=
A very soft, delicate speeies, growing in dense tufts, with setaceous oulms and leaves. Mr. Gunn sa,s it
grows on stones and dead trees, among Mosses and J.ngerma.nim, in dark, dry forests, where few other plauts
thii.e,—ILATB CLII. A. Eig. 1, male scale and flower; 2. female ditto and perigynium iotf. magnified.
2 . U u c in ia riparia (Br.) ; spica elongata filiformi laxiuscula albo-viridi, apiee parce mascula • stigmatibus
3 ; pengymis anguste lanceolatis subuervosis glaberrimis viridibus, squama lanceolata snbacnla
cannata viridi 4 longioribus. (Tab. CLII. B.)
Hab. Tasmania, Brown; Cuming’s Head, Arc/ier.~{F\. Dec.)
A veij slender species, 1-1* foot h ig h .- i» K i slightly scabrous, nainow, flat, as long as or longer timn the
oulm. Spthe 2-4 inches long, veiy slender ; / o g m rather distant. Seale, lanceolate, narrow, enbaonte, keeled,
green, with pale margins. Feriggnia veiy long, narrow-lanceolate, smooth, nerved, considerably longer than thi
scale.—PLATB CLII. S . Fig. 1, male scale and flower; 2, female ditto and perigynium; 3, perigynium;—»«
3. U n c in ia n ervosa (Boott, MSS.) ; spica ovali densa imda e viridi ferruginea; perigj.uiis lincarilanceolatis,
ore integro obliquo, viridibus nervatis glabris, squama lanceolata subacuta ferruginea medio
pallida nervosa, superne albo-byalina angustioribus longioribusque.—Boo«. (Ta b . OLIII. A.)
H a b . Tasmania, Gwin (mixed witb U. tenella).
Oulm., 4-poff. ?, lands, gracilis. FoVm flliformia, flima, culmum subæquuntia. Spica 6 lin. longa, 2 fin lata
apice subdlmidiatim mascula. S.panoB conformes; mascnlæ angustiores. Periggni.m 2 * lin. longum, \ lin.
latum, Boott. P late CLIII. a . Fig, 1, male scale and flower ; 2, female ditto ; 3, perigyninm ;—all magnified.
4. Un cm ia compacta (Br. Prodr. 241) ; spica oblonga ferruginea nuda vel bracleata, apice plus
minus mascula basi demum laxiflora; perigyniis oblongo-ellipticis triquetris viridibus, ore albo obliquo,
uervatis, squama ovato-lanceolata acuta ferruginea concolori brevioribus vel æciuantibus (Gunn 1408 1
(Tab. C LIII. B.) 1 i . -I
H a b . Summit of Mount Wellington, Gunn, Western Mountains, rirefcc.
Culm., 4-12 poll., triqueter, lævis, rigidns. Folia 1-1* lin. lata, culmo breviora. plana, fltma. Spica S-15
Im. longa, 3 Iln. lata, apice sæpe dimidiatim mascula. Sqmma, confoimes ; inflma sæpiiis setaceo-cnspiduta,
ranus spica longior. Perigynium 2* lin. longum, * liu. htnm. Aehmium 1* li„. longmn, * lin. latum, inæ-
qunhter triquetrum, castaneum, basi styli iuciassata. (Boo«.)—P la t e CLIII. B. Eig. 1. male scale and fiower ■
2, female ditto ; 3, perigynium i—»« magnifed.
N at. O kd . XVI. GRAMINEÆ.
11ns extensive and important Natural Order is very scantily represented in Australia, where (including
Tasmania) only about 330 species have been found; hence, though one ot the largest natural family of
Mouoeotyledons, it here but little exceeds Oijperaeeee in numbers, and is very mneh smaller tban Legumi-
mem, Mgrtacex, Compodtæ, or Preteaeex. Altogetber the Grasses form less tlian one-twentieth of the
whole flowering plants of tins part of the globe, a very miicb smaller proportion thau they do in any
other country of equal area. The Order varies much in relative numbers to other plants in the different
quarters ot the continent, the Tasmaniau proportion rising to one-sixteenth of the flowering planis ot that
Island. The Swan Eiver proportion is very much smaller, and the tropical greater.
In the determination ot the Tasmanian Qraminex, I have received very great assistance from my
friend Colonel W. Munro, through whose remarkable knowledge ot this difiicult and extensive Order of
plants, many of my doubts and perplexities have been solved.
Glanm parvæ, 3-floiTe ; floriijue distiche imbricatis, inferioribus iieutris 1-paIeotis, terminali lierma-
phrodilo. Palea Jl. neutr. inf. ovato-elliptica, truncata, carinato-concava ; Jl. gap. paleæ 11. licnnapli. con-
formis. PL hermapl. :—P a k x 2, navicularcs ; inferior ovato-oblonga apice rotundata emarginata ; mperior
minor, 1-nervis. Squamulx 2, glabroe. Stamina 4. Cargoim, compressa, libera, paleis obtecta.—Folia
plana ; spiculæ racemosa v
New Holland aud Tasmauian Grasses, with slender, simple or branched cidms, flat leaves, and spiked or
racemose inflorescence.—BpiMife of throe flowers, imbricated on opposite sides of the rachis. Gluma two very
small scales. Two lower J l c e n n ea ta -, the lowest with one ovate, concave palca; upper neuter flower with one
palon like that of Ihc toiminul flower. Uppa flower hormnphrodile. Palex two, boat-shaped ; lower ovate-oblong
blunt, notched at the upox ; upper smuller, onc-nervcd. Seala two, alternate with the paleæ. Stanxn, four. Oiauy
sessile. Caryop,i, enclosed in the persistent paleæ, (Name from rerpafour, aad appgv, a male ; in ulloaion to the
four stamiius.)