
•Dis t r ib . Norfolk Island, New Zealand [fide Taylor).
Closely allied to B. mollk (Dz. and Molk. Aim, Sc. Nat. 1844, ii. 300).^i^aws loss crowded, more patent.
oHaxer texture; areolæ larger, rectangular, flexuose at the apex; margin uot reflexed; servatures larger and move
distant, less evidently in a double series.—Tlie specimeus are too few to admit of move tlian one capsule being
examined, but if the character of the inner peristome prove constant, it will be a good mark of the species.—
P la t e CLXXIV. Pig. 4 ; 1, portion of stem aud leaves; 2, leaf; 3, capsule -.—all magnified.
This I take to be the B. uncinata, Schwægr., of PI. N. Zeal. ii. Z^.~Mltten, in lit.
4. B a r t r am ia aflSnis (Hook. Muse. Exot. t. 17C) ; dioica, caule tomentoso parce fasciculato-rámoso,
foliis erecto-patentibus strictis ovato-lanceolatis acumiuatis subiutegris basi subplicatis margiue anguste
recurvis nervo crassiusculo louge excurrente, perichætialibus minoribus erectis, seta breviuscula, capsula
subpendula oblonga subpyriformi sulcata, operculo conico.
H a b . Moist ground, frequent. Goat Hill, New Norfolk. Back River Gullv. Kangaroo Bottom.
Mount Wellington. { J .D .H .) (G«««, 1627, 168.3.) 149, 153, 280.) On dead timber, in
exposed places : Mount Wellington, Mossman.
D is t r ib . New Zealand, Australia.
3. B k e o t e l ia .—■.Folia vaginantia, plicata, squarrosa. Caulis fasciciilato-ramosus. Infiorescentia dioica
^ 5. Bartramia pendula (Hook. Muse. E.xot. t. 21) ; dioica, caule fasciculatim ramoso tomentoso,
folus patentibus ovato-lanceolatis longe acuminatis serrulatis striatis excurrentinerviis, seta elongata, capsula
pendula oblonga sulcata.—Schiceegr. Suppl. t. 239.
H a b . Mount Wellington, elev. 2000 feet. Mount Nelson. Brown’s River. (/. D. H.) {Oldjt
D is t r ib . New Zealand, Hermite Island, Campbell’s Island.
This I take to be the true B. Sieberi.—Milten, in Ut.
6 . Bartramia crassa (Hook. fil. et Wils.) ; dioica, caule tomentoso robusto longiusculo parce
vageque ramoso, foliis confertis patentibus plerumque secundis e basi ovata amplexicaule lanceolato-acuminatis
plicatis serrulatis nervo angusto subexcurrente, seta longa, capsula inclinata oblonga.— B. gigantea,
Schwægr. Suppl. t. 161. {Conf. B. Sieberi, Hornsch.; C. Mueller, Syn. Muse. i. 491.) (Tab CLXXIV
Tig- 5.)
H a b . Near springs : top of Western Mountains. Mount Wellington. Creek above the Wellington
Balls. {Gunn.) [Oldfield, 101, 104, 106, 111.)
Stem 1 inch, rigid. Leaves yellowish, glossy, not crisped when dry. Seta I J inch. Capsule large,—Aüied
to B. pendula ¡ leaves more sheathing at the base, less acuminate ; sen-atures more evident ; areolæ nanowcr. The
trae B. gigantea (Schwægr. Suppl. t. 63) is a larger Moss, with more widely spreading leaves.—P la t e CLXXIV.
Fig. 5 ; 1 and 2, leaves ; 3, capsule ;—all magnified.
7. B artramia S ieb e r i (Hornsch. in Mnscis Sieberianis, n. 13 !) ; " dioica, caule procnmbente siib-
erectove ramulis brevibus fasciculatis ramoso innovante ileromqne ramoso inferne dense radiculoso, foliis
haud nitidis e basi brevi erectiuscula ad insertionem contracta patentibus lanceolatis estriatis nervo angusto
in acnmlnem setaceo-pungentem excurrente marginibus serrulatis inferne recurvis cellulis omnibus elongatis
angustis papillosis, pcrichmtiallbus conformibus, theca in pedúnculo rubro unciali apice flexura angusto
pendula ovalis plicata, operculo depresso conico, peristomio parvo, normale?, flore masculo foiiis quadruplo
latioribus late ovatis patulis nervo superne evanido.”—Mitten, in Journ. Linn. Soc. ined (T a b CLXXIV
K g . -6.)
I I ab. Mount Wellington, J. L . IL , Oldfield.
D is t r ib . New Zealand, Sieher.
Stems in all the Tasmanian specimens scarcely exceeding an inch in height ; colour of the foliage yellowish-
green, without gloss ; leaves narrow ; cells in the upper portion elongated, everywhere distinctly papillose ; alary
cells few, indistinct. In all the allied species the cells of the upper portion of the leaf are shortened. Mitten, I. c.
—P l a t e CLXXIV. Fig. 6 ; 1, leaf; 2, capsule :—both magnified.
8 . Bartramia divaricata (Mitten, in Journ. Linn. Soc. ined.); “ dioica, caule elongato inferne tomentoso
subsimplici, foliis e basi brevi caulem amplectente, cellulis hyalinis pluribus ad ángulos marginum
congestis, divarieatis lanceolatis plicatis papillosis margine serrulatis nervo tenui excurrente mucronatis
siccitate subflaccidis, perichætialibus ovatis integerrimis nervo angustissimo, theca in pedúnculo elongato
horizoutali oblongo-ovali, collo pyriformi attenuato, operculo conico, peristomio normali.”
I I ab. Cheshunt, Archer.
D is t r ib . New Zealand.
Resembles the larger states of B. péndula, but differs in its divaricated leaves, which have, when dry, a sub-
flaccid appearance, a differently formed base, and the stems almost simple. Mitten, I. c.
9. Bartramia comosa (Mitten, in Journ. Linn. Soc. ined.); “ dioica, caule erecto inferne fusco
tomentoso superne I'amis pluribus comosis ramoso, foliis e basi breviter erecta superne dilatata utrinque
ad margines seriebus pluribus cellularum hyalinarum majorum limbata inde patentibus divergentibusque
sensim angustatis lanceolatis plicatis minute papillosis margine serrulatis nervo excurrente setiformi siccitate
haud mutads, perichætialibus minoribus ovato-lanceolatis, theca in pedúnculo elongato sesquiunciali
ovali inclinata plicata operculo conico peristomio normale.” (Tab. CLXXIV. Fig. 7.)
H ab. Rocks : East Creek and Cumming’s Head, Western Mountains, Archer. Wellington Falls,
Mount Wellington, Mossman.
D is t u ib . New Zealand.
This floe species differs from all the states of B. pendula in the short, erect base of its leaves, which is widest
at the point from which the superior portion is deflexed, and composed of cells which are eveiywhere far shorter.
Mitten, I.e.—P late CLXXIV. Fig. 7 ; 1, leaf; 2, apex of ditto; 3, capside:—all magnified.
§ 4 . B a r t b a j iia .—Caulis dichotomefastigiato-ramosus. Fl. masc. gemnuxformis.
10. Bartramia Ha lle rian a (Hedw. Muse. Frond, t. 4 0 ); monoica, caule elongato vage fastigiato-
ramoso, foliis patentibus vel secundis siccitate laxe flexuosis e basi lata subvaginante lineari-subulatis serrulatis,
capsula subglobosa brevipedicellata immersa, operculo conico.— Bryol. Europ. t. 320. B. Moss-
maniana, C. Mueller, Bot. Zeit. L851, jíj. 5 5 2 ; conf. Mitten, in Journ. Linn. Soc. ined.
H ab. Near springs, and on moist rocks; abundant. Mount Wellington. St. Patrick’s Eiver.
[J .D .H .) [Gunn, 1589, 1697.) [Oldfeld, 32, 267.) On rocks: Elliott Rivulet. Rivulet behind
Cummiug’s Head, “Westeru Mountains, and in a rivulet, north side of Western Mountains, at an altitude
of about 2000 feet. Archer. Mount ‘Weliiugton, Mosman.
D is t r ib . Europe, North and South America, New Zealand.
11. Bartramia p apillata (Hook. fil. et Wils. El. N. Zeal. p. 89. t. 8 6 . f. 4) ; dioica, caule sub-
ramoso, foliis confertis crecto-patentibus patulisve strictis e basi pallida obovata vaginante subulatis minutissime
serrulatis dorso papillatis solidinerviis, seta longiuscula, capsula suberecta.—B. acerosa, Hampe,
Plantee Muelleriance in Linnæa ; fid. Mitten.
H ab. On rocks. [Gunn, 29.) Dry Hill, Back River. [Oldfield, 22S.) East side of Ovens Creek,