\Fmgi, hg M. J. Berkeley.
1. Cordyceps Gunnii (Berk.).—Sphæria Gunnii, Berh. in Hook. Lond. .. Bot. y \.p . 577.
H a b . Ou th e p u p a of some Hejiialus, Gunn.
The New Zealand species grows on the larva (not the pupa) of an iusect of the same genus. Ergot occurs on
Grasses in Tasmania, but it is uncertain to what species of Cordyceps it owes its origin.
Stroma horizontale, carnosum vel subgelatiiiosum, interdum obsoletum, ut plurimum lætius coloratum.
Perithecia teuera. Sporidia plerumque indefinita.
Hypocrea is to Cordyceps what Hypoxylon is to Xylaria, containing those species whose stroma is horizontal,
and not essentially vertical. Theh bright colour at once distinguishes them, or, where that fails, the fleshy substance,
(Name from ¿jto, leneatk, aud Kpia^,JlesJi)
1 . H y p o c r e a semiorbis (Berk.).—Sphæria semiorhis. Berk, in Eook. Lond. Journ. Bot. ii. p. 1 4 6 .
H a b . O u dead wood, Gunn.
2. H y p o c r e a rufa (Fr. Summ. p. 383).
H a b . On dead wood, Archer.
8 . H yp o c r e a c itr ina (Fr. Summ. p. 386).
H a b . On dead wood, J. B . H.¡ Archer.
4. H y p o c r e a tom en tosa (Fr. MSS.).
H a b . O n th e hymenium of Polypori, Archer.
Forming a white, delicate, tomentose stratum, witliout any very distinct stroma.
Perithecia libera vel mycelio 1. stromati insidentia, tenera, læte colorata, verticalia. Sporidia ut plurimum
oetona, translúcida.
Differing from the two foregoing genera in the free perithecia. (Name from vr¡KTpf}, a swimmer; in allusion
to the fiuxile contents of the perithecia.)
1 . N e c tr ia agaric icola (Berk.) ; cinnabarina, peritheciis ovatis acutis lævibus, ascis cirrhiformibus
longissimis, sporidiis filiformibus. (T a b . CLXXXIII. Fig. 1 4 .)
H a b . O u dead Agarics, Archer.
Gregarious on the stems, gills, etc., of Agarics. Perithecia ovate, acute, scarlet ; walls vesiculo-fibrous. Asci
extremely long. Sporidia very slender, filiform.—A splendid and highly curious species.—P l a t e CLXXXIII.
Fig, 14 ; a, group of perithecia ; b, asci ; c, part of ascus and sporidia ;—magnified.
2. N e c ta r ia tephrothe le (Berk.) ; peritheciis sparsis coccineis ovatis, ostiolo papiilæformi obscuro,
sporidiis subfusiformibus quadri-nucleatis.
H a b . Parasitic on some species of Hypoxylon, Archer.
Bright-scarlet, studding the surface of the brown Hypoxylon. Perithecia scarlet, ovate; ostiolum papilloeforra,
cinereous. Asci thicker in the middle. Sporidia biscriate, g-Jgg inch long, at length containing four endochromes
—Eesembling N. episphxria, but differing in several particulars.
3. Pîec tria coc cin ea (Fr. Summ. p. 388).
H a b . On fallen branches, Archer.
The spondia vary slightly in the two forms referred to this species. In the one they are subcymbiform, as in
the European form, and inch in length; in the other oblong, with the endochrome retracted to either end,
TîVü jncli long. I can sec no exteraal difference.
4. N e c tr ia ftisar ioides (Berk.) ; pallide coccinea, peritheciis ovatis papillatis pruiiiosis in stro-
mate semi-hnmersis, sporidiis oblongis curvulis.
H a b . On dead bark. Archer.
Pale-scarlet. Stroma bursting out in linear patch
Sporidia t to s—tcW bich long, oblong, slightly curved.
Perithecia half-immersed, ovate, papiUate, pruinose.
5. N e c tr ia Tasmanica (Berk.) ; cæspitosa, rubra, stromate pallido, peritheciis ovatis, ostiolo papil-
læformi sæpe e disco orbiculari oriundo, sporidiis cymbæformibus bi-quadrinucleatis.
H a b . On dead bark. Archer.
Scattered ou a subhemispherical pale stroma, blood-red, but not bright. Perithecia rather large, ovate, either
ending gradually in a papillæform orifice, or slightly tnincate, with a central ostiolum. Asci linear. Sporidia uniseriate,
subcymbiform, with from two to four nuclei or endochi-omes, ^ iuch lo n g .-In external appearance
resemblmg Montagne’s N. diseophora, but with very different sporidia.
Stroma clavatum, subsuberosum, demum ut plurimum friabile, nigrum. Stipes sæpe distinctus.
Perithecia peripherica. Sporidia octona.
A large genus, containing many tropical fonns, and some which a universally distributed, known by their
dark colour and clavate or branched stroma. (Name from |vXov, wood)
1. X y la r ia H y p o x y lo n (Fr. Summ. p. 381),
Hab. On dead wood. Archer.
2. X y la r ia com ifo rm is (Fr. Summ. p. 381).
Hab. On dead wood, Gunn, Archer, etc., apparently very common.
Stroma sessile 1. pedunculatum, nigrum, sursum orbiculare, concavum, albo-velatum. Perithecia
Distinguished by the cup-shaped body, in which the vertical
a pore)
1. Poron ia punctata (Fr. Summ. p. 382).
Hab. Ou dung, Archer.
The form figured by Sowerby,
a are immersed. (Name from iropov,
Stroma liberum, friabile, horizontale, nigrum. Perithecia peripherica, nigra. Asci perfecti. Spo-
ridia octona.
Distinguished from Xylaria by the horizontal stroma. In a few species the perithecia are vertical, and the
stroma almost obsolete. (Name from v-no, and ¿uAov, wood.)
1. H y p o x y lo n concentricum (Fr. Summ. p. 384).