
itself, or looger. Spib loose, appearing disticlroas in lire dried specimens, many-flowered. often sweetscented,
but not constantly so, pale-wMtisb ot greenisi-yellow, pedicelled. Brad, very small, blnnt, scarcely longer
than tire pedicels. Omria turgid. Srpah acute, tire lateral free, never or seldom notched ne.lt the tip. te ta u
linear, blnnt, sometimes more or less nndiflate. Laidi,m recurved, with a distinct, bdobed. rather fleshy lamella,
which sinks giadnaUy into the substance of the lobellnm at its termination; margins very nndnlate.—PuATE CXI.
Fig. 1, side, and 2, front view of flower ; 3, side, and 4, front view of labeUum ; 5, back, 6 , side, and 7, front view
of column ; 8, pollen :—all magnified.
6 . Prasophyllum truncatum (Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. 51 3 ); pallide vireseeus, folio caulem
elon^alum æquante v. superante, spica multiflora, floribus majusculis patulis pedicellatis, bractea parva obtusa
pedicello æquilonga, sepalis subacutis lateralibus liberis apice sæpius dentatis, petalis planis undulatisve
obtusis, labelli late ovato-lanceolati reflexi marginibus late undulatis, lamella adnata definita sulcata apice
abrupte truncata, staminodiis suberectis apice rotundatis truncatisve eiuarginatis. {Gnnn, 924, 925, 9 .8 .)
(T a b . CIX. B.)
îÏA B . Common in various parts of the Colony.— (M. Nov.)
D is t r ib . New South Wales a n d Victoria.
I am quite unable to distinguish all states of this, when dry, from P. patens, either by the form and notch-
ino- of the apex of the staminodia, or by any other character, except the form of the lamella on the labellum :
this I find from Archer’s drawings to be abniptly terminated at the flexure of the labellum with a strong, raised,
transverse edge, whilst that of P. patean graduaUy sinks into the nerves of the labellum. In some states petals
are much undulated, and in these the lateral sepals are more frequently notched towards the apex.—P la t e L L \ . B.
Fig. I, side, and 2, front view of flower ; 3. labellum ; 4. side, and 5, front view of column -.-all magnified.
7. P r a s o p h y llum a lp in um (Br. Prodr. 318) ; virescens, folio caulem gracUem superante, ovariis tur-
r^idis pedicellatis, bracteis pedicellos æquantibus brevibus rotundatis, floribus parvis, sepalis acutis lateralibus
Hberis approximatis v. basi connatis, labello ovato-lanceolato ultra medium repente angustato pubescente
V. glabrato marginibus vix undulatis crassiusculis, lamella adnata vix definita, staminodiis brevibus obtusis
hinc emarginatis.—Lindl. I. c. ((î«k?î, 929.) (T a b . CXIl. .4.)
H a b . Alpine and subalpine localities: Circular Head, Gunn; Mount Wellington, (
Mountains, Archer.— (PI. Nov.-Jan.)
D is t r ib . Australian Alps, Mueller.
GeneraUy s smaU. pale green .peoies, with the leaf longer than the scape, but very variable i
times 18-20 inches high. Fhwer, loo.ely spikefl, not so patent as in T .fa ta u , and amaUer.
pedicelled' pelicah with short, blnnt bracts, Lakral „pah free, or r.aieiy united at tire base o
sometimes notched near the apen. Lip short, fleshy, with thick, hardly nndnlate margins, and a thickened, but not
deflned disc, often pubescent, ovate at the base, snddcnly contracted beyond the middle, not strongly lecnived.
is diffienlt to deflne this species from some states ot P. paten, by words, but it is a very d.almet plant, and when
fresh has a strong smell of Hyaeinths.-PLiTi CXIL J . Kg. 1, side, and 2, front view ot flower, 3. back,
4, front, and 5, side views of column -.—all magnified.
8 P r a s o p h y U u m f u s c u m (Br. Prodr. 31 8 ); fusco-viride rarius pallidum, folio scapo gracili
æquante v lonriore, spica multiflora, floribus pedicellatis, bracteis parvis pedicellos æquantibus, sepalis
anguste subulatis lateralibus liberis v. basi connatis, petalis subulatis, labelli vix recarvi infra medium
abrupte angustati marginibus non undulatis, lamina adnata non definita bicarinata, staminodiis b re v ib u s .-
P to?,\.xíAnm, Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orch. -oKc. (Gmmm, 353.) (T a b . CXIT.-C.)
Hab. Common in various parts of tlie Island, in a rich and moist soil, Lawrmce, Gunn, Archer.—
(FI. Nov., Dec.)
n size, and some-
Ovaries turgid,
r to the middle.
D is t r ib . Victoria, Mueller, etc.
1 find it extremely difficult to distinguish this from P. alpinum. Archer defines this as having the lateral
sepals free, or united at the base only, wliilst in P. alpinum they are united along their lower half ; but I find that
this partial connection of tlie sepals affords no constant character. The most prominent difference at first sight
appears to me to be the darker, often dusky colour of P. fuscum, which has much narrower petals and sepals ; it is
also inodorous.—P la t e CXII. B. Fig. 1 , side, and 2, front views of flower ; 3 , side view of column and labellum ;
4, front view of column ; 5, pollen :—all magnified.
B. G e n o p l e s iu m .— Anther pedicellate, with a terminal leak. Labellum. clawed. Dorsal sepal adherent to back of
column. Lateral sepals larger than the dorsal.—(Genoplesium, Br.)
9. Prasophyllum brachystachyum (Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. 5 1 3 ) ; scapo aphyllo gracili infra
apicem 1-bracteato, spica pauciflora, floribus horizontalibus v. deflexis, ovariis turgidis breve pedicellatis,
bracteis brevissimis truncatis, sepalis petalisque acutissimis lateralibus longioribus basi connatis subsac-
catis, labelli unguiculati lanceolati lamina adnata inconspicua marginibus planiusculis, staminodiis elongatis
apice bifidis membranaccis glaberrimis.—Genoplesium Baueri, Br. Prodr. 319. {Gunn, 930.)
Hab. Sandy soil; Circular Head, and Hampshire Hills, Rocky Cape, Gunn.—(FI. Dec., Jan.)
Tuber as large as a Hazel-nut. Base of the scape covered thickly with withered, sheathing scales. Scape
very slender, 3-8 inches long, ivith one appressed, truncate sheath at the base, and one sheathing, acuminate bract,
placed towards the top, but removed from the spike. Spike of six to ten, horizontally spreading, shortly pedicelled,
small, yellowish flowers. Bracts very minute, truncate. Ovary cylindrical, turgid. Perianth horizontal, i iiicli
long. Lateral sepals rather saccate at the base, then coherent, lanceolate-acuminate ; dorsal broadly ovate, very
concave, acuminate. Petals shorter than the sepals, ovate-lanceolate, with long, acuminate apices. Lip as long as
the petals, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, erose at the margin, the adnate lameDa blending at the margin into its
substance, grooved dowu the centre. Staminodia oblong, deeply bifid, membranous.—This Archer has identified
with the Genoplesium Baueri of Brown, described ft-om Bauer’s drawing. This drawing, which Mr. Brown has
kindly allowed us to examine, accurately represents our plant in all but tbe apparent confounding of the petals
with the staminodia in the magnified analyses.
10. Prasophyllum nudiscapum (Hook, fil.); scapo aphyllo gracili ad apicem bractea parva instructo,
spica brevissima pauciflora, floribus horizontalibus pedicellatis minute bracteolatis, ovariis cyhndra-
ceis turgidis, sepalis petalisque acutissimis lateralibus longioribus basi connatis non saccatis, labelli nngui-
culati lanceolati marginibus planiusculis erosis, lamella adnata inconspicua, staminodiis breviusculis late
bidentatis membrauaceis glaberrimis.
Hab. Sandy soil: near Hobarton,/ . i ) . / / .— (FI. Aug.)
Of this curious little species I have seen only tlie few specimens gathered by myself, which are passing into
fruit, and one from Victoria. It is closely allied and very similar indeed to P. brachystachyum, but distinguishable
at once by the bract of the scape being placed close undei' the spike ; it has, further, fewer smaller flowers, shorter
staminodia, aud a narrower lahellum, with more crose margins. Younger specimens are however necessary to complete
the description of the flower.
11. Prasophyllum d espectaus (Hook, fil.) ; scapo gracillimo aphyllo apicem versus bractea vagi-
naiite instructo, spica elongata, floribus curvis perianthio deflcxo atro-purpurco, ovario brevi cylindraceo
pedicellato, bracleola rainima, sepalis acutissimis lateralibus setaceo-lanceolatis basi connatis non saccatis
dorsali late ovato aeuminato longioribus, petalis ovato-lanceolatis acutissimis, labello unguiculato lanceolato
acuminalo marginibus integris, lamina adnata definita simplici, staminodiis subulatis falcatis incurvis glaberrimis.
(Tab. C XIII. A )