g r a c illim is, fo liis im b r ic a tis p a te n tib u s o b lo n g o -o v a tis a cu tis recurv is in te g e r r im is , au r icu lis c la v a to -o b lo n g is
cauli pa rallelis sty lo su bu lfe fo rm i in te r je c to , am p liig a str iis m in u tis b ifid is, pe r ian th io m ajore r amu lum te rm in
a n te ob lo n g o su pra p la n iu sc u lo v en tr e o b tu s e c a n n a to , p e r ig o n iis r o tu n d a tis s e s s ilib u s .—Lond. Journ. Bot.
1846,7?. 4 0 4 ; G. L . et N. Syn. H e p .p . 770.
H a b . Ta sman ia , o u M o sse s, Herb. Greville.
Minuta, laxa, fusca, dioica. Caules vix poUicares, siuculi requilati. Perigonia sicut peviautliia ratione siu'cu-
lorum magua. Miuor est et tenerior quam F. exilis, et stylo inter auriculam et caulem iiiterposito bene clistinguitur,
— Taylor.
Fi-om the foregoing it appears that this species must be very nearly allied to F. congesta, and the only iliscrepaucy
is iu the direction of the auricles, whieh Dr. Taylor says are parallel to the stem.
1. F ossomb ron ia p u silla (Nees; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep. p. 597).
H a b . Damp ground: hillside, Woodburn, near Eiclimond; and wet crevices of rocks: gully by
Brown’s Eiver, Oldfield; gathered also by Mr. Archer.
2. F ossomb ron ia in te stin a lis (Taylor, Lond. Journ. Bot. 1848, p. 4 0 8 ; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep.
pp. 469 et 785).
Hab. Cheshunt, Archer.
Gen. XX. ZOOPSIS, Hook. fil. et Tayl.
1. Z o o p s is argentea (Hook. fil. et Tayl. Fl. Antarct. p. 167. t. 6 6 . f. 6 ; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep.
pp. 473 et 785).
H a b . The Bedchamber, New Norfolk, Oldfield; frequent, intermixed with Mosses and Hepaticce,
I . Podomitrium Ph y llan th us (Hook.; Mitten, in F l.N .Z e a l. p. 164).—Steetzia Phyllanthus,
Nees; G. L . et N . Syn. H e p .p . 478.
H a b . St. Patrick’s Eiver, Gunn. Kermandie and Castle Forbes Eivulet, South Huon, Oldfield.
West-end Eivulet, Archer.
1. S te e tz ia p isic o lo r (Hook. fil. et Tayl. Crypt. Antarct. p. 138. pi. 160. f. 7).
H a b . Yorktown Eivulet and St. Patrick’s Eiver, Gunn.
The fructification of this veiy distinct species has not yet been seen, but the fronds agree with those of Steetzia
Gen. X X III. SYMPHOGYNA, Mont. et Nees.
1. Symphogyna flabellata (Hook.; M. et N .; G. L. et N. Syn, Hep. p. 481).—Jungermannia
flabellata, Hook. Muse. Exot. t. 13.
H a b . St. Patrick’s Eiver, Gunn. Back Eiver Gully, Oldfield, 202, Archer.
2. Symphogyna rh izobola (Schwægr.; Nees ab E .; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep. p. 483).—Symphogyna
obovata, Rook. fil. et Tayl. Lond. Journ. Bot. 1844,7?. 581 ; G. L. et N . Syn. Hep.p. 480. Symphogyna
pulchra, Tayl. Lond. Journ. Bot. 1846,7?. 4 1 0 ; G. L . et N. Syn. H e p .p . 788.
I I a b . Tasmania, Gunn. On the ground, in very wet places, in dense shade : St. Patrick’s Eiver.
Back Eiver GuUy and Mount Wellington, Oldfield. West-end Eivulet, Archer.
The S. obovata, Hook. fil. et Tayl., corresponds with what is here understood as the fertile state of-S. rhizobola,
aud, as might be expected, the attenuations at the apices of the divisions of the fronds are absent. The calyptra,
although desciibed by Dr. Taylor as ventral, is tmly dorsal, as in all others of the genus. S. pulchra, Tayl., described
with the margins of its fronds entire, has them certainly dentate ; although the teeth are short and remote, it
scarcely differs iu appearance from the preceding. The specimens gathered by Dr, J. D. Hooker are finely in finit,
and the fertile stems are mixed with others corresponding in straeture, but diffeiing in habit, being prostrate, and
rooting at the apices, like the plants figured in ‘ Musci Exotici.’ The fertile stems are short and ascending, the
divisions scarcely exceeding the third of an inch in length, and rounded at their apices, thus having au appearance,
if seen separately from the creeping fronds, of being altogether a distinct plant.
3. Symphogyna Lehmanniana (Mont. et Nees; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep. p. 483).
H a b . Tasmania, Archer.
4. Symphogyna rhodina (Hook. fil. et Tayl.) ; fronde minuta oblonga dichotoma tenerrima pellucida
costata margine dentata calyptraque lineari longissima rosea, capsula liueari-obloiiga.-Z:???/ Journ.
Bot. 1845,7?. 9 3 ; G. L. e tN . Syn. Hep.p. 487.
FIa b . Tasmania, Lyall.
Fi-ondes 2-3 lin. lougæ, calyptra multo breviores. Squainoe involúcrales civcum basin calyptræ quadri-
quinque-dentatæ, apice setaceæ, erectæ. Capsula sæpe uno latere rima dehiscens elateresque atquc semina e rima
emittens, revera in válvulas numeri indefiniti apice semper cohæreiites divisa. Color totius plantæ est roseus.__
Taylor, I. c.
Sufficiently diflerent from any other Tasmanian species. Prom the description of the capsule it may be doubtful
if it truly belongs to this geuus.
1. M e tzg e ria furcata (Nees ab E. ; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep. p. 502 ; FI. Antarct. pp. 167 et 445 ;
F l.N . Zeal. p. 166).
H a b . Var. 1. major: St. Patrick’s Eiver, Gunn. Var. /9. 2. minor: running over the surface
of rocks, Launceston, Gunn. Yai. e.prolifera: Tasmania, Back Eiver Gully, O/iÿ/e/Z Clieshunt,
1. Sarcomitrium altem ilob um (Mitten, Fl. N. Zeal. p. 167).—Aneura alterniloba. Hook. fil. et
Tayl. Lond. Journ. Bot. 1844,7?. 527; G. L . et N . Syn. Hep.p. 496.
H a b . St. Patrick’s Eiver and Acheron Eiver, Gunn. Clayey banks of the Kermandie Eivulet, Northwest
Bay Gully aud elsewhere, on very wet banks, (
2. Sarcomitrium pingue (Mitten).—Aneura pinguis, Dimort.; G. L . et N. Syn. Hep. p . 493.
Jungermannia pinguis, Linn. Sp. BI. ed. 2. ii. p. 1602.
H a b . Springs, Mount Wellington, and ou muddy bauks, Oldfield.