S b. Sterile fiondi f in,mte. AU, or at lead t k lowest fhmoe, contracted at I k lace, or dictate.
2. L om a r ía p r o c e r a (Spr. Svst. Teg. iv. 65) ; ekla, rigkk, valde coriacea, frondibus pinnatis, pinnis
sterdibns Imeati-oblongis v. ensiformi-lanceolatis v. acutis acuminatis caudatisve basi truncatis angustatis
anrienklo-cordattsve, fertiiibus (ejusdem v. diversoe frondis) linearibus, costa subtus stipite racbiqoo paleacea
V. nuda.—ifoei. Io. Plant, t. 427, 428; T l. Antarct. p . 110 ; Fl. N. Zeal. ¡1. 27. L. latifolia. Col. in
Tasm. Phil. Jonrn. Stegauia procera, Br. Prodr. 1 5 3 ; A. Rich. PI. N. Zeal. p. 8 6 . t. 13. Bleclmum
procerum, la b . Fl. Nov. Holt. ii. p . 87. t. 247. Parableclmum procernm, Fred, Bpimel.p. 109.
A'ar. a ; elak, robusta, valde coriacea, pinnis sterilibus basi oblique truncatis v. late cuneatis.
Tar. omnia var. a., sed pinnis sterilibus basi anricnkto-cordatis.
Tar. 7 ; omnia var. a et A sed pinnis sterilibus basi angustatis.
T.ar. S. mimnr; pallide viridis, minus coriacea, pim.is sterilibus subobtusis basi subtransversa supe,
rioribus adnatis.—? Stegania minor, Br. Prodr. 154.
H a b . Abundant (especially the var. a) in wet, shady places, throughout the Island.—(r. «.) Tar. S.
Macquarrie Harbour, etc., A. Cunningham, Gunn.— {v. v.)
DisrnlB. Thronghout the temperate, damp regions ot the soutbem hemisphere. (Cultivated in
A common nnd extremely variable Fern, of a very coarse textm-e, which I cannot distinguish specificali, from
the West Indian L. Ihmata, the Sonth American L. a ilam s , and the South African I. Capensis. It differs from
the Anlnrctie American I . Magellanica in the broader and shorter patere at the base of tbe stipes.—B r a * a span
to 1 feet high, tnfted, growing from a stout caudex that often beeomes woody nnd frutescent. Stipes very stout,
generally paleaceous at the base. SaeUs generally nated and glabrous. Sterile fn n d , pinnate, sbort, nnd broadly
ovate or lanceolate. Pinna! throe to twenty pairs, distant, or approximato and imbricnting at the base; the upper
generally adnate, lower stalked, extremely variable in length, from 2 -1 2 inches long, and from i - l * inch broad,
broadly oblong or linear, and almost strap-shaped, blunt, acute, acuminate or tailed; the base acute, euneate, trun)
cale, cordate, or produced into great lobes above and below, which sometimes lap over those ot the pinnæ above it
and the rachis, ot a very- rigid texture, marked with close grooves between the veins ; margins finely nnd minutely
toothed. Terminal pinna or short, sometimes erect, nnd much larger than the lateral ones. Unest pinna
sometimes obliquely ovale, or even otbicnlar-remform. JertiU pinna on sepnrale fronds, or occupying half (one
side) ot the sterile, or a few pinnæ or portions ot them only nre soriferous, narrow-linear, 3 -8 inches long, some-
times so narrow as to be filifonn. Costa naked or paleaceous.
3. L om a n a fiu v ia tilis (Spr. Syst. Veg. 64) ; frondibus cæspitosis linearibus elongatis pinnatis,
pinnis sterilibus plurimis membranaceis oblongo-rotundatis iineari-oblongisve obtusis crenatis margine un!
dulatisve infimis breve stipitatis supremis basi lata adnatis confluentibusve, pinnis fertiiibus brevibus linearibus
erectis obtusis, rachi stipiteque brevi squamis patentibus, rhizomate crinito-paleaceo.— N. Zeal. ii.
28. L. rotundifolia, Raoul, Choix des Plantes Nouv. Zc'l. p . 9. /. 2 B .; Col. in Tasm. Phil. Journ. Stegania
fiuviatilis, Br. Prodr. 154. (T a b . CLXVIl.) {Gunn, 26, 1524.)
H a b . Covering shaded precipices near the Acheron Eiver, on the road to Maccmarrie Harbour
Gunn.— {v.v.)
D is t e ib . South-eastern Australia, New Zealand.
A very distinct species, though varj-ing a good deal in size and form of fim s i.—Rhizome stout, often woody,
and hase of the short stipes thickly clothed with long scales. Fronds 8-18 inches high, tufted, very narrow!
Pinna numerous; of the sterile fronds rounded or linear-oblong, hlunt, waved or crenate at the tip, 4-14 inch long,
lower shortly stipitate, upper adnate by a broad base; top ones confluent; of the fertile fronds fewer, erecd!
linear, narrow, blunt, 4“f inch long. Stipes and rachis covered with more ov less spreading scales.—P late
CLXVII. Fig. 1, fertile pinnules ; 2, transverse section of the same ; 3, capsules ; 4, spores ;—all magnified.
§ c. Frond pinnatifid, or pinnate, when the lower pinnules are adnate by a very broad base lo the rachis.
4. Lomaría V u lcan ic a (Blume, En. Eil. Jav. 202) ; rhizomate crasso paleis crinito, fronde sterili
sublonge stipitata coriacea lanceolata ovata v. ovato-deltoidea pinnatifida basi pinnata, pinnis glabris approximatis
falcatis infimis decurvis lanceolatis obtusis acuminatisve integerrimis v. subcrenatis, costa nervisque
glabris v. villosulis, fertiiibus patentibus anguste linearibus basi obtusis acutisve dilatatis, involucris marginalibus
laceris, stipite basi crinito.—/ ’/. N. Zeal. ii. 29 ; Hook. Ic. Plant, t. 969. L. deflexa. Col. in
Tasm. Phil. Journ. {Gunn, 28, 1522.)
H a b . Eranklin River, and other mountainous parts of the Colony, Gunn.
D i s t e ib . New Zealand; lofty mountains of Java.
A vei-y d is t in c t species, easily re co g n ized b y th e o ften d e lto id c oria ceous fro n d , th e tw o lower p in næ o f w hich
a re deflexed.— usually v e ry s to u t a n d woody, some tim es (in N ew Z e a la n d ) a s th ic k as tlie w ris t. Fronds
te rm in a l, 4 -1 8 in c h es lo n g , tu f te d , o n lo n g s tipes, ov a te o r lan ceo late, d e lto id , coriaceous. Pinnæ close, 14-3 in ch es
lo n g , falc ate, a cum in a te (ra re ly b lu n t) , p e rfec tly e n tire o r irreg u la rly c ren ate , g la b ro u s o r p u b e sc e n t o n tb e co sta
a n d ne rv e s below (espe cially in J a v a specimens). FertiU fronds-mûi m u c h naiTower p in næ , a n d m a rg in a l so ri
some tim es co v erin g th e whole p in n a . Rachis a n d stipes p a le, th e la t te r c rin ite w ith lo n g , b la ck , scaly b ris tle s a t
th e ba se.
5. Lomaría lanc eo la ta (Spr. Syst. Veg. 62) ; frondibus fertiiibus utrinque concoloribus submem-
branaceis cæspitosis glabris anguste elongato-lanceolatis acuminatis basi angustatis breviter stipitatis pinua-
tifidis basi pinnatis, piuiiis plurimis approximatis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis acutis v. acuminatis subfal-
catis integerrimis v. subsinuato-crenalis, infimis rotundatis nunc discretis, rachi costaque glaberrima, fronde
fertili sterilibus breviore, pinnis patentibus linearibus acutis v. acuminatis, stipite basi squamato subcrinito.
—Hook. Ic. Plant, t. 429 ; Fl. N. Zeal. ii. 29. L. obtusata, Lah. Sert. Nov. Caled, t. 6 . Stegania lanceolata,
Br. Frodr. 154; Fndl. Prodr. Fl. Ins. Norf. {Gunn, 27, 1525.)
H a b . Abundant in subalpine moist forests, etc., by streams of water.— {v.v.)
D i s t r ib . South-eastern Australia, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, New Caledonia, Loyalty Islands.
Fronds tufted, on a veiy short, erect caudex, 2 inches to 2 feet high, fii-m in texture, but not coriaceous, pale-
green, paler below; barren ones quite glabrous, long, liuear-lanccolate, acuminate, much narrowed below, often
produced to the base of the short stipes, pinnate below, pinnatifid above. Pinnæ very numerous and close, naiTow
or broadly oblong-lanceolate, -4-2 inches long, blunt or sharp, quite entire or bluutly toothed towards the tip,
transversely ribbed by the forked veins. Fertile fronds shorter ; pinnæ distant, spreading, narrow-linear, acute or
acuminate. Rachis and costæ quite smooth and glabrous. Stipes witli long, subulate, blackish scales at tbe base.
—Norfolk Island specimens are very much larger than Tasmanian or New Zeaiaud ones, and have almost filiform
fertile pinnæ, with subulate tips.
6 . Lomaría d iscolor (Willd. Sp. Pi. v. 293) ; frondibus cæspitosis, fertiiibus glaberrimis subcoria-
ceis subtus discoloribus rufo-brunneis (rarius concoloribus) piuuatifidis (basi sæpius pinnatis) elongato-lanceolatis
acutis basi angustatis, pinnis plurimis (subpectinatis) divarieatis approximatis sinu angusto acuto
lineari-lanceolatis obtusis acutis acuminatisve infimis brevibus integerrimis v. obscure sinuatis, costa
racbique glaberrimis, fronde fertili plerumque pinnatifida pinnis obtusis basi dilatatis nudis inferioribus sterilibus
rarins pinnata pinnis basi substipitatis, costa valida atra, stipite brevi basi paleaceo.— F/. N. Zeal.
ii. 32. lleimonitis discolor, Schk. Fil. t. 6 {suh nom. II. rufa). Ouoclea nuda. Lab. Fl. Nov. Holl. i i
p. 96. t. 246. ’ Stegania falcata, Br. Prodr. 154. {Gunn, 2, 1520.)