
tliis Peziza is coriaceous, and looks like an Endoearpoii.— Plate CLXXXIII. Fig. 12, plant, nat. size; a, asci, and
4. P e z iz a fu sispo ra (Berk, in Hook. Loud. Joum. vol. v. p. 5).
H a b . O u tbe g r o u n d , Gunn.
5. P e z iz a A r ch e r i (Berk.) j sessilis, cinnabarina, primuin ooncava, demum expansa, undulata,
margine libero.
H ab. On dead leaves of some succulent plant, Archer.
Brigbt-ciimson. Cup 4 inch across, sessile, at fii'st depressed, then expanded, undulated and umbilicate, paler
below, slightly tomentose. Asci cylindrical. Sporidia globose, gJgg iuch across, with a large nucleus.—The fruit
is just like that of P. endocarpoides, B. The species is almost intermediate between the sections Humaria and
Mollisia. The sporidia vaiy gi’eatly in size in the same ascus.
6. P e z iz a carhonigena (Berk.); aurantiaca, gregaria, stipata, cupulis umbilicatis sessilibus
flexuosis extus subtiliter granulosis.
H a b . On fragments of charcoal, Areher.
Crowded, about a line broad, not confluent, orange, umbilicate, subturbinate, sUghtly granulated externally.
Asci linear, paraphyses clavate. Sporidia eUiptic, j of au iuch long.—This is not coiifiueut like P. omphalodes.
It has somewhat the habit of P. glumarum, Desm., but is far smaDer.
7. P e z iz a co c c in ea (Jacq. Aust. t. 169).
H a b . On tw ig s . Archer.
8 . P e z iz a E uc a lyp ti (Berk.); pallide olivácea, cupula plana, margine pilis rigidis atro-purpureis
ciliato, stipite cylindrico. (Tab. CLXXXIII. Fig. 13.)
H a b . On le a v e s o f Eucalyptus, Archer.
Extremely minute, pale-olive. Cup turbinate, fringed with long, purple-brown hairs, supported hy a cylindrical,
distinct stem, which, like the cup, has a few scattered white flocci. Asci cylinchical. Sporidia obloug,
subcymbiform, of an iuch long.—A very curious and distinct speeies, which in some respects may be compared
with P. misella, Desm., though very different.—P la t e CLXXXIII. Fig. 13, single plant, magnified; a, ascus,
and á, sporidia, magnified.
9. P e z iz a ste r co r ea (Pers. Obs. ii. p ..89).
H a b . On d u n g , Archer.
10. P e z iz a scu te lla ta (L. Suec. p. 458).
H a b . On dead w o od . Archer.
11. P e z iz a virgín ea (Batsch.; Pr. Syst. Myc. vol. b. p. 90).
H a b . On dead w o od, Archer.
12. P e z iz a lachnoderma (Berk.); cupula subhemispbajrica breviter stipitata extus nivea tomentosa
iutus miniata, sporidiis filiformibus curvatis.
H a b . On d ead bark, Archer.
Cup 2 Dnes across, subhemispherical, supported by a very short stem, white and beautifully downy exteriiaUy,
within pale-scaiiet. Asci long, clavate above. Sporidia linear, subfusifoi-m, curved, °f au inch long.—This
seems at first sight a large form of P. calycina, but the sporidia in that species are oblongo-elliptic, and only about
half as long. I believe the sporidia in P. bicolor, to which the young plauts bear much resemblance, are much
shorter, but I have not seen them perfect.
13. P e z iz a h yalina (Pers. Syn. p. 655).
H a b . On dead wood, Archer.
! e a te n o ff b y in se cts, th e a p p e a ra n c e is
in s ig u i te r c av a , flo cc is
14. P e z iz a anomala (Pers. Syn. p. 6 5 6 ) .
H a b . On dead bark, Archer.
A form which approaches very near to Solenia. AYbere the cups ai
exactly that of a Polyporus.
15. P e z iz a epitephra (Berk.) ; minuta, alba, hmmispherica i
crispis fuscis intertextis oriunda.
H a b . On tbe under side of fallen leaves. Archer.
White, minute, hemispherical or subglobose, hollow, scattered on a uniform brown stratum consisting of even,
curled, browu threads.
1 6 . P e z iz a araneosa (Berk.) ; cupulis primum subglobosis demum ex hemisphEerieo expansis sessilibus
extus araneosis, floccis subtus super matricem repentibus oriundis, bymenio luteo-aurantiaco, sporidiis
curvulis multinucleatis.
H a b . On dead wood. Archer.
Minute, at fii'st globose, then hemispherical, with the border inflected, then expanded, white and byssoid exter-
naDy, attaclied to the matrix by radiating byssoid flocci. Hymenium pale-orange. Asci clavate. Sporidia linear,
curved, containing six or more nuclei, inch long.
17. P e z iz a firma (Pera. Syn. p. 6 5 8 ) .
H a b . On dead wood. Archer.
1 8 . P e z iza b y ssig en a (Berk.) ; ocliracea, cupula concava, stipite elongato cylindrico subtiliter
pruinoso e floccis intertextis radiantibus oriundo.
H a b . On a dead stick, Archer.
Cup 4 a line broad, hyaline, ocliraceous, regular, concave, subtremelloid, supported by a stout cylindrical stem
about 1 line high, minutely pruinose, and springing from matted, radiating, paDid flocci. Asci clavate. Sporidia
subeUiptic or oblong, inch long.—Allied to P. lutescens, Iledwig.
1 9 . P e z iza ceratina (Berk.); turbinata, stipitata, glabra, pallide fulvo-cornea, hymenio piano marginato.
H a b . On leaves of Eucalyptus, Archer.
Minute, not balf a line higli, of a cleai-, tawny horn-colour, turbinate, stipitate, smooth. Hymenium flat, with
a narrow border. Asci rather large. Sporidia obloiigo-clavate, pointed, inch long.—Tliis species is aüied to
P. elavellala, Desra., aud P. cyathoidea, but more especially to Heloiium tituhans, Mont., a Chilian species, from all
which it is quite distinct. The hymenium is perfectly flat when moistened.
20. P e z iza omnivirens (Berk.) ; eruginosa, cupula breviter stipitata subturbinata, bymenio
piano, sporidiis amplis.
H a b . On dead wood : Leitli Creek, August, Archer.
Cup siibturbiiiate, 2 lines across, dark verdigris-green. Hymenium plane. Asci Dneari-ckvate. Sporid'ia uniserial,
oblong, obtuse at either end, subcymbifonn, inch long.—This bears the same relation to P. versiformis
that P. aruginea, B., does to P. (eruginosa. It is more regular, and the sporidia much lai-ger. In P. ver-
sifomiis the sporidia are -g-jVij °f >"1 fot’b long, and much nan'ower in proportion.
21. P e z iza grata (Berk.); cupula plana hyalina marginata breviter stipitata subaurantiaca,
stipite pallidiori cylindrico quandoque eompresso.
I I a b . Ou dead, exposed wood, Archer.
Cup 4 Due across, concave, hyaline, of a duD-orange, Stem paler, compressed. Sporidia fusiform, of an