
A supenmtibte, p d e . inferiore scaberula arista tortfli 4-plo lo n g io re .-D . Sicberiana, Tnn. et Rupr. I. e
Agrostis scurca, B r. Proir. 171. K,tuU, Bn. i. 218. Muhlcubcgia ? scure.a, Trin. O ra ., v i j i . 193
M. rara, Nees, in Eook. Lond. Journ. Bot. ii. 414. {Ounn, 989.) (T a b . C LVIII A )
Yar. 0 ; foliis vclutiuis.
H a b . Abundant throughout tho Island. H Hobarton, OUJieU.
D i s t iu b ; New South Wales, Victoria, New Zealand, and Norfolk Island.
.4- more slender p to t than B. crinita, but ,e r , closely aUied to it, differing in the thin paniele, whiel, is loosely
7 d l £ t “f d Î T - ” !>■ - long a, the Howe,
and tansted awn is not fom times longer than tho npper p a l e a , - lW CLVIII. J . Kg. 1, spikelet ; 2, ffower •
S, ovary, stamens, and squamulæ :—all magnified. ’
3 D ic h e la c h n e a tip o id e s (Nob. in Fl. N. Zeal. i. 291. t. 66) ; cespitosa, glaberrima, polita
foins elongatis strict,s setaceo-iuvointis, panienla eieota conta cta panciflora parce ramosa, glumis lawibus
„c setaceo-ocnmiuatis florem J excedentibus, paleis snbcoriaceis inferiore sericeo-villosa, arista gonion-
lata glaberrima flore bis-ter longiore. [fhtnn, 1490.)
H a b . Abundant, especmlly near the sea.— (PI. Nov.) (y. v.)
D i s t iu b . Extratropical Australia and New Zealand.
Also found in New Zealand, growing, as in Tasmania, near the se a .-A handsome, densely tufted, rigid wiry
smooth and pohshed, yeUow Grass, often forming lar-ge tussocks, with the habit and appearance of a S tip a .-.C n L
ln -3 feet h.gh, Zeaoe, slender, mvolute, wiry, erect, terete. Panicle contacted, 1^6 inches long, strict erect
tew-aowered, and spannglj branched ; branches short, capfllary, orect. Gl.mes i - } inch long, white or vollow'
membranons thm and shining, lanceolate, with a long slender point. Mower shorter than the glumes, coverei
sid e th 1 T , 7 " “ I ' ™ ‘ ll ‘ te tb a t th e fo p , on e o n each
Side th e awn , wh ich is cu rv ed , a b o u t an in c h lo n g , a n d q u ite g lab ro u s .
Spiculx 1-fiorm; flore stipitate, basi barbato. Olumx 2, snbæ,nales, carinata, snbaristatæ, flore minores.
Pnfcæ 2, inferior apice S-arisl.ta, arista intermedi, majore fortUi, superior minor mutica. Squarnuke
e T l Z l ^ r i ' f o l i i s p. i„ o l .t i e ; spiculis paniwutatU; pani-
A smaU geuus, couffned to Australia and T a sm a n ia .-i,» » i,„ . .taple g,,,,
Pa.«U long, deme, eimfte from the nnmber of awns. SpiMete one-iiowered, wdthont a.jrudiment or pedicel of a
second; ffower bearded below, stalked. nearly equal, keeled, very acuminate, almost awned, shorter than
he ffower. P » i„ two the lower with a narrow top ending in five rigid awns, of which four arise from the teeth
the fifth, large,., twisted, nses from the back ot the palea behind and between the others. (Name wee™ b e and
TTùiyuìv, a beard ; m allusion to the five awns.) ’
1. Pcn tap ogon B illa rd ie r i (Br. Prodr. 173) ; annua, cæspitosa, villosa v, pubescens, rarius glaber-
rima, cnlmis erectis sulcatis, folus involutis, panienla snbnnlantc contracta aristis flexnosis crinita glnmis
snbaristatis ciliatis, p,alca interiore scaberula dura aristis brevioribus duplo longiore, arista intermedia geni
enlata glumis bis-ter longiore— B « „ . Agrost. t. viii. / . 11. Kunth, Bn. i. 239, Agrostis quadrifida
Lab. Fl. Nov. Eoli. i. p . 20. t. 22. {Gunn, 1476, 1477, 1478.)
Hab. Probably common; Hobarton, OUJieU ; Oheshnnt, Archer: Launceston, e ™ . - ( F l Nov)
D is t r ib . Victoria.
Ver, vaiiable in size and hairiness, smooth or softly vfllous, the calms sometimes 6 inches high, rimosl
filiform, with a veiy fcw-flowerccl panicle, at others stout, 2 feet )àg\.-Leaves involute, smooth or downy. Panicle
palc-coloui-ed and shining, 2 -6 inches long, narrow, much like that of Dichelachne ainita, drooping, covered with
the long flexuose awns. Glumes ciliate. Lower palea narrow, rigid, firm, smooth or scaberulous, half as long as the
shorter awns. Long awn often purple, twice or thrice as long as the glumes, bent, twisted. Upper palea narrow,
with two nerves, ciliated towards the entire top.
Glumæ 2, unifloræ, subæquales, carinatæ, muticæ, flore majores. Flos sessilis v. pedicellatus, inter-
dum basi rudimento secundi suffultus. Paleæ 2, inferior mutica v. dorso aristata ; arisla baud aut vix
tortüi; superior bicarinata, interdum minima V. obsoleta. 2, subiiitegræ. Stamina Z. Carylibera.—
Gramiua cæspitosa; îolüs planis involutisve; panicuHs diffuse ramosis, ramis sæpius verti-
ciliatis, rarius brevibus v. in spicam cylindraceam confertis.
A large genus of Grasses, most abundant in temperate and cold climates, advancing as near to either Pole as
any other phænogamic plants Ao.~Calms often tufted. Leaves flat or involute. Panicles lax or dense, branches
often whoried. Glumes two, nearly equal, keeled, one-flowered, with or without the pedicel of an upper fiower
Paleæ two. lower awnless, or awned at the back (often both in the same species), upper two-nerved, rarely absent.
Awn never or very slightly twisted. Squamulæ two. Stamens three. Caiyopsis quite free. (Name from’aypos, a
field, the species abounding in open places.)
§ 1 . T r ic i io d iu m .— Z /ower sessile, with no rudiment or pedicel of a second. I 0, or much smaUer than
the lower ; lower awnless, or with a short dorsal awn, not hairy or silky at t
1. A g r o s tis p a rv if lo ra (Br. Prodr. 170); parvula. teneüa, glaberrima, culmis gracilibus cæspitosis,
folus plams angustis, panicula effusa capillari rariflora, glumis acuminatis florem excedentibus carina seabris'
palea inferiore membranacea glaberrima truncata nervis inconspicuis arista dorsali inclusa v. 0, superiore
mmima v. 0.-iYu¿. in Fl. N Zeal. i. 296. A. intricata, Nees, im Eook. Lond. Journ. Bot. ii. 413,
A. gelida, F. Muell. MSS. {Gunn, 1011, 1448, 1449, 1471.) (T a b . CLVIII. B.)
H a b . Common in shady places, ascending to 4000 feet.— (FI. Nov.-Jan.) {v. v.)
D i s t r i b . Victoria, New Zealand.
A slender, tufted Grass, 6 -8 inches high, erect or prostrate at the base, quite smooth.—Gt/nw leafy upwards
or only at the base. Leaves veiy narrow, flat or involute. Ligula long, memhranous. Panicle of few lax, eapiUarv
trichotomous branches, whoried in tlmees. SpikeUts minute. Glumes about i longer than the flowers, nearfy
equal, scabrid along the keel. Lower palea quite glabrous, very membranous, broad, truncate, with faint nerves
Atmi, when present, as in some specimens from New Zealand, dorsal, slender, included. Upper palea wanting in
my specimens. — Panicles gi-een or purplish; alpine specimens growing in exposed places have rigid, subulate
leaves, and veiy short culms. It is veiy nearly allied to the A. alpina of the European alps, but the awn, when
present, is never basal in this, and the panicle is fewer-flowered.—P late CLVIII. B. Fig. 1, spikelet ; 2, flower •
3, stamens, sqnamnlæ, and ovaiy; 4, caiyopsis:—c«
2- A g r o s tis v e n u s ta (Trim Agrost. ii. 94) ; cæspitosa, tenella, foliis filiformibus setaceisve lævibus
V. scaberulis, culmis gracilibus, panicula (pro planta) maxima effusa, ramis primariis verticillatis elongatis
capillaribus trichotomis, spiculis longe pedicellatis, glumis inæqualibus acuminatis dorso carina ciliatis
superiore 4 lougiore, palea inferiore membranacea glaberrima v. scaberula truncata arista dorso infra medium
inserta incurva glumis longiore, superiore minima v. 0.— A. æmula, Br., var. pumila, F. Muell.
MSS. Lachnagrostis ‘Willdenowii, Nees, in Eook. Lond. Journ. Bot. ii. 412. {Gvnn 593 Iflf)«-!
(Tab. CLIX. JÍ.) v j > o.)