
Flocci tubulosi, fértiles erecti, terminati sporangio membranaceo dehiscente (raro diffluente) includente
sporidia discreta.
The species of this genus are developed upon all sorts of decajing substances. The vesicular heads, which do
not coUapse, as in Jacopliora, distinguish the genus. Little is known of exotic forms. (Name from the Latin
mucor; a generic name for Mould.)
1. Mucor ce rvin oleucus (Berk.)j fiocci simplices, deorsum candidi, sursum ochracei, sporis sub-
H a b . On the dung of some small animal, Archer.
Remarkable for its oehroleucous aspect. Tbe spores are elliptic, with one side nearly straight, and are about
iuch loDg. SpoTangia tawny, globose.
Flocci fértiles, sporangiis terminati, in massam subglobosam compacti. Sporidia ignota.
The fructification of these curious tniffle-like Moulds is not satisfactorily kuown. The vesicles are just like
e of Ifiico?-, but liave not been observed to contain sporidia. (Name from o-Sov. within, and yiyvo/xai, to be
1. Endogone a u stra lis (Berk.) : hemisphærica, alba, sporangiis magnis centralibus aggregatis.
H a b . On the ground, Archer.
Hemispherical, about 2 lines across, white. Sporangia confined to the centre, g ig of an inch or more across,
ih, collected in little groups.—The pale colour, more branched threads, and central sporangia, distinguish this
interesting species, of which there is only a single specimen in the collection.—P la t e CLXXXIII. Fig. 15, a, plant,
nat. size ; b, section of ditto ; c, exteraal threads 5 ¿»sporangia:—magnified.
N a t . O k d . VIII. ALGÆ.
B y JF. E . Harvey, M.D., F.R.S.
T e ib e I. FÜCACBÆ.
(J. Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 268. Hook. FI. N. Zeal, u. p. 211.)
1. Sargassum Ra ou lii (Hook. fil. et Harv. in Lond. Journ. Bot. iv. p. 523; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. i.
p. 288; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 616; Hook. El. N. Zeal. ii. p. 212).—S. capillaceum, H . f . et H. Lond.
Journ. vi. p . 414.
H a b . Port Arthur, In/all, J. B. H., JF. H. H. Georgetown, Gunn, JF. U. U. Southport, C. Stuart.
D i s t r ib . New Zealand.
2. S argassum biforme (Sond. in Bot. Zeit. 1845, p. 51 ; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 301).
H a b . Georgetown, R. Gunn.
D i s te ib . Western and southern shores of Australia.
3. S argassum paradoxum (R. Br. in Turn. Hist. Fuc. t. 156 ; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 302).
H a b . Georgetown, R. Gunn.
D i s t r ib . Southern shores of Australia.
(Gi-cv. Alg. Brit. Syn. p. 34; End], 3rd Suppl. p, 33; J. Ag, Sp. Alg. i. p. 260.)
1. S e iro c o c cu s axiUaris (Grev.; J. Ag. 1. c. p. 260).—Fucus axiUaris, Turn. Hist. t. 146.
H a b . Georgetown, Gunn, JF. H. H , etc.
D i s t r ib . South coast of Australia: not found west of Cape Northumberland?
(Grev. Syn. p. 34; Endl. 3rd Suppl. p. 33; J, Ag. Sp. Alg, i. p. 257.)
1. S cy to tha lia dorycarpa (Grev.; J . Ag. Sp. A lg .i.p . 258).—F u c u s d o r y c a r p u s , . f f i s / . /. 143.
H a b . "V a n Diemen’s Land,” R . Brown,fide J. Ag.
We have not seen any Tasmanian specimens, and suspect a mistake in the habitat. This plant is very abuudant
iu Western Australia, but is not found, to our knowledge, to the east of Cape Northumberland.
(Ag. Eevis. Macrocyst. p. 311; Endl, 3rd Suppl. p. 32; J. Ag. Sp, AJg. i, p. 252.)
I. Phy llo sp o ra comosa (Ag. I.e . t. 28. f. 11; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 253).—Fucus comosiis.
Turn. Hist. L 142; Labill. Fl. Nov. Holl. t. 258.
H a b . Common on the seacoast.
D i s t r ib . South coasts of New Holland. New Zealand.
Gen. V. SCABERIA, Grev.
(Grev. Syn. p. 36; J. Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 251.—Castraltia, Ach. Rich. Fl. N. Zeal. xi. p. 143; Dne. Arch.
Mus. xi. p. 175. t. 5. f. 23, 24 ; Endl. 3rd Suppl. p. 30.)
1. Scaberia Agardhii (Grev.; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. I.e. p. 252).—Castraltiasalicornoides, A. Rich. N.
Zeal. xi. p . 143.
H a b . Georgetown, etc., R. Gunn.
D i s t r ib . Western and southern shores of Australia. New Zealand.
By an oversight, this plant is omitted in Hook. Fl. N. Zeal.
Gen. VI. CYSTOPHOEA, / . Ag.
(J. Ag. Symb. p. 3; Sp. Alg. i. p. 238; Hook. Fl. N. Zeal. ii. p. 2U.—Blossevillea, Dne. iu Arch. Mus. xi,
p. 147; Hook. fil. ct Harv. in Lond. Joum. vi. p. 414.)
1. Cystophora monilifera (J. Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 241; F l.N .Z e a l. ii. p. 214).—Blossevillea
retroilexa, Bn e.; Harv. in Lond. Journ. vi. p . 414. Fucus retroflcxus, Turn. Hist. t. 155 (not o f Labill).
H a b . Georgetown, etc., R. Gunn.
D i s t r ib . "Western and southern coasts of New Holland. New Zealand.
2. Cystophora retroflexa (Labill. Nov. Holl. p. 113. t. 260; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. i. p. 242).__