
k to compressissimo hinc pliiiio inde cooToxiuscnlo marginibus seabris, panicula coarctata ovato-lauceolala
sttbdeusa mvolucro breviore v. rarius lougiore, ramis breribus subsimplieibus, spiculis alterms approximatis,
squamis oxatis acuminato-aristatis p u b e ru lis .-X a « « , En. ii. 316. L. squamatum, Lab. Jul. Nee» m Ann.
and Mag. Nat. H u t. vi. 47. (Onnn, 983.) (Ta b . CXLA'II. A.)
Hab, Sand-hills: Circular Hoad and Georgetown, ffti»».— (H. April.)
D is t r ib . New South Wales and Victoria.
A short, robust species, 1-2 feet high, with broad, very flat leaves and erdms for the size of the speeies, and
. short p an ie le .-C a i» i ineh broad, with scabi-ons margins. Panicle 1-2 mches long, ovate or oHong-laneeolate,
with short, simple branches, bearing a few alternate bnt close-set spikelets. The erect, rigid, inyolnml leal is
vcnerallv longer than the paniole.-Ot this specie, there are specimens in the British Mrrserrm. named i , ccneana.
Br,; it is well diatingidshed from the plant for which I have retained that name by the short pamele and long
involucral bract.-PLATB CXLTII. A. Fig. 1, spikelet i 2, scale and flower; 3, pistil and stamens magnifet.
7. L e p i d o s p e r m a a n g n s t i f o l i a (Hook. SI.) i gracilis, 8-4-peclalis, culmis i poll, latis compressis
utrinque couvexiusculis marginibus asperulis, pauicula elongata tenni gracili, ramis brevibus gracihbus
spiculis parvis alterms approximatis, squamis acuminatis, squamulis hypogynis lanceolatis. (Gunn, 570.)
(Ta b . OXLAHI. B )
Hab. Penquite, near Launceston, Gunn.— (PL April.)
A veiT slender species, with an erect, slender, sparingly branched paidclo.-C«h« 3-4 feet high, J meh broad,
bases (and'sheaths of the leaves) red-brown, much compressed bot concave on both surfaces, solid wothm, margins
most minutely roughened. PanicU a span long, with alternate, snhereet or recnrved, slender tanohes. S p M
small. -iV inch long, alteniate, approximate, with acnminate scales.—PlATB CXLVII. B. Fig. 1, spi e e , , s
and flower; 3, pistil aud stamens -.—all magnified.
S L e p i d o s p e r m a U n e a r i s (Br. Prodr. 285) ; 12-18-pollicaris, foliis falcatis cnhnisqne -to-fyr poll-
latis ntrinqne convexis vix striatis marginibus Imviusenlis, panicula v. spica ovata composlta enrva, ramis
brevibus paucifloris, spiculis approximatis, squamis acuminatis puberulis, squamulis hypogynis ovatis ans-
tato-acuminatis.—Kunth, En. ii. 318. [Gnnn, 1497.)
H a b . Tasmania, Brown; Penquite, near Launceston, Gunn.— (Y\. winter.)
D is t r ib . Victoria.
Tbis is possibly the L. squamata of Labülardiwe. whose figure it closely resembles in babit and size, etc., but
Brown describes tbe culms of that plant, of which I have examined specimens in tbe Bntisb Museum, as plane on
one surface, which these are not, and the leaves as shining at the base, which also is not the case with this
plant The present is the smallest of the Tasmanian flat-culmed species; it forms large tufts 12-18 inches high,
with numerous, rigid, curved, very narrow leaves, and culms inch broad, convex and striolate (not grooved)
on both surfaces, and very minutely roughened at the margins. Panicle 1 -U inch long, young and imperfect in
my specimens, sparingly branched, and few-flowered.
9. L e p i d o s p e r m a g l o b o s a (Lab. Nov. Holl. i. 16. t. 1 4 ); gracilis, 1- 2 -pedalis, foliis falcatis, oul-
rais -r'x-rv poll. laB® utriuque convexis margiuibus scaberulis, spica pauciflora composita, ramis 4 -5 alterms
brevisrfmis 2- 3 -floris involucris partialibus brevioribus, spiculis parvis turgidis, squamis acuminatis, nucibus
trigonis, squamulis bypogynis mmirms.—-Kunth, En. ii. 318.
H a b . Recherche Bay, Lahillardiere j stony places near Brown’s River, Oldfield.
Verv similar to L. linearis, but less xA^d.-Leaves falcate, margins smooth, sheaths sliining. Culm erect,
inch broad, compressed, convex on both surfaces, margins scaberulous. Panicle, or rather, branched spike,
Si^^iaUest and fewest-iiowered of the flat-culmed section, not an inch long, erect, with three or four alternate,
rather distant, short branches, each 4 inch long, bearing two or three spikelets, shorter than the bracts from whose
axils they spring. Spikelets smaU, 4 inch long, close together. Scales acuminate, Nut trigonous, witli very small
hypogynous scales.
10. L e p i d o s p e r m a s q u a m a t a (Lab. Nov. Holl. i. 17. t. 1 6); pedalis, foliis angustis strictiusculis
culmisque subæquilongis 4—pV unc. latis utrinque convexiusculis et lineis profunde sulcatis notatis, vaginis
nitidis, panicula ovata, ramis paucifloris.— Br. Prodr. 335; Kunth, En. ii. 318.
H a b . Tasmania, Labillardiere, Brown.
I liave no specimens of this, which I follow Brown in refening to Labillardicre’s L. squamata, though L. linearis,
Br., appears to me more closely to resemble LabiUardiere’s figure. The present differs from L. linearis chiefly in
the shining sheaths of the leaves, and slender grooves on the leaves and culms.
b. Culm and leaves angled.
11. L e p i d o s p e r m a t e t r a g o n a (Lab. Nov. Holl. i. 17. t. 1 7 ); culmo pedali obtuse angulato, foliis
tetragonis, panicula coarctata, ramis parum divisis.—Br. Prodr. 235. An Kunth, En. ii. 319? L. australis,
Nob. in Fl. N . Zeal. i. 279. Vautbiera australis, A. Rick. Fl. N . Zeal. 107. t. 20.
H a b . Recherche Bay, Labillardiere.
D is t r ib . New Zealand.
I have seen no Tasmanian specimens of this species, which I have described in the ‘ Flora Novæ Zelandiæ ’
as L. australis.—h. tufted, rigid, almost leafless, Rush-like Sedge. Culms 1 - 1 | foot high, quite smooth, irregularly
three- or four-angled, compressed or tetraquetrous, striated. Sheaths with rigid, subulate, compressed, thi-ee- or
four-angled, erect leaves, 2-8 inches long. Spikelets crowded, spiked or fascicled, pale-brown, forming a terminal,
short, oblong capitulum 4 inch long. Bract shortly sheathing, with a subulate, erect point. Braeteoles mucronate,
striate; scales six to eight, acuminate, terminal one with a single flower. Stamens and stigmas 3. Hypogynous
scales six, connate into a six-lobed cup.—Kunth appears to have described Oladium Junceum for this plant,
c. Culm and leaves terete or nearly so.
12. L e p i d o s p e r m a f i l i f o r m i s (Lab. Nov. Holl. i. 17. t. 1 5); cæspitosa, gracilis, 12-18-uncialis,
culmis basi polyphyllis foliisque subfiliformis strictis erectis subcompressis, spica 2-3-flora involucro æqui-
longa, spiculis anguste lanceolatis bracteolain arisfatam subæquantibus, squiimis lanceolatis acutis, squamulis
hypogynis subulatis.—Chapelliera pauciflora, Nees, fid. Mueller. {Gunn, 1439.)
Hab. Recherche B a y ,/«¿¿//arÆJre; Arthur’s Lakes, Gunn; wet ground near Brown’s River, Oldfield.—
(PI. Feb.)
D is t r ib . Victoria, near Mount Abrupt, Mueller.
A perfectly smooth, very slender, tufted species, much resembling Cladium Gunnii, H.f., 12-18 inches high,
with numerous slender, erect leaves at the base of tbe culm.—ienaes grooved down the front, terete or very slightly
angular or compressed. Spike simple, 4-4 inch long, of two or tliree alternate, erect spikelets, arising from the
axil of au erect, subulate, involucral leaf. Spikelet nairow, 4 inch long.—Muefler’s specimens have an obscure
groove down the culm as well as on the leaves ; the nut is grey, obovate, trigonous, and the hypogynous scales are
very minute.
Flos solitarius, glumis deciduis 2 inclusus. Perianthkcm e squainis 6 biseriatis cartilagineis, post iap-
sum nucis pedúnculo elongato persistens. Stamina 3. Stylus dcciduus ; stigmatibus 3. Nu x obovata,
Crustacea, apicc areola deprcssa.— Planta humilis, rigida, coespites convexos ampios in summis mont/bus
efformans; culmis divisis, fo liis distiche cequitanlibus v. undique imbricatis dense vestitis; foliis lineari