D i s t r ib . South coast of New Hollaud. New Zealand. Dcmerara. Estuaries of North American
Rivers. Bonin Islands, near Japan, in fresh-waier rivulets.
5. D e le s s e r ia end iviæfolia (Hook. fil. et Harv. Lond. Journ. vi. p. 408; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. ii.
p. 697 ; Harv. Ner. Austr. p. 115).
H a b . Georgetown.
D i s te ib . South coasts of New Holland.
6 . D e le s s e r ia (Hemineura'’ frondosa (Hook. fil. et Harv. Lond. Journ. vi. p. 4 0 3 ; Harv. Ner.
Austr. p. 116. t. 4 5 ; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. ii. p. 689).
H a b . Abundant in the Tamar, etc.
D is t r ib . South coasts of New Holland.
A most variable species, putting on a thousand different fonns in different localities. Sometimes the frond is
broadly-ovate, little divided, and merely crenate-lobed round the margin ; sometimes the margin is excessively
ciisped, and deeply cut into innumerable crowded lobes. Sometimes the frond is narrow-linear, pinnatifid or
bipmnatifid. The margin is sometimes quite entire, sometimes sharply serrate. Size, substance, and colour, are
equaUy variable.
(Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 77. Harv. Ner. Austr, p. 118. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. ii. p. 651.)
1. N itop h y llum crispum (Kütz. Sp. Alg. p. 8 6 8 ;. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. ii. p. 662).— N. punctatum,
7/arv. in Lond. Journ. and Ner. Austr. p . 118.
H a b . Very abundant at and above Georgetown.
D istr ib . Coast o f Victoria, ra th e r rare.
2. N itop h y llum stip itatum ; stip ite anguste cuneato elongato costato in froudem roseam sub-
palmatifidam abeunte , costis in basi segmeutorura mox evanescentibus, segmentis latocuueatis profunde in cisis
V. semipartitis medio incrassatis, margine simplici, soris orbicularibus pe r to tam frondem sparsis.
H a b . East coast, R . Gnnn, Esq.
Stipes nearly an inch high, strongly ribbed, naiTOw, euneate, widening into the base of a subpalmate frond,
2-4 inches in expansion. Segments of the frond costate at base, broadly euneate, in-egularly cleft. Sori scattered
over the whole surface.
3. N itop h y llum Gunnianum (Harv. Lond. Journ. vi, p. 403 ; Harv. Ner. Austr. p. 120. t. 47 ;
J. Ag. Sp. Alg. ii. p. 663).
H a b . Georgetown, common.
D is t r ib . Heads of Port Phillip.
The figure in Ner. Austr. is very incorrectly coloured. The frond, when fresh, is of a full, hut rather dull-
red colour. If dried without previous steeping iu fi'esh-water, it becomes very dark and brown,
4. Nitop h yllum affine (Harv. Lond. Journ. iii. p. 4 4 7 ; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. ii. p. 657; Harv. Ner,
Austr. p. 119).
H ab. Georgetown.
D i s t r ib . Coast o f Victoria.
5. N itop h y llum multipartitum (Hook. fil. et Harv. Lond. Journ. vi. p. 404 ; Ilarv. Ner. Austr.
p. 121 ; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. ii. p. 664).
H a b . Georgetown. Browu’s River, etc.
D is t r ib . Coast of Victoria.
6 . n ito p h y llum m u ltiu e r r e (Hook. ffl. et Hnrv. Lond. Jonrn. iv. p. 2 6 5 ; H. Antarct. i. p. 47.3-
Hart. Ner. Austr. p. 119; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. ii. p. 6 6 6 ).
Ha s. Derwent, Mr. OUJieU. Sontliport, C. Slutrl.
DisTian. Autai'ctic shores and New Zealand.
(Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 121. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. ii. p. m .—Flocarie, Endl. 3rd Snppl. p. 50.)
1. G r a c ila r ia c o n fe rv o id e s (Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 123; Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 0 5 ; J . Ag. Sp. Alg,
11. p. 587).—Fucus confervoides. T u n . H id . t. 84 ; E. Hot. t. 1668.
H a b . Georgetown, A depauperated variety in the rivulet of brackish water.
D is t r ib . Cosmopolitan.
(Mont. An. Sc. Nat. 1843. Kütz. Sp. Alg. p. 784. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. ii. p, 611.)
1. M e lan th aU a o b tu s a ta (J. Ag. Sp. A]g. ii. p. 614; Harv. Phyc. Austr. t. 25).—M. Bülardieri,
Mout. K itz . S f. Alg. 784. Focus obtnsatus, LahiU. Nov. HoU. t. 255; Turn. Hist. t. 145, E- intermedia,
B a n . Phyc. A u d r. t. 26. f . 2. M. abscissa, Hooh. and H a n . in Lond. Journ. iv, p . 548
{excl. syn.).
H a b . Northern coast, and islands in Bass’s Straits. 0 . Port Arthur, Dr. Jeannerett. Southport
C. Stuart. ^ ’
D i s t e ib . South coast of Australia.
(Scad, in Bot. Zeit. 1849, p. 56. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. ii. p. 633.)
1. D ic r a n em a G re v îllii (Sond. in Bot. Zeit. 1845, p. 56 ; J . Ag. Sp. Alg. Ü. p. 634).—Gracilaria
pumila, Grev. in Ed. Journ. iii. p . 338, cum. ic.
H.VB. Fiinders' Island, Hr. Milligan.
2. D i c r a n em a ? fn r c e lla tnm (Hook. ffl. el Harv. in Loud. Joum. vi. p. 4 0 6 ; J . Ag. Sp. Al», ii.
635). ”
H a b . Port Arthur, Hr. .lemnerett, Beo. Mr. Ewing, W. II. H. Tasmania, C. Stuart.
Until the fruit of this plaut shah have been found, the genus must remain doubtful. The habit is that ot a
Dierme,m , but the structure of tbe froud does uot eraclly accord with that ot the other species.
Gen. LXIX. PHACELOCAEPUS, Eudl. et Hiee.
(Enffl. et Dies. Bot. Zeit. 1849, p. 290. S. Ag, Sp. Alg. n. p. 6 4 6 .-0 « o d » s , Küte. Phyc. Gen. p. 407.)
I . P h a c e lo c a rp n s L a b iU a rd ie r i (J. Ag. Sp. Alg. ii. p. 648).—Ctenodus Labillardieri, K itz
Phjo. Gm. p . 407. t. 5 8 . / . 2 ; Hook. f il. et Harv. lo n d . Jouru. iv. 549. Fucus Labillardieri, 'Turn
H k t. t. 137.
I I a b . Sea-shores, common.
D i s t r ib . West, south, aud east coasts of Australia. New Zealand.
2. P h a c e lo c a rp n s com p lan a tu s (Harv.) ; fronde angusta plano-compressa immerse v. obsolete
costata decomposita, ramis ramulisque pectinatim pinnatisectis, laciiiulis subulatis distichis, nematheciis
minutis hemisphæricis infra apices lacinulamm sessilibus.— Earv. Alg. Austr. Exsicc. n. 306.
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