
dii-ty-brownisli. colour.—P l a t e CLXXX, Fig. 3 ; 1, a portion of the steiu, with leaves and stipule; 2, perianth,
with involucral leaves and stipule, as seen from the ventral side; 3, transverse section of the upper part of the
]ierianth :—all magnified.
4. L ejeun ia Tasman ica (Gottsche, Icon. Hep. ined.) ; caule repente inordinate ramoso, foliis
imbricatis ovatis obtusis integerrimis apice declivibus basi sinuato-couipHcatis, lobulo majusculo infinto
apice emarginato-truncato, amphigastriis erectis distantibus contiguisve foliis triplo minoribus ovato-cor-
datis convexis ad medium fere bifidis, laciuiis lanceolatis, fructu . . . — Gottsche, Planta Afuelleriana.
Hab. Tasmania, creeping amongst Radula buccinata, Stuart.
Forma intermecha inter X. tabularem et X. serpylUfoUam, priori tamen propiiiquior, sed statina minore, et amphigastriis
foliomm respectu minoribus diversa.— Gottsche, I.e.
This appears to be nearly allied to X. tumida, and may even be identical with it.
5. L ejeun ia se rp y llifo lia (Libert; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep. p. 374).
H a b . Cheshunt, ou trees. Archer.
These specimens agi-ee in all respects with Emopean examples of the species, and possess the same property of
staining the paper on which they are preseiwed of a didl-leaden colour-.
e. Lejeun ia ly ra tifo lia (Hook. fil. et Tayl.) ; caule minuto tenui subdisperso procumbente vage
ramoso, foliis laxis patentibus subquadratis ángulo antico exteriore producto, lobulis oblongis iuvoiutis,
amphigastriis (duplicatis) bipartitis, segmentis lanceolatis divarieatis, periauthio axillari ex angusta basi
obovato quadricarinato.—Lond. Journ. Bot. 1848, p . o83 •, G. L .e t N . Sgn. Hep.p. 756. (T a b . CLXXX.
Lig. 4.)
Hab. Tasmania, creeping over a specimen of Parmelia diatiypa, Ach., J. B . H.
Coespites va ld e la x i, pallid is sim e fiisco-olivacei. Caules v ix tinlineares, ram i pau ci, iiTegulares, foha lyroefovmia,
m a rg in e exteriore recuiwa. Perigonia in spic is b rev ib u s tei-minalibus. Polia in v o lu e ralia domo coalita, e recta, biloba,
segmeu tis a cu tis inæ q u alib u s, v e n tre cum am p h ig as trio in v o lu c rali oblongo b ifido colmato. Perianthium u sq u e ad
m ed iam lo n g itu d in em ex sertum , c arin is su p e rn e erosis.
A minute species, whose place is amongst those with a stipule at the base of every leaf, and generally with a
few enlarged cells, giring their leaves a more or less regulai-ly dotted appearance : these are not obvious in tbe present,—
P l a t e CLXXX. Fig. 4 ; 1, a portion of the stem, with leaves and stipules ; 2, a perianth, with involucram,
as seen on the ventral side ; 3, transverse section of the perianth -.—all magnified.
1. r r u U a n i a H am p e a n a (Nees ab E. ; G. L. et N . Syn. IIcp. p. 426).
H a b . Tasmania,
2. F ru lla a ia proboscidopkora (Taylor) ; eaule vage pinnatim ramoso, foliis rotundo-ovatis obtusis
integerrimis auriculis luuato-galeatis acuminatis acumine decurvo, amphigastriis orbiculatis bidentatis dentibus
acutis utriuque bi-tridentatis, foliis involucralibus ovatis acutis dentatis auriculo aeuminato margiuibus
recurvis deutatis basi laciniatis, amphigastrio bipartito, laciniis lanceolatis dentatis, perianthio involucvum
parum excedente obovato obtuso apiculato dorso convexo ventre unicariuato, angulis carinaque crispatulis.—
Tayl. Lond. Journ. Bot. 1848,p . 4 0 2 ; G. L . e tN . Syn. Hep.p. 770. (T a b . CLXXX. Fig. 5.)
H a b . O u the bark of trees : Circular Head, J. B . H. Cheshunt, Archer.
Fusco-rabra, albescens, scariosa. Caulis poUicaris, folia lata e textura tenera fragili. Auricula lunato-galeatæ
marginibus orificii incurvi ut rostnim simulant. Amphigastria circiter sexdentata. Perianthium fragilissimum, ante
egressum capsulæ sæpe destructum.
Yery nearly allied to P. Hampeana, but a larger species, remarkable in the few specimens yet seen for the discoloration
aud scarious appearance of its leaves. Its habit appeai-s to resemble tbat o f / , dilatata. The perianth
is evei-ywliere smooth except the angles, which are minutely undulate or subcrispate.—P l a t e CLXXX. Fig. 5 ;
1, plant, of the natural size; 2, a portion of the stem, ivith leaves and stipule; 3, involucral leaves, stipule, and
perianth, as seen on the ventral side ; 4, transverse section of perianth -.—all magnified.
3. F ru lla n ia m o n o c e ra (Hook. fil. et Tayl. Lond. Journ. Bot. 1845, p. 89 ; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep.
p. 41 8 ); caule implexo prostrato vage ramoso, foliis subimbricatis patentibus oblongo-ovatis rotundatis
plams integerrimis, lobo inferiore galeæformi unispinoso dcfiexo, amphigastriis ovato-acuminatis bifidis dentatis,
perianthio terminali obcordato trigono, angulis hirtis, ore tubifero.
H a b . Tasmania, amongst other Hepaticoe, J. B . H.
Cæspites parvi, albo-virides. Caules fere semipoUieares, iiTegulariter ramosi. Polia arete imbricata, patentia,
tenuissima, plana, elliptica, auriculæ galeæfovmes cornu subreflexo munita?, Amphigastria caulem excedentia, In-
volucrum m ramulo parvo perhmtbium fere obtegens ; foliis involucralibus basi coadunatis, dentatis, erectis, lobulo
lanceolato. Anguli perianthii spinis vario modo curvatis, interdum ad instar alæ confluentibus, muniti.—Taylor, I. c.
This description agrees, excepting the angles of the perianth, vei-y nearly with the species here considered to be
4. Frullania clavata (Hook. fi!. et Tayl. Loud. Journ. Bot. 1845, p. 8 8 ; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep.
p. 428) ; caule procumbente vage subpinnatimve ramoso, surculis apice incrassatis, foliis imbricatis patentibus
rotundato-oblongis convexis integerrimis, lobo inferiore majore galemformi aeuminato decurvo, stipulis
rotundatis emarginato-bidentatis subdenticulatis, calyce subimmerso obovato biplicato tubifero, foliis peri-
chmtialibus margiue ventrali dentatis.
H a b . On Nephroma cellulosa, Ach. : Tasmania, Herh. Taylor.
“ Scarcely one quarter of an iueb long, pale-green, sometimes brownisli-puiple. Stipules large, tbeir emargina-
tion shallow and rounded. Auricles large compared with the leaves. The calyx, rising little out of the pericliEetium,
IS widest near the mouth, below whicb it is rather suddenly contracted. Tlie lateral perkhatial leaves have, besides
a segment corresponding to the auricle of the leaf, an inner one which is lanceolate and dentate.—zVllied to / . tri-
nervis, L. et L., but this is of a dai'k-brown colom-, has a more exserted three-iieiwed calyx, the amides ai-e less
acuminated, aud the stipules more entire.”—Taylor. I. e.
5. Frullania reptans (Mitten, in Fl. N. Zeal. p. 161. pi. 104. f. 4).
H a b . On very wet aud rotten wood : Goat Hills, New Norfolk, Oldfield.
6 . Frullania fa lcilob a (Hook. fil. et Tayl. Lond. Journ. Bot. 1844, p. 581 ; G. L et N Svu
Hep. p. 423).
H a b . Tasmauia, Gunn. Penquite, and moist rocky banks, Risdown, J .B .H . Dense mats on the
sides of rocks: Johnny’s Creek. Eocks by the seaside: South Port, Kermandie Eivulet, and Mount
■Wellington, Oldfield. Jackey’s Plain Creek, Archer; gathered also by Stuart.
7. Fru llania deplanata (Mitten, Fl. N. Zeal. p. 161. pi. 104. f. 3).
H a b . At the roots of trees : Erou-n’s River Gully aud Johnny’s Creek, Oldfield. Chesliunt, Archer.
8 . Frullania Gaudichaudii (Nees et Mont. in Ann. des Sc. Nat. 1836, p. 13, cum icone; G. L.
et N. Syn. Hep. p. 435).
H a s . Tasmania, Admiral d’Urville, in Herh. Montague.
9. F ru llania con g esta (Hook. fil. et Tayl. Fl. Antarct. p. 52; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep. p. 451).
I I a b . On the bark of Fagus: St. Patrick’s Eiver, Gunn. Ou trees : Ovens Creek, Areher.
10. Fru llania megalocarpa (Hook. fil. et Tayl.) ; caule sparso procumbente laxe bipinnato, ramis
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