7 1 . 7 1 l o f i - Irabit d „ .
( N a j r „ r 7 : : ; : : ; " 7 ^ i r ' " - » o » . " « »
» t t e n 7 „ 7 Z “ l ' " “ 7 r a A 7 ' ‘ “ P " " " ' I” ' " ! “ l i . - ' i - l . n - o k t i s
s r / l 6 2 T £ 7 7 7 1 7 ® " “ s o n s L - b .~ H o o A . S p . F t l . i . 5 0 . /. 1 9 A . {G u n n , 1 5 0 7 .) “S “ " ” « V. su b s e r r a te ,
OmT"' ■” Macquarrie Harbour, JJtoM«,».- Aebestos Hills aud Georgetowu,
D i s t u j b . New Soutb Wales and Tasmania,
in t b \ n Z T T ° ““ ™ S “ ‘ “ S'“ ° f 3 » f " l . cou sp icu ou sl, differing from f l i r t o , „ » A i t o « »
S „ m e „ b 7 7 à : c : 7 3 r ^ 1 .„ „ g , b ip i„ „ .te ,
G e n . I I I . D IC K S O N IA , L 'H e n l .
Í0» m a rp n a le s , g lo b o s i. R e e e p t a c u h x p r om in n lnm . I n v o lm m m b i .a lv e ; v e rum e ap iee v e n u t e
P .i« s v ! ,u r e a tm .-
A large g enus o f P e r e s . mauv, l i l e t h . Tas.uauiau f l . A i t o « » , are a r b o r e s e e u t.-& r i on the urarvius of
he p.„md es. G , . .U e on an elevated reeeptacle, enclosed iu a two-valved iuvoluere. I „ „ „ 17 „ „
hrar^, c ona c eou ,. b n . le ss so than the outer, a.ds.ug from th e eud o f a vein ; e .te r . the recurved s e 3 7 Z t t
the pmmde, opposite th e muer. (Named iu honour o f M r . J m , „ I ) i e b „ , a Scotel. hotauist.)
tea ffius c o stisq u e m o llite r p a te u t.m p ilo sis deurnm g lab ra tis, fron d e co ria c ea b ip in n a ta , p in n is lin e a r i - e L -
g a t e lo n g e a enm m a tis, p .n n u b s se ssd ib n s p r o fon d e p iu n a lla d is lin ea r ib n s a en tis, s e gm e n tis b r ev ibu s p u n -
i. 2 3 ' / ' 7 » : , 7 o C l l o i ; ■ "■ • ® ««■
H i n . A b u n d a n t in damp , e sp e cia lly su b a lp in e fo r e sts .— (a. ».)
D is t r ib . N ew S o u tb W a le s , T ic to r ia , a u d N ew Zealand. (Cu ltiv a ted in E n g la n d .)
Th is beautiful Tree-Fere h a , the trunk 3 0 - 3 0 feet high, covered w ith ma lted rootlets, which iu o re .se i t , bulk
T r i 1” “ » " 7 “ on bo th surfaces more or le ss clothed with soft spreading hairs, which are very deciduous. F r o ,A . 6 - 1 2 feet long
lanceolate mareowed ow nw a r d , bipiuuate. P ™ 10 iuches lon g, 1 * iuch broad, narrowed in t . l e g tip s. 2 -
ferri e T h ' I ‘Z T “ 6 " '™ cut beyond the middle, the
m v o l u c T h T T e r i i r “ “"'
2 . D i c k s o n i a d u b i a (G aud , iu F re y c. V o y . D o t. .3 6 7 ) ; rh izoma te r ep en te , froudo trip iiina ta , pm u is
e om c e is la n c e o la tis p r o fun de pm n a tifid ,s, s e gm e n t e iu c iso -se r r a tis m te r io r ib n s bip in n a tifld is, su b tu s pilo sis
g la b ra lisv e s o n s g lo b o s is , in v o ln c r i v a lvu la su pe rio r e e ma rg in e m flex o lo b u li, iu fe rio re parva membranacea
t f t T T T iZ ) "■
H a b . Ta sm an ia , B r o w n , G u n n (no hab ita t).
D is t r ib . New South Wales.
A very different plant in liabit from D. Antarctica, and appearing to belong to a different genus, but there
are numerous intermediate species in various tropical countries.—Fronds 2-5 feet high, rather coriaceous, pale,
arising from a stout, creeping rhizome, tripinnate. Fbrna deeply divided ; pinnules obliquely oblong-lanceolate,
pinnatifid. Soi-i near the apices of the lobules ; upper valve of the involucre formed of the coriaceous recurved
lobide of the frond; lower small and membranous.
Tribe I I I . IIymenoi’HYLLeæ.— Sorus ai or beyond the edge o f the frond. Capsules sessile, on a filiform or
club-shaped, often elongated receptacle, girt with an oblique ring. Frond very delicate, transparent,
and reticulated.
Sori marginales. Capsula receptáculo cylindraceo fronde immerso v. exserto subsessües, depressæ,
annulo completo transverse cinctæ, longitudinaliter ruptæ. Involucrum textura frondis, bivalve, urceo-
latum V. compressum; valvis planis v. convexis, extus liberis.—Frondes membranaceæ, pellucidæ, cellulis
magnis retieulatæ, costa valida percursæ.
One of the largest and most beautiful geneva of Ferns, generally of small size, easily recognized (except from
Trichomanes) by the transparent pellucid texture of the delicate green, glistening fronds, which are beautifully reticulated
when seen through the microscope.— Rhizome slender or stout, wiry, fibform, creeping. Fronds generally
glabrous, ofteu flaccid, piuuately or piunatifidly divided into linear, blunt, dichotomously branched segments, through
whieh runs a stout midrib. Sori at the axils or ends of the segments, sunk in the substance of the frond, ivhich
forms a cup-shaped or box-like, often flattened, two-valved involucre over them. Sometimes the involucre is produced
beyond the frond, and stalked ; its two valves or lips are entire or toothed, aud open outwards. Capsules
sessile, on a filifonn or cylindrical receptacle, that is sometimes exserted, like a thread, beyond the involucre,
sessile, depressed, surrounded with a complete ring, and bursting longitudinally. (Name from vgr¡v, a membrane, and
<t>vXkov, a leaf)
§ A. Fronds quite glabrous; margins toothed or serrate, not ciliate.
1. H jrm en o p h y llum T u n b rid g e n s e (Sm. Fl. Brit.), var. 0 . cupressiforme ; fronde elongata erecta
rigida, pinnis distantibus decurvis, segmentis angustissimis, involucris lobulo frondis quasi stipitatis liberis.
—Hook. Sp. Fil. i. p . 95; Fl. N. Zeal. ii. 11 ; Br. Frodr. 159. H. cupressiforme, Lab. Fl. Nov. Holl.
p . 102. /. 2 5 0 ./. 2. H. revolutum. Col. in Tasm. Phil. Journ. {Gunn, 46, 1510.)
H a b . Abundant in shady places, on the ground, aud on rotten trunks of trees.— (y. v.) (Cultivated
in England.)
D is t r ib . Victoria, New Zealand, South Chili, Euegia, aud Brazil, South Africa.
The H. Tunbridgense is a scarce English Fern, aud a great favourite with cultivators. The Tasmanian state
of the species has a narrower and more decumbent froud, ofteu remarkably curved downwards on to the ground,
and narrower segments.—Fronds 2^ inches high, ovate or linear, pinnate below, pinnatifid (rachis winged) above,
quite glabrous. Pinnæ very narrow, distant, rigid ; segments long or sliort, spreading or aiiwed downwai'ds, deeply
and sharply toothed. Involucre orbicular, compressed at the axils of the segments, erect, projecting beyond the
frond, in which tlieir bases are sunk, their lips spiiiulose or irregularly toothed, rarely nearly entire. The ordinary
state of II. Tunbridgense, with sliort, broad, oblong, flat, bright-green fronds, with broad, short pinna? and segments,
and involucres more sunk in the segments, is a different-looking Fern from its deep-green, sparingly
branched var. 0, aud also from ¡1. unilaterale, but these characters vaiy in whatever parts of the world they both
inhabit, and the 0. cupressiforme seems all but intermediate.
2. H ym e n o p h y llum u n ila te r a le (Willd. Sp. PI. v. p. 521); frondibus cæspitosis lineari-oblongis
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