tliose gathered by Mr. Gunn, but they are not obvious ou all the stems, and are thus easily overlooked. The involucral
leaves scarcely differ in form from the cauline, but are concave, nnd enclose fom or five pistils, seated on the
dorsal side of the abrupt and slightly thickened apex of the stem itself ; «ithin the involucre there has bccu observed a
small stipule-like leaflet, but uot appai-eutly representing the stipule, wliich, although present, has no part in the formation
of the torus in the plants of this and aUied genera.— P la t e CLXXIX. Fig. 4 ; 1, a ])ortion of the stem, with
leaves aud stipule ; 2, a stipule, removed from the stem ; 3, apex of the stem, witli leaves ; 4, the same, with fi'ont
leaves removed to show the dorsal position of the pistils :—all magnified.
5. Gjrmnanthe d iplophylla (Mitten).—Jungermannia diplophylla, Hook. fil. et Tayl. Lond. Joum.
Ro/. 1844,7?. 8 7 7 ; Fl. Antarct. p . 48. p i. 84. f . 4. Gottscliea diplophylla, iVee« a i Æ. ; G .L .e tN .S y n .
Hep. p . 624. (Tab. CLXXIX. Tig. 5.)
H a b . Bogs ; Brown’s River ; and wet ground : Kermandie Rivulet, Oldfield. Elliot Rivulet, Archer.
Caulis in plantis fertiiibus brevis, semiimcialis. Torus ex apice caulis areuali deseendens, brevis, cyliudi'icus, Go-
laceus, radicellis parvis obtectus. Folia superiova magis lacero-dentata. Amphigastria superiore canlinis confonnia,
usque ad medium fere tori protraetis, ulteriora violácea.
The fertile plauts of this most curious species were gathered in New Zealand by Mr. KeiT, and thus is set at
rest the before very doubtful place of the present and of 0. erinacea {Jungerimnnid), Hook. fil. et Tayl. Fl. Antarct.
pi. 161. f. 4. Indeed the whole appearance of the barren plants of both species is so different from that of G. saccata,
that n-ithout fertile specimens their affinity with Gymnanthe could hardly have been expected. The toras appears to
agree in all particulars with that of 0. saccata, and on the under side, that is to say, on the side next to the stem,
the amphigastria are continued, the lower oue having the same violet colour as the torus itself.—P l a t e CLXXIX.
Fig. 5 ; 1, apex of the stem, with the leaves on the front side removed, showing the torus with the stipules on its
inner side.
6. Gjrmnanthe concinna (Mitten) ; caule repente ramoso, foliis imbricatis oblongo-ovatis concavis
apice rotundatis sursum conniventibus vel parum explanatis, involucralibus majoribus conformibus vel apice
retusis, toro . . . (T ab . CLXXIX. Eig. 6 .)
H a b . Tasmania, Gunn, creeping over Jungermannia Tasmanica, Tayl.
Pallide iTiidis. Caulis 8- 8-linearis, hie illic radiculosus, apice fructifère descendente. Folia apicem versus sensim
majora, iuvoluCTalia convoluta. Torus juvenilis (apex caulis incrassatus) archegoniis 5-6 proeditus.
A very small species, of a very neat habit, aud with somewhat the look of the stems of some states of the European
Jungermannia nana, Nees. The apex of the stem is slightly thickened, and curved doivnwards, aud the involucral
leaves being directed upwards at right angles, give the stems of this and some allied species an obrapt appearance.
The areolation is similar to that of G. Urmlleana. A few stems of apparently the same species have been
picked from a specimen of Marchantía globosa, Bischoff, from the Cape-sof Good Hope. G. concinna is closely allied
to G. lutescens, from tbe East Indies, and G. Bustillosii, Mont., from Peru, but is easily cUstingiiished by the clia-
racters above given.—P l a t e CLXXIX. Fig. 6 ; 1 , a portion of the stem, with leaf; 2, apex of the stem, with
leaves ; 3, the same, ivith the leaves removed from the front side to show the pistils :—all magnified.
7. G ym n a n th e D rum m o n d ii (Mitten, in El. N. Zeal. p. 144. pi. 99. f . 8) .
H a b . Bogs : Brown’s River, Oldfield.
Gen. V I II. LEPIDOZIA, G. L. et N.
1. Lep id o zia microphylla (Hook.; Ldbg. Sp. Hep. Lepidozia, p. 16. t. 2).—Jungermannia rai
crophylla. Hook. Muse. Exot. t. 80.
H a b . Acheron River, Gunn.
2 . Lep id o zia proce ra (Mitten) ; caule erecto simpliciter pinnato, ramis breviusculis attenuatis decurvis,
foliis minutis erecto-patentibus remotis ovato-quadratis quadrifidis, laciuiis rectis acutis, amphigastriis
minoribus subquadratis quadrifidis. (T a b . CLXXX. Eig. 1.)
H a b . Tasmania, Gunn. Mount Wellington, among Plagiochila retrospeetans and L . Jlothrix, Oldfield.
Pallide fusca. Caulis semipedalis, gracilis, simplex. Rard graciles, attenuati, Folia remota, e cellulis parvis
Similar in appearatice to some states of L. microphylla, but differing in the narrower outline of its stems (owing
to the shortness of the branches), and the leaves are more deeply quadrifid with more acute laciniæ, which are not
coUected together at their apices, but stand out from each other.—P l a t e CLXXX. Fig. 1 ; 1, a portion of the stem,
with leaves ; 2, a leaf, removed from the stem ;—all magnified.
3 . Lep id o zia quadrifida (Ldbg. ; idem et Gott. Sp. Hep. Lepidozia, p. 2 3 . t. 4 ; G. L. et N . Svn.
Hep. p. 2 0 3 ) . ^
H a b . St. Patrick’s River, Gunn.
4 . Lepidozia cap illige ra (Schwægr.; Ldbg.; idem et Gott. Sp. Hep. Lepidozia, p. 2 5 . t. 4 ; G.
L. et N. Syn. Hep. p. 2 0 4 ) .
H a b . Tasmania, Lahillardiere [Herb. Montague]. The Falls, Archer. Castle Forbes Bay Rivulet,
OUfield. Mount Wellington, Mossman, 7 8 0 in part.
5 . L epidozia prænitens (Lehm. et Ldbg. ; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep. p. 2 0 6 ; Ldbg. et G. Sp. Hep.
Lepidozia, p. 3 3 . t. 6) .
H a b . Brown’s River, (
6 . Lep id ozia G ottscheana (Ldbg.; Mitten, in Fl. N. Zeal. p. 145).
H a b . Tasmania, Lahillardiere, amongst Saroomitrium cochleatum. St. Patrick’s River, Gunn. On
dead wood : Grass-tree Hill, Oldfield.
7. Lepidozia centip es (Tayl. ; Ldbg. et Gott. Sp. Hep. Lepidozia, p. 29. t. 5 ; G. L. et N. Svn.
Hep. p. 204).
H a b . Tasmania, Spence. On damp ground : Kermandie Rivulet, South Huon, Oldfield.
8 . Lepidozia glaucophylla (Tayl.) ; caule simplice procumbente bipinnato, ramis æqualibus vel
capiUari-attenuatis, foliis subcontiguis semiverticalibus late ovato-quadratis planiusculis integerrimis quadrifidis
laciniis acuminatis, ainplügastrüs distantibus patulis ovato-quadratis ad medium usque quadrifidis
integerrimis.— Lond. Journ. Bot. 1844, p . 580 ; Ldbg. et Gott. Sp. Hep. Lepidozia, p . 39 ; G. L. et
N. Syn. Hep.p. 207.
H a b . Tasmania, Gunn. Back River Gully, New Norfolk. Castle Forbes Rivulet, South Huon,
Oldfield. Rivulet at Cheshunt, and amongst Sphagna, Western Mountains, Archer.
PaUiile glauco-viriilis. Caulis poUicaris bi-tripoUicarisvc. Folia rcmotiuscula, fere quadrata, divergeotia ; laciniis
brevibus, acmninatis, e ceUulis minutis areolatis, subopacis, subalbidis.
Readily distiuguished from aU aUicd species by its glaucous-wliite colour.
9. Lep id o zia læv ifo lia (Tayl. Fl. Antarct. p. 157; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep. p. 208; Ldbg. et G.
Sp. Hep. Lepidozia, p. 47. t. 7).
H a b . Back River Gully, with fruit, ( Cheshunt, Archer.
10. Lep id ozia cupressina (Ldbg. Sp. Hep. Lepidozia, p. 42. t. 7 ; G. L. et N. Syn. Hep. p. 207).
I I a b . Tasmania, Dumont d’ Jrville, Herb. Montague et Nees.