towards the feet., perhaps fuited her better than the moft
elegant European drefs.
Mr. Patton having been fent for, arrived with proper
inftruments, and drefled the wounds of the poor native,
whofe countrymen brought many banana leaves, which
were laid on over the dreffing. A bottle of brandy was
given them, with dircftions to wafh the wounds with the
liquor from time to time. The wound was not dangerous,
as it happened in a flefhy part; but as the diftance was fo
fhort, the fhot had torn the flefh very much, and made the
wound very painful to the poor man. After this we
diftributed fome beads, and departed making various iigns
o f friendlhip. The natives like thofe of Tonga-Tabboo,
were ftrangers to refentment, and continued to trade with
our {hip as before. They feemed to pottefs a truly mercantile
fpirit, and fpared no trouble to obtain fome of our
goods or curiofities. Among the reft, they were much delighted
with a great number of young puppies which we
had taken on board at the Society Illands, on purpofe to
flock fuch iflands as were not provided with them. We
left two couple on Namoka, of which the natives promifed
to take particular care. Thefe people managed their canoes
with furprifing agility, and fwam with the greateft eafe.
Their common trading-canoes were neatly made, and po-
lifhed like thofe which I have already defcribed. But thofe
of the neighbouring iflands were of a great fize, and fome
of them contained upwards of fifty people. They always juӣ
confifted of two large canoes, fattened by a tranverfe platform
of planks, in the midft of which they had eredted a
hut, where they placed their goods, their arms, and utenfils,
and where they palled great part of their time. There
were likewife holes, which gave admittance into the body
of each canoe. Their mails were flout poles which could
be ft ruck at pleafure, and their fails were very large and
triangular, but not very proper to fail by the wind. All
their cordage was excellent, and they had alfo contrived a
very good ground tackle, confifting of a ftrong rope with
large Hones at the end, by means of which they came to
an anchor.
We went on fhore again after dinner, as captain Cook
propofed leaving this illand the next day. We patted
through feveral fields and wild Ihrubberies, and collefled a
number of valuable plants. We alfo made a purchafe of
feveral arms, fuch as clubs, and fpears, and of fome utenfils,
viz. fmall ftools, large wooden diflies and bowls, in which
the people prepare their vi&uals, and fome earthern pots
which feemed to have been long in ufe. The great abundance
of their arms, does not agree with their good-nature
and hofpitable difpofition, unlefs they quarrel with their
next neighbours, like the people of Taheltee and the Society
Iflands. But they feemed to have -fpent too much time
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