*774- A p r il .
They continued marching to the weftward at leaft ten miles
from Point Venus to their new friend’s dwelling. He
prepared them a very good meal of fruit, and baked them a
rich and moft delicious kind of pudding, which is made of
the kernel of coco-nuts and ^ddy-roots, fcraped very fmall,
and mixed together. The trees about his hut furnilhed
him with abundance of frefli coco-nuts, of which he offered
a great number to his guefts. After dinner he prefented
them with a perfumed drefs of the heft fort, and attended
them hack again with a quantity of fruit, which remained
untouched. He flept that night on board, and went away
the next morning highly delighted with feveral knives,
nails, and beads. As they returned they came near the king’s
houfe, and there faw the two goats which captain Furneaux
had prefented to him. The fhe-goat had brought two kids
foon after our departure, which were almoft full-grown.
The whole breed was in excellent order, extremely fleek and
well fed, and their hair as foft as filk. If . the natives continue
to take the fame care of them, they will fhortly he
able to turn them wild on the mountains, where they would
propagate prodigioufly, and afford them a new and moft
valuable article of food.
The next morning I found myfelf greatly relieved by the
.apple which I had eaten ; and captain Cook, who ftill had
fome remains of his bilious complaint, had felt the fame
.effeff from the. ufe o f this excellent fruit. We continued
^therefore to eat i t ; and recommended it to all the bilious Aeltl,
patients. Our recovery in confequence was much quicker
than we had any reafon to expedt, and in a few days no
other fymptom than a flight weaknefs remained.
A number of chiefs came on board this day with large
hogs, and canoes loaded with fruit, all which were pur-
chafed for iron ware. Towards noon, the king, O-Too,
with his lifter Towrai, and his brother came on board,
though it had rained juft before. They brought a prefent
of feveral hogs to captain Cook, and the king feemed to
have entirely laid afide that diftruft, which had fo ftrongly
charadterifed him before. They received fome hatchets;
but the principal thing for which they enquired were red
parrot’s feathers, which they called oora, The-accounts of
Mahine, and the little prefents of this precious plumage
which he had made to his friends, had given rife to this enquiry.
We immediately fearched all our colleftions from
the Friendly Iflands, and found a confiderable quantity,
which we did not think proper to fhowall at once. O-Too
and his filler were gratified with a fight of a part of our
riches, at which they feemed perfectly amazed and delighted.
I have already mentioned, when I fpoke of purchafing
thefe feathers, that fome were glued on a piece of cloth
clofe to each other, and fome were difperfed on ftars of coconut
core wrought in fret-work. Our royal guefts received
a fmall portion of the firft fort, about the fize of two.fing-
Voe. H. .1 ,ers,