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‘ *774-'
A u g u s t .
Tuefday a.
Wednefd. 3.
riumbër' o f ropes ovër-boârd, one- of which he: feized; we
fuóceeded in otiir endeiVours tbfitve'him: •Thëpôorffellb'W'
was1 immediatelycaridirétè'd between ctëëKs,-4 -By bis comrades
the marines, being m-üciv- weakened by the efforts’
he had rri'ade t o fa ve himfelf; by‘-keeping faft hold of the
ropey aS weî-1 as “ thé ftiütiërf feâfiof death. They fluffed
his clothes, and gave him1 a dfa!mi of two* of brandy to
revive- the animal fpirits, treating him with peculiar teri-
derriefs, the réfult o f ail 'èJprh'Aw* iorps; to-Which failbrsmre
at préfent utter’ ftrangers.
The daims which had fo long perfecutéd us, were nor
yet at an end. Our fliip lay like a log on the water all
night, airid thé ilext day being gradually drifted into the bay
which wé hàd palïed thé day before,' the boats wére hoifted
out, and lent in queft Of anthofage. Tfféy had no foundings
till they came near the fliore, but there had found twenty
fathom, at thé diflkncè of three tablés lengths (fix--hundred
yards.) Thenatives weré feért running föhfte heath agairi, biif
our people held no conVerfe with them ; for captain Uoôk‘
fèeihg a bfee^è fprîng tip, riiadé the flghal far them to'
return, arid hoifted théin in again. Theeannori which'was
fired on the öcckfiori, feëméd t'o have rib particular effeft On
the natives,; who Were doubtlefs utterly unacquainted with
our arms, and with Europeans. ;
Wé failed'foririd 'thé' N; W. point of thb iftand, arid in thé
morning advanced tb Wards tlie Angle rock, which Wé had
noticed before. A very xenfwfcafcle.. .mountain with a
double fummit, which had fome refemblance to a faddle,
lay qn the ifland juft abreaft of this rock, and feemed to be
of great height, even though the reft of the ifland had a
confiderable elevation. The detached rock appeared to he
covered with wood, and our fliip being greatly in want of
luel, ,sw,o. boats were hoifted out andjfent towards it. The
hopes of making.fome botanical aepuifitions, engaged us to
embark in one of thefe boats. The diftance which had
been fuppofed trifling, was,fqund to be near five miles,; but
after rowing all .this fpac.e, we were wholly .difappomted.
An enormous fqrf hrokq ,upqn yhe rofk on # ^ which
rendered the' landing abfolutely .impracticable. In v ain we
rowed all round it, cafting many .a longing look at the
.verdure ,and trees ,with which we law it cover,cd. , A large
bat, and ionic frnall birds were obfierxsd ,%irig through us
bullies..; and a number, of .fifb fwam among the broken
rocks.; but the former ...did ,aot .come within mufket-fliot,
and .the others refufed to tak.eo.u.r.hooks. Returning hack
jo the fliip we caughtra wyger-fnaheX^Aer.laticaudatus,,Una.)
of .the fame fort which had been obferved fo plentiful on
one of the .low iflcs off Maria .Bay, . in Tonga-Tabboo. (See
vol. I p. 4 f ■ . :
After .returning on board, „a gentle breeze fprung up,
.and .we flood into a kind of bay, clofe under the Saddle-
peak, .to the.weftW.ard of it, , %£ came in. towards evening,
K. k I ' ' and
A u g u s t -