that genus commonly have. Rowing round one end of
this ifland, we obferved a fhrubbery, or little grove on a
point of land, in the fhade of which flood feveral empty
huts. They refembled in fhape that which is defcribed
and drawn in the Endeavour’s voyage *, with this difference,
that they were not covered with feals-fkins, which are perhaps
put on occafionally, and deemed too valuable to be left
behind. They were only fkeletons of huts, confiding of
boughs of trees, which for the greateft part had frefh green
foliage on them; a fign that the natives had but lately
made them. On entering this found, and taking notice of
its dreary, defolate appearance, we had fuppofed that the
natives of Tierra del Fuego, never touch upon this in-
hofpitable part, but confine themfelves to the neighbourhood
of the Straits of Magalhaens, and to the eaflern fide of
Tierra del Fuego; but it feems that human nature is capable
of withftanding the greateft inclemencies of weather,
and of fupporting its exiftence alike in the burning fands
of Africa, and in the frozen extremities of the globe. We
landed on feveral other iflands, from whence we had a moft
extenfive view acrofs the found, which looked wild and
.horrid in its wintery drefs. This was however, the firft
fummer month of thefe regions ; moft of the plants we
faw were in flower, and the birds were every where bringing
up their young. From thence we may eafily form an
* See Hawkefworth, vol. II.
4? 1
adequate idea of the torpid ftate of thefe regions, where December.
the fun-beams cannot melt the fnow; at a feafon when
their influence is the ftrongeft. The farther we advanced
from the fea, the more fnow appeared on the mountains.
In fome places we faw cafcades, and ftreams gulhing
down over the fnow, efpecially where the rays of the fun
took effeft by being frequently reflected. We found a
moft beautiful cove on this coaft, which formed a circular
bafon, where the water was fmooth and tranfparent as a
mirror. All the lower parts were fringed with trees, which
we had no where feen fo tall in the neighbourhood, and
many ftreams rallied down with great impetuofity between
their roots, making a moft convenient watering-place. A
prodigious number of fmall birds fat on every branch, and
twittered around us in the fun-fhine. They were of many
different fpecies, but unacquainted with men, hopped fo
near us, that it was impoflible to flioot them, efpecially as
we had now no other than coarfe fliot left, and that in very
fmall quantity. Abundance of moffes, ferns, and climbers
grew up between the trees, and were no fmall impediment
to us in walking. Various flowers enlivened thefe woods,
and encreafed our colleftion with new fpecies. Here then
there was the appearance of fummer ; but if we looked up
to the monftrous cloud-capt mountains which formed
almoft perpendicular walls on all fides of the harbour, and
beheld them covered with fnow and ice, which had fome-
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