August farther ; fome likewife ran to captain Cook, and pointing t®
us, defired him to recall us. We returned to our party, and
endeavoured to penetrate into the country, immediately at
the back of our waterers. We found a path, which led
through a variety of bullies, upon the fiat hills. In our
way to it, we crofied fome glades, or meadows, enclofed
in woods on all fides, and covered with a very rich herbage
of the moll vivid green. On our afcending the hill,
we were met by three natives, who endeavoured to
perfuade us to return ; but feeing us refolved to proceed,
they accompanied us. We palled through a little airy
grove, into feveral extenfive plantations of bananas, yams,
eddoes, aud fig-trees, which were in fome places enclofed ia
fences of Hone two feet high. We heard the furf beating oa
the fliore to the fouth, and feeing the three natives very un-
eafy at our progrefs, we told them we only wiflied to behold
the fea. They led us to a little eminence, from whence we
got fight of it, and of an illand eight or ten leagues diftanfi,
which was the fame that Fannokko had named Anattor».
It appeared to be of confiderable height; and though not of
the fame extent as Tanna, was probably about ten or twelve
leagues in circuit. Having feen this illand, the natives ihr
vited us to go on farther inland with them, with the fame
eagernefs which they had before exprefled to keep us
back; but as we took notice, that one of them was fent before
the reft, we did not care to trull their invitations at that
time, which might however, for aught I know, have been a v c u «t .
Very friendly and honeft. We retreated therefore gradually
tb the beach, having picked up a new plant, and feen fb
much of the country, as only made us more delirous of
examining it. Our people had once more tried their
luck in filhing, but were not by far fo fortunate
as the firft time. The natives attended to their method
of hauling the net, and from their geftures, we learnt
that they are unacquainted with this contrivance,
and only dart or fihoot with arrows at the filh, when
they rife near the furface of the water. They never
failed to beg for fome filh as often as our people hauled
the feine, which is fome confirmation that they rarely catch
or ftrike them. As often as they took notice of any thing
new to them, they broke out into the interjection, heebou !
They likewife made ufe of the fame word, when they were
fuddenly furprifed, when they admired, or dilliked, or
coveted any thing. The different tone and gefture with
which it was either drawled out, or quickly repeated feveral
times in a breath, ftrongly marked the various affections of
the mind. They fnapped their fingers at the fame time,
efpecially when they exprefled their admiration.
We went on fhore at the watering-place the next morn- wednefd,
ing, immediately after breakfaft. A party of our people
had been there ever fince day-break, and told us they had
feen many of the natives palling by them, from the eaftern
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