,f*g| afraid, but that he wifhed to be put into good: humour with
presents. The captain and nxy father went to. him; whilft
Dr. Sparnman, and. m.yfelf were put afhore at the- tents. We
found the people a good deal terrified at the extraordinary
flops which had been taken, on our part,to do juilice to our-
fel.ves. Thgy h.ad; received flritfb. orders from the king not
to fell,, any provifions, however; they treated us- with coconuts
and other refrefhments; with their ufual hofpitality.
At noon we came on board, and; the captain returned foon
after, having ratified the friendfhip. with O-Too. No women
came on board this night, the king having- prohibited
it, left they fhould give occafion to complaints, by. Healing
Tuefday 10, from our people. However the next day they were permitted
to vifit our- failors again ; and with them came a
number of canoes loaden with vegetable provifions, and
fome with frefll fifh. Captain Cook fent Mahine with fe-
veral prefents to Towhah, into Atahooroo, in return for fe-
veral hogs which he bad received! During his abfence, O-
Poorea (Oberea) once the queen of Taheitee, came on board,
and prefented two hogs to captain Cook-. The fame of our
red feathers had reached to the plains of Paparra, for fhe
told us fhe tyas come to have fome of them. She appeared
to be between forty andfifty ; her perfon was tall, large, and
fat, and her features, which feemed once to have been more
agreeable, were now rather mafculine. However fome-
thing of her former greatnefs remained ; fhe had “ an eye
to threaten or command and a free and noble deportment.
She did not Hay long on board1, probably becaufe
fhe felt herfelf of lefs confequence in our eyes than formerly.
After enquiring for her friends of the Endeavour, fire went
afhore in her canoe. O-Ammo likewife came to the fhip
about this time, but was ftilt lefs noticed than his late con-
fort; and being little known on board, was not permitted
to come even into the captain’s cabin. It was with difficulty
that he could' difpofe of Mist hogs, as we had now fo
many on board; that we did not care to croud' the decks
with more. Thefe two royal perfb'nages are living exam-
amplesi o f the infiabilky of human, grandeur.
We contrived feveral diverfions- for ©-Too on the i 2 th.
We fired our guns with round’ and- grapefhot acrofs the
reef into the fea, at which he and a-croud1 of: feveral thou-
fand fpeclators were highly delighted. In the evening we
let oft a. few fky-rockets, and fome air-balloons, which
heightened their raptures, and filled them with admiration.
They looked upon us as extraordinary people, who had
fires and ftars at command, and gave our fire-works the
name of Heivte-Bretannee-, the Britiffi Feftival.
All the next day a number of people furrounded the fhip,
who brought no provifions, but great quantities of cloth and
curiofities, having obferved that we prepared to leave them.
* Sfaakefpeare* *
Mn Y .