B O O !£•
fpliere. It likewife refembled thefe animals in the more
perfect fhape of its fore feet, and the want of external ears.
Its nofe projected far beyond the mouth, and had a loofe
wrinkled lkin, which may perhaps be occafionally puffed
up when the animal is angry, and will in that cafe form
fomething like the creft which has been figured in
the print accompanying lord Anfon’s voyage. The
animal which we examined was about thirteen feet long,
but in proportion, of a more flender make than the
fea-lion with a mane, which we faw at Staten Land Here
we likewife found a flock of about twenty pinguins, of a
much greater fize than any we had hitherto feen ; they were
thirty-nine inches long, and weighed forty pounds. Their
belly was of a moft enormous fize, and covered with a
vaft quantity of fat. An aval fpot of bright yellow, or
lemon colour, appears on each fide of the head, and is
edged with black, the reft of the body being of a blackifh-
grey colour on the whole back, and upper-fide, and white
on the belly, under the fins, and all the. fore-part. Thefe
birds were fo dull, as hardly to waddle from us we eafily
overtook them by running, and knocked them down with
flicks. When we returned on board, we found that they
were mentioned by that great zoologift Mr. Pennant, in
* This animal, or Anfon’s fea-lion, ( fh o c a lam in a , Linn.) feems to be the fame
which the Englifh, at Falkland Bland, have called the clapmatch-feal.— S e e the
jPhiJof. Tranfaft. vol. LXVX. part i,
the Phil. Tranf. by the name of Patagonian pinguins, and
we likewife fnppofe them to ,be the fame fpecies which
the Englifh at' the Falkland Iflands, have named yellow,
or king pinguins*. The feals which we found here,
were more fierce, than any .we h.ad feen on the New Year s
Ifles, and did not run out of our way. The youngeft cubs
backed at us, and ran after our heels when we palled by
them> trying to bite our legs. They were all of the fpecies
which 1 have before named ,fea-bears, (urfme feals, Penn.;
and not ,a Angle fea-lion with a mane, was .to be .feen
among them. We -climbed upon a little hummock, about
eight yards high, where we .found two fpecies of plants ;
one wgs the grafs .which grows .plentifully p,n the
Year’s Ifles (daSlfis glomerala), and,the other a kind of burnet
ffavgwfwba.) Here captain.Cook displayed the Britifo.flag,
and performed the ceremony of taking pafieffion of thefe
barren jo ck ss “ in the name(af his Britannic Majefty, and
hisheirs for ever.’' A volley of two or three .mufkets was
fired into the air, jo give greater weight to this allertion;
apd the barren rocks re-echoed with the found, to the
utter amazement of the feals and pinguins, the inhabitants
of thefe newly difeovered dominions. The,rocks confided
of a bluifh grey flate, in horizontal ftrata> of which many
fragments every where covered the beaches. As far as
* Seethe Philofophical Tranfa&ions, vol. LXVI. part u f j I w<5
J a n u a r y -;
V ol. II.