320 A V O Y A G E R O U N D THE W O R L D.
,774" canes, and figs, obliged us in civility to transfer our at-*
tention from the muficians, to thofe who brought us fuch
a valuable gift. And here I cannot but lament, that; the
ingenious and obliging friend, who communicated to me
his remarks on the mufic of the Friendly Iflands, of Ta-
heitee and New Zeeland, did not likewife vifit the ifland of
Tanna, which in that refpedl would doubtlefs have fur-
nifhed him with fome curious and ufeful obfervations.
If we have before obferved the principle of revenge to
have been adlive among the natives of Tanna, we muft
allow at the fame time, that benevolence, and a love of
the fellow-creature, are not entirely banifhed from their
hearts. As there is the greateft reafon to fuppofe, that their
life is frequently difturbed by the troubles of war, we cannot
be furprifed at the diftruft which they all exprefied
towards us, on the firft days of our acquaintance ; but as
foon as they were thoroughly convinced of our harmlefs
intentions, they naturally gave way to a contrary impulfe,
which nothing but the neceffity of felf-prefervation could
have filenced fo long. They did not indeed trade with us, be-
caufe their affluence is not yet equal to that of the Taheitians;
but hofpitality does not confift in exchanging an article of
which you have more than a fufficiency, for another of
which you ftand greatly in need.
Having made various prefents to our friends, to the beft
of our abilities, we returned down to the beach, and palled
fome time among the natives who were there aflembled. We adgust-
obferved more women among them this day, than we had
found before; moll of them were married, and carried
their children in a mat-fatchel on their backs. Some had
balkets of a clofe texture, made of pliant flicks, in which
they brought a brood of young chickens, whilft others had
yamboos, and figs, which they prefented to us. Among the
reft, we faw one who had a whole baiket full of green
oranges, though on all our excurfions we had never found
a fingle orange-tree in the plantations. However, we were
much pleafed to have feen this fruit at Tanna, as well as
at Mallicollo, there being great room to fuppofe, that it is
likewife a production of the intermediate iflands. We were
fortunate in little acquifitions to-day ; another woman gave
us a pye or pudding, of which the cruft or dough was
made of bananas, and eddoes ; and the contents were the
leaves of the okra (bibifcus efculentus) mixed up with the
kernel of a coco-nut. This pudding was exceedingly well-
tafted, and fihewed that the women are well {killed in
cookery. We alfo purchafed feveral pipes of eight reeds,
which the natives brought for fale, and fome bows, arrows,
and clubs ; with all which we returned on board, rather
later in the day than ufual.
After dinner we came on fhore again, to be prefent at
hauling the feine ; however, when we arrived on the beach,
we feparated, and Dr, Sparrman Went up the flat hill with
' V ol. II. T t me,