tT uefday 16,
Early the next morning our flfip was faluted from
James’s Fort, which is the principal fort in the bay, and as
foon as we anfwered it, the Dutton alfo faluted. The town,
which lay before us, had a fteep dreary mountain on each
fide, which looked more burnt and defolate than Eafter Ifland
itfelf. However, at the head of the valley between them
we perceived fome green mountains, and in the town itfelf
two coco-palms rofe behind the fort. After breakfaft we
landed at a flight of fteps newly conftrudted, but which had
.at all times been much wanted, as the furf breaks in with
great violence on every part of the fliore. We walked between
a huge impending rock and a parapet wall which
faces the fea, to a gate with a draw-bridge, defended by
fmall batteries. It led to a very confiderable battery fronting
an efplanade, with a fliady walk of banian-trees (ficm
religiofa.J Here we paired another gate, and entered the governor
s houfe, which is likewife fortified, and forms a kind
of caftle. The governor, Mr. Skottowe, received captain
Cook with the greateft marks of diftindtion, a falute of
thirteen guns being fired on his arrival at the houfe. Soon
after, the paflengers from on board the Dutton* likewife
came to vifit the governor. This worthy and generous
* T h e y were the Hon. Frederick Stuart, fon to the carl o f Bute, J . Graham,
Efq. late jn the council of Bengal, and his lady, J'. Laurel, E f q .____ Johnfon;
Efq. and his lady, colonel Macleane, and feyeral others. Mr. Graham is fince
veteran, who' has been crippled in his country’s fervice,
took every opportunity to make our flay on the ifland
agreeable, and, in particular, to facilitate our refearches
as naturalifts. We were in the eourfe of the day introduced
to the principal officers of the Company in the
town, who received us with a degree of eafy politenefs, peculiar
to men of liberal principles. The governor’s houfe-
contains feveral fpacious and convenient apartments, which
are particularly agreeable in this hot climate, on account of
their loftinefs. Its ouifide is, however, very plain, as are
all the buildings in the town* not excepting the church,
which is newly built of lime-ftone found on the ifland. A.
final! garden, at the back of the governors houfe, contains,
a few fliady walks, and fome curious Eaft Indian trees,
among which is the Barringtonia. The barracks of the-
garrifon, which is here fupported by the Eaft India Company,
are fituated farther in the valley ; as is likewife am
hofpital, with a fmall orchard, from whence the fick are
fupplied with greens, and where they are allowed to walk.
Several other buildings belonging to the Company are fituated
in the fame valley, where, notwithftanding the fea-
breeze, we felt the heat exceffive, being confined and reverberated
by a- high barren mountain on each fide, which
mod make the residence in town highly difagreeable and
gloomy. Many of the principal inhabitants open their
houfes for the reception of ftrangers- who come on fhore at