may'. jeft, without any ill-nature, the artlefs tale, the jocund
dance and frugal fupper, bring on the evening; and another
vifit to the river concludes the actions of the day.
Thus contented with their Ample way of life, and placed in
a delightful country, they are free from cares, and happy
in their ignorance.
Ihr leben flieflet verborgen,.
Wie klare bache durch blumen dahin. K leist,
It mull be allowed, that thefe advantages are decifive
with thofe, who have nothing fo much at heart as the gratification
of their fenfes. No wonder then that a failor,
perhaps lefs guided by reafon than the reft of his comrades,
fhould hurry on headlong after the pleafures of the
prefent moment. It is certain, at the fame time, that being
born and bred up in an adlive fphere of life, acquainted
with numberlefs fubjetfts, utterly unknown to the Tahei-
tians, and accuftomed to extend his thoughts to paft and
future occurrences, he would fhortly have been tired of an
uninterrupted tranquility and continual famenefs, fuited
only to a people whofe notions are fimple and confined.
The ideas of happinefs are infinitely various in different
nations, according to their manners, principles, and degrees
of civilization. As the productions and apparent good qualities
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lities of our globe, are either profufely or fparingly diftri-
buted, on its different parts, the diverfity of human opinions
is a convincing proof of that paternal love, and unerring
wifdom, which, in the plan of this world, has provided
for the good of mankind, alike in the torrid and the
frigid zone.
Fix’d to no fpot is- happinefs fincere,
’ Tis no where to be found, or ev’ry where. P ope,’