A n t i . the tropics, they are to be met with ; however, they are remarkably
frequent for the fpace of ten or fifteen degrees to
the eaftward of the Society Iilands. Quiros, Schouten, Rogge-
wein, Byron, Wallis, Carteret, Bougainville, and Cook have
each met with new iflands in their different courfes; and
what is mod remarkable, they have found them inhabited at
the diftance of two hundred and forty leagues to the eaft of
Taheitee, Nothing is more probable than that on every
new track other iflands of this kind will flill be met with,
and particularly between the 1 6th and 1 7 th degree of S. latitude,
no navigator having hitherto run down on that parallel
towards the Society Iflands. It remains a fubjedt
worthy the inveftigation of philofophers, to confider from
what probable principles thefe iflands are fo extremely numerous,
and form fo great an archipelago to windward of
the Society Iflands, whilft they are only fCattered at confider-
able difiances beyond that group of mountainous iflands?
It is true, there is another.archipelago of coral ledges far to
the weft ward; I mean the Friendly Iflands ; but thefe are of
a different nature, and appear to be of a much older date;
they occupy more fpace, and have a greater quantity of
foil, on which all the vegetable productions of the higher
lands may be raifed.
Monday 18. After leaving Teoukea we flood off and on during night,
and then continued our courfe beyond the adjacent ifland,
which is comprehended under Mr. Byron’s appellation of
King George’s Iflands, It refèmbled Teoukea perfectly, and
only feemed to be larger. Its length from N. to S, appeared
to be near eight leagues, and the breadth of its lagoon five
or fix miles. It had numerous clumps of bulhes and trees,
and was adorned with a great number of coco-nut
The next morning, at eight o’clock, we defcried another
ifland of the fame nature, but which we fuppofe had not
been feen before. Towards noon another appeared to the
weftward, which we coafted all the afternoon. It was about
eight leagues long, and full of people, who ran along the
fhore with very long fpears in their hands. The lagoon
within was very fpacious, and feveral canoes failed about
upon it. It appears to me, that the moft elevated and richeft
fpots on the coral-ledges, are generally to leeward, Iheltered
from the violence of the furf. In this fea, however, there
are feldom fuch violent ftorms, as might make thefe ifles uncomfortable
places of abode ; and when the weather is fair,
it mud be very pleafant failing on the fmooth water in the
lagoon, whilft the ocean without is difagreeably agitated.
A third new ifland was feen in the evening, which we left
the next morning, after we had lain to all night. This,
group captain Cook called Pallifer’s Iflands ; they are fi-
tuated in about i y ° 3 6 'S. latitude, and 146° 3 o'" W. longitude.
The northernmoft of thefe iflands feem to be the
Pernicious Iflands on which Roggewein loft the African
Tuefday 19