seftemI'ek. fimplicity of their ideas on this fubjedt, correfpondg with the
whole tenour of their character. There is nothing to disprove
this fuppofition, unlefs the flight marks which point
out their burying-places, fliould be deemed indications that
fome ceremonies attend their funerals. Death, the molt
remarkable fcene in the oeconomy of human affairs, is
commonly honoured with fome unufual adl by the fur-
vivors ; and grief is particularly apt to be extravagant. It
remains unknown whether the mortality is great or moderate
at New Caledonia, and what difeafes are moft fatal in
that ifland. We faw no other than the elephantiafis, a fort
of leprofy, which I have already mentioned, and which was
very common. However, I never obferved this evil in fo
violent a degree, that the patient feerned to be in danger of
lofing his life by it. Upon the whole, a great multitude
of difeafes are the confequences of unbounded luxury, and
cannot take place among perfons fo little refined as thofe
of New Caledonia. I faw fome among them whofe grey
hair and wrinkles indicated a great age; but it was im-
poflible to converfe with them upon fuch an abftradl idea
as age, fuppoling they took the pains to number their
years. We were not able to make ourfelves underflood
when we attempted to make enquiries at Taheitee concerning
the age of the inhabitants, though our knowledge of
their language was very extenfive, when compared with the
few words which we had fnatched up in bafte on New
Caledonia. After thefe few remarks, I refume the narrative
of the voyage.
We fleered between the north and weft, along the reefs
which enclofe New Caledonia, in order to afcertain the pofi-
tion of lands which we had indiftinctly feen in that
quarter. Having advanced towards Balabeea, we found the
reefs running northerly, and in fome places near fix leagues
from the ihore. Man of war birds, boobies, and tiopic
birds frequented this part of the fea in great numbers, hovering
about our ihip. We difeovered on the 13th, that
there were three iflands to the north of the weft end of
New Caledonia; but, as the reef extended very far to the
eaft of them, and we could find no paflage, it was impolli-
ble to form an exact idea of their figure and extent. The
largeft of them might be about feven leagues long. - We
were becalmed on the 13th, within four miles of the reef,
towards which a heavy fwell drifted us very vifibly. In
order to prevent ftriking on thefe dangerous rocks, we
hoifted out two boats, and the crew were obliged to labour
very hard to tow the fhip off. A faint breeze in the evening
gave them fome refpite, but at midnight they were,
obliged to return to their work, releafing each other from
time to time. The morning was fo calm that we went out
to {hoot birds, but had little fuccefs. We did not obtain a
breeze till the evening came on, and then; inftead of lofing
our time in farther refearches to the northward, where we
Vou. II, K k k t«ed
Se p t em b e r .
Thurfday 15;
Friday 16.