, 774*
A ugust, them hofpitable, and open to fentiments of univerfal benevolence,
as foon as the apprehenfions for their fafety were
pacified. We found them unjuft to their women, but not fo
cruel and unnatural as the New Zeelanders; on the contrary,
it is rather to be fuppofed that they make gradual advances
towards that kind difpofttion which manifeft3 itfelf in the
good treatment of the fex at the Friendly and Society Iflands,
Upon other occafions we had reafon to believe them brave
and intrepid, and their condn<a to us in the woods, after
the fatal murder of their countryman, was certainly generous.
Their converfation fometimes afforded us an opportunity
of admiring their fagacity. Their behaviour to us
at our firft arrival, and the cuftom of going conftantly
armed, are evident marks of diftruft; and the cuftom of eating
human flefh, which their figns plainly indicated, is a
proof that their paflions are violent.- The intercourfe with
Europeans might perhaps have proved a benefit to them;
and laid the ground-work for a future progrefs in civilization,
if their laft rafli atflion had not effaced thofe favourable
impreffions which the natives had already conceived of
them, European goods were in no repute; but as we left
a conftderable number of nails and fome hatchets among
them, the durability of the metal will foon teach them to
hold it in high efteem, and it is not improbable that the
next foip which may happen to vifit them, will find them
fond of iron-ware, and eager to barter provifions for it.
Having once more put to fea, we ran to the eaftward, in
order to examine the ifland of Irronan. Our ftay at Tanna
had fupplied us only with three or four meals of frelh fifli,
and a fmall quantity of yams,- which we treafured up to
ferve upon emergencies. Some of our crew were at this
time afflicted with fevers, and received fmall portions of
thofe roots, as fubftitutes to the unwholefome bifcuit and
pickled beef.
In the evening we came near the ifland of Irronan, which
was found to lie about twelve leagues- to the eaft of Tanna,
and confifted of a high table-hill. We palled the night in
tacking, and the next morning afcertained the fituation of
Anattom in 200 $ fouth, and 170° 5 eaft. Its fize was
inferior to that of Tanna, though we kept at fuch a diftance
that we could not determine it with precifion; but the height
of its mountains was to all appearance nearly the fame.
Obferving no other iflands to the fouthward at prefent, we
Ihaped our courfe along the fouth-weft fhore of Tanna,
which we faw to great advantage on that fide, all the hills
doping very gently from their fummits and inland ridges.
As the wind was very frelh and wholly in our favour, we
were on the lee-fide of Irromanga the next morning. Captain
Cook was refolved to fpend fome time in examining the
weftern coafts of all this group of iflands, and particularly
not to leave unexplored that to the north of Mallicollo,.
which had been feen by M. de Bougainville. This group
A ugust .
Sunday axj