a ’iu. fi.Cti from whence they are fupplied with conftant food'.
The fandy barren part of their ledges is a fit place upon,
which turtles may depofit their eggs ; and it appears from
the fragments found by the Dolphin’s people, that they
know how to-catch thefe large creatures, whofe nutritive
fiefh and fhell muft be a delicious treat to them. The
few plants which thrive about them are very ufeful, and
furnifti them with the means of facilitating the capture
of fifh; fome trees are fo large that their trunks may
be ufed for Ganoes, and their branches for weapons and
tools. The coco-palm, which is the principal fupport o f
many nations on the globe, is likewife of infinite fervice to-
them, and almoft every part of it is ufeful- The nuts which
it bears, whilft they are green, contain from a pint to a quart:
of limpid liquor, which has a very pleafant fweetnefs,.
joined to a peculiar agreeable flavour; its eoolnefs and integrant
particles, doubtlefs, make it a moft delicious draught,,
powerful beyond comparifon in quenching thirft in a hot
climate. When the nut grows older, the kernel forms,,
which is at firft like a rich cream, and afterwards grows
firm and very oily, like an almond, being extremely nutritious.
The oil is- frequently exprefled, and employed to-
anoint the hair and the whole body, at certain times-
The hard fliell provides the natives with cups; and the
fibrous coating round it affords all kinds of cordage, which:
areftrong, elaftic, and not much impaired by conftant ufe.
Several articles of Indian houfhold furniture, and feveral forts
of ornaments are made with it. The long feathered leaves or
branches, which fpread from the top of the ftem, are fit coverings
for their houfes ; and when plaited, make good
bafkets for provifions. The inner bark yields a kind of
cloth, fufficient for covering the body in a hot climate ; and
the ftem itfelf, when grown too old to bear, is at leaft fit to
be ufed in the conftrudbion of a hut, or may make the mart
of a canoe. But befides fifh and vegetable food, they have
alfo dogs, which live upon fifh, and are reckoned excellent
meat by the natives of the Society Iflands, to whom they
are known. Thus Providence, iff its wife difpenfations,
made even thefe infignificant narrow ledges rich enough in
the productions of nature, to fupply a whole race of men
with the neceffaries of life. And here we cannot but ex-
prefs our admiration, that the minuteft agents are fubfer-
vient to the purpofes of the Almighty Creator. The coral
is known to be the fabrick of a little worm, which enlarges
its houfe, in proportion as its own bulk encreafes.
This little creature, which has fcarce fenfation enough to
diftinguifh it from a plant, builds up a rocky ftrudture
from the bottom of a fea too deep to be meafured by human
art, till it reaches the furface, and' offers a firm bafis-
fbr the refidence of man! The number of thefe low iflands-
is very great, and we are far from being acquainted with
them all. In- the whole extent of the Pacific Ocean, between