Anti much more confiderable than we had hitherto fuppofèd.
The refult of a moll moderate computation gave us one
hundred and twenty thoufand perfons in thé two peninfu-
las of Taheitee *.
The number of diftridls in both peninfulas amounts to
forty-three; wë affumed at a medium, that each could
equip only twenty war-canoes, and we fuppofed each of
thefe to be manned only With thirty-five men. The fum
of men employed in the fleet, exclufive of the attending
boats, would then be no lefs than thirty thoufand; and
thefe we afiiime as the fourth part of the whole nation.
What makes this computation ftill moré moderate is, that
we fuppofe thefe thirty thoufand to be the whole number of
perfons capable of bearing arms, or fit for fervice ; and that
the common proportion of thefe men, to the reft of the people,
is much fmaller than one fourth, in all the countries of
Captain Cook returned to O-Parre -with us in the afternoon.
The whole fleet had already left that diftriift, and
the canoes were difperfed; but we found O-Too, and Were
extremely well received. He conduced us to feveral of his
höufes, through a country which perfectly refembled a garden
; flxady fruit-treeS, fhrubberies with Odoriferous flow-
* T h is calculation was afterwards confirmed to be very low, when We law the'
fleet o f the fmalleft diftrict, which amounted to forty-four war-canoes, befides twenty
o r five and twenty o f a fmaller fizé.
ers, and rivulets enlarged into limpid fheets of water, continually
varied before the eye. The houfes were all kept in
the beft order; fome were furrounded with walls of reeds,
but others were open like the ufual dwellings of the people.
We pafied feveral hours in his company, with fome
of his relations, and principal attendants, who took
every method to exprefs their friendfhip towards us. The
converfation, though not yet very coherent, was however
extremely lively ; and the women in particular laughed and
chatted with the greateft good humour. We often found
them diverting each other by playing upon words ; and
fometimes we were highly entertained with a real witty
flroke, or a humorous fally. It was near funfet when we
departed, after fharing fome part of the happinefs which
feems to be fo natural to this favoured ifland. The calm
contented ftate of the natives; their Ample way of life ; the
beauty of the landfcape; the excellence of the climate; the
abundance, falubrity, and delicious tafte of its fruits, were
altogether enchanting, and filled the heart with rapture.
Surely the fatisfaeftion which we naturally feel in the hap-
pinefs of others, is one of the moft delightful fenfations
with which the human foul is blefled.
. The next morning the captain and my father paid another
vifit to O-Too at Parre, and found there the admiral
of the fleet, Towhah, to whom they were introduced by
O-Too himfelf. They all came on board before noon, and
K 2 vifited
A p r il ,'
Wednefd. 26