1774- AUGUST.
Tuefday 13.
being the wefternmoft hitherto known in the South Pacific
Ocean, captain Cook named the N e w H e b r i d e s *, having
acquired the right of giving this new collective name by
difcovering ten large iflands, befides a number of fmaller
ones, all which had never been feen before. The day was
not yet fpent when we had already paffed the fouthern fhores
of Sandwich Ifland. Its afpeCt on that fide was very beautiful,
and its foreits Teemed more rich and copious than we
had formerly obferved them to the northward. Four fmall
iflands, of inconfiderable height but finely wooded with the
moft tufted trees, formed a harbour, which had the appearance
of being very convenient and fafe.
Running on all night with great fpeed, we came in
fight of the Ifles of Apee, Pa-oom, and Ambrrym the next
morning, and flood along the fouth-weft fide of Mallicollo.
The peak of Pa-oom feemed at this diflance in one direction,
to be entirely feparate from the land before it, but it may
neverthelefs be connected with it by low land. Mallicollo
furprifed us again with the beauty and ihagginefs of its
forefts, from whence vaft numbers of fmokes afcended,
fufficient to prove, that a great part of thefe forefts was
inhabited. A fpacious bay foon opened to our view,
with a fine beach ; and the land about it, was to all
appearance, extremely populous and fertile. Two fmall
iflands were fituated in this bay, and.we feafted our eyes
* The Hebrides are the wcltcrmoft iflands of Great Britain,
on the richnefs and luxuriance of the profpeCt, where the a '-g vst .
brighteft tints of verdure were profufely fpread.
A great number of natives were obferved on the fhore,
"and"two canoes put off about noon, paddling towards us,
but foon giving over the chace, as we failed on too fall for
them. Beyond the point which included the bay to the
north-weft, the country loft fomething of its exuberant fertility,
and was interfperfed with barren fpots, though we
faw fmokes and habitations on the higheft ridges : and at
night the mountains were illuminated in different places,
by feveral lines of fires, fame of which appeared to extend
at leaft half a mile in length. We paffed the north point
of Mallicollo during night, and were a good way advanced
in Bougainville’s paffage at day-break on the 24th. Mai- wedneia. 1+.
licollo lies »early N. N. W. and S. S. E. and the north point
is in 1 50 s S. and 167° 23' E. The land which forms
the north fide of the paffage, appeared very extenfive, high
and mountainous, and a number of fmall iflands lay along
its fouthern coaft, which were of A very moderate height,
and covered with the fineft forefts. The continual fair
weather which attended this part of our navigation, made
all thefe beautiful landfcapes appear to the greateft advantage
; and the pleafure of contemplating a great variety of
rich feeneries, made us fome amends for the wretchednefs
of our diet, which at prefent confided of no other than the
fhip’s provifions.