5 4 +
mImh. the crew more than four or five frefli meals. If we add to
this, the deficiency of fuch a falutary article of provifion as
four krout, -and the continual progreflive decay of our fait
meat, it cannot be very furprifing, that towards the latter
end of this run, the hardfhips of our unnatural fituation
Ihould become more intolerable than ever. Several obvious
reflections likewife encreafed our uneafinefs, in proportion
as we advanced towards a place which had fome intercourfe
with Europe. All thofe who had left behind them relations
and parents, were apprehenfive that they had loft fome of
the number during their abfence; and it was more than
probable, that this interval of time would have diffolved
many valuable connections, diminilhed the number of our
friends, and robbed us of the comforts which we ufed to
find in their fociety.
W=tn;fd, i*. Notwithftanding the frequent changes of wind, we advanced
to the northward fofar, that we began to change our
d e a t h s on the i 5th, being then between 33? and 36° S.
The next morning, at feven, we Taw a fhip to the windward
of us, and about three hours afterwards we came in fight of
another; and the eagernefs with which every perfon pn
board bent his eyes towards thefe welcome objects, was the
ftrongeft proof o f that univerfal longing for an intercourfe
with Europeans, which, though hitherto filent, now broke
out into loud and fervent willies. It was thought proper to
jiQift Dutch colours, upon which -the Ihip in light hoifted
the fame; we then hoifted the Britilh flag, and fired a gun
to leeward, but the firanger Hill continued to Ihew the firft.
As we were now arrived in a part of the fea frequented by
European Ihips, captain Cook called together all his officers
and failors, and in the name of the Admiralty board, demanded
their journals and log-books, which were all packed
up and fealed. Thofe who did not belong to the military
eftablilhment *, were not fubjeCl to this reftriCtion, but pre-
ferved their papers, being only requefted not to divulge the
particular fituations of our late difeoveries, previous to their
arrival in England. The zealous and candid concern for
the advancement of the fciences, which animates the Britilh
government, has not fuffered them to conceal the improvement
which different branches of knowledge have received
under their aufpices ; and it were to be wilhed, that fo laudable
and generous an example, might be followed by other
maritime powers, who at prefent feem to fteal into the South
Seas, and to be alhamed of owning that they have been
The Ihip in fight feemed to be a homeward bound Dutch
Indiaman, and held the fame courfe with us, but we gradually
came up with her. On the 17 th in the morning Friday^,
we founded, and found bottom with fifty-five fathom, being
arrived on the bank which runs off the fouth end of
Mr. Wales, Mr. Hodges, my father, and.myfelf.
■ 4 A
V o L , II. Africa.