Amu« fhe coco-palm, as well as all other trees, is made fitter for
domeftic purpofes 5 and the Javanefe have many varieties,
of which the nuts are much improved *. The fort which
is ufual in the Society Iflands is one of the belt, and like-
wife owes its excellence' to culture ; nor do 1 remember to
have feen any variety there refembling the wild palms of
Tanna, which thrive even on the mountains. Having been
well refreflied through the benevolence of our friendly Indians,
we proceeded towards the beach, and in a few minutes
rejoined our watering-party there, by a path which
led us direftly down. Here we rewarded our conductors
to the beft of our power, and embarking in a boat returned
to the fhip for the enfuing night.
The Angular nature of the folfatarra on the wellern hill
fo much attracted our attention, that we haftened thither
again the next morning, and Mr. Hodges was of the party.
The volcano continued to thunder all the day, and threw
up vaft quantities of minute black afhes, which, when
more accurately examined, proved to be long needle-like
and femitranfparent flierls. The whole country was ftrewed
with thefe particles, and they proved remarkably dangerous
to our eyes in botanizing, as every leaf on the ifland was
entirely covered with them. It may however be remarked,
that the volcano and its productions feem to contribute
greatly to that prodigious luxuriance of vegetation which
* See Hawkefwortb, vol, III. p. 736.
is fo remarkable on this ifland. Many plants here attain aug«*?.
twice the height which they have in other countries ; their
leaves are broader, their flowers larger, and more richly
fcented. The fame obfervation has been made in various
volcanic countries. The foil of Vefuvius and Etna is reckoned
the moil fertile in Italy and Sicily ; and fome of the
belt flavoured wines which Italy produces are raifed upon
it. The volcanic ground on the Habichtfwald, in Heffe,
though fituated in a high, cold, and barren country, is fiu>
prifingly fertile, and covered, with verdure. All kinds of
plants, indigenous and foreign, thrive with luxuriance, and
make this beautiful fpot, on which the gardens of the
landgrave are fituated, the admiration of all beholders.
Nay, to confine ourfelves to our own voyage, the Society
Iflands, the Marquefas, and fome of the Friendly Iflands,
where we found volcanic remains, as well as Ambcrym and
Tanna, where we actually faw burning mountains, have a
rich and fertile foil, in which nature difplays the magnificence
of the vegetable kingdom. Eafter Ifland itfelf, wholly
overturned by fome volcanic eruption, produces different
vegetables and ufeful roots, without any other foil than
flags, cinders, and pumice-ftones ; though the burning heat
of the fun, from which there is nofhelter, fliould feem fuf-
ficient to fhrivel and deftroy every plant.
We foon reached the firft fmoking place, but feeing the
natives fomewhat higher, we did not flop, and walked up
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