offends the laws of the Creator. The paffion9 are wifely
©CTOMRr implanted in our bread for out prefervation and revenge,
in particular, guards us againd the encroachments of
others. Savages do not give up the right of retaliating injuries
■, but civilized focieties confer on certain individuals
the power and the duty to revenge their wrongs. Still;,
even in-the mod poliflied countries of Europe, this method
of adminidring judice is not fufficient in all cafes. Such
is the imperfetdion of human inditutions, that the public
avenger of wrongs oft lifts his hand againd the facred
rights of the whole community. On that occalion all« civil
agreements are diflolved, every man afliimes his rights, and
gives free eourfe to the paffions.. Even in private life there
are occafions where this facred principle of revenge is of infinite
fervice in the bed regulated community. Nothing is
more common than opprefiions, affronts, and injuries againd
which the law provides no remedy ; nothing more frequent,
than that a fet men are powerful, enough t©' wred the laws
to the difadvantage of the wretched and friendlefs. Thefe
indances would be dill more numerous, and be carried to
the mod detedable pitch of tyranny, if this dread did not
with-hold them, that the injured party may refume that
power of redreifing his wrongs, which he fees fo inadequately
exercifed'by his reprefentative. He that attempts
another’s property, runs the rifk of being killed without a
trial by the perfon whom he robs; and the fear of the
fword or the cane, hath often kept villains within bounds,
who are invulnerable to the attacks of the law.
Chi fa fua vendetta, oltra cbe offends
Chi l’offefo ha, da mold fi difende. A riosto.
Being fatisfied that the Adventure had fafely failed from
Queen Charlotte’s Sound, by the figns of Peeterre, we
took the opportunity of a fair day to vilit the mnermod recedes
of Wed Bay, in order to be convinced, if poffible,
whether there was any probability that the hogs and fowls,
brought thither almod a year before, would ever dock thefe
wild woods with numerous breeds. We came to the fpot
where we had left them, but faw not the lead vediges of
their having been on the beach, nor did it appear that any
of the natives had vifited this remote place; from whence we
have fome room to hope, that the animals had retreated
into the thicked part of the woods. We afterwards found
a few families of the natives in an oppofite part of the bay,
who furnilhed us with abundance of fifli.
We went to Grafs Cove on the 2d of November, having
had rainy and dormy weather after our excurfion to Wed Bay.
Ignorant of the dreadful tragedy which had there been
aided, we landed in all the creeks thereabouts, and advanced
far into the country, feeing feveral paths which led
up the hills, but meeting no inhabitants. We (hot here
about thirty birds, amongd which were a dozen pigeons,
O o o 2 ^iat
Oc to b er «
Friday z l*
N o v em b e r .
•Wednefday *«