MaJ'. given more than fhe demanded. It was therefore extraordinary,
that fhe fhould be tempted to Real that which might
fo eafily have been obtained by fair means; it fhould feem
as if fhe had a flrange predilection for things acquired by
Health, and for which fhe was only indebted to. her own ingenuity.
Some of the women on board likewife accufed
her of admitting towtows, or men of the lowed rank, to her
bed at night privately, and unknown to her brother. In a
country where the impulfes of nature are followed without
reftraint, it would be extraordinary if an exception fhould
be made, and flill more fo, if it fhould confine thofe who
are accuftomed to have their will in m o t other refpcfts.
The paflions of mankind are fimilar every wherethe fame
inflinfts are adtivc in the Have and the prince ; confequently
the hiftory of their effefts muft ever be the fame in every
Sunday s. O-Too came to the tents on Point Venus very early in
the morning, and acquainted the ferjeant of marines that
one of the natives had Rolen a mufket from a centry, and
was run off with it: he likewife difpatched Tee, his meflen-
ger, on board to fetch his brother, who obeyed the fum-
mons, after breakfafting with us. As foon as they returned
on fhore, O-Too, with all his family, fled to the weftward,
being apprehenfive that the mufket would be redemanded
at their hands. Captain Cook feized feveral double travel-^
ling-canoes belonging to different chiefs, and particularly
that of Maratata, who was accufed of having ordered one of
his attendants to commit the theft. This chief himfelf was
in his canoe, and haftened to convey it out of our reach ;
but the captain firing feveral mufkets at it, Maratata and
all his rowers leaped into the fea, and fwam afhore. About
noon Tee came on board, and acquainted us that the thief
was gone to the Leffer Peninfula, or Tiarraboo ; upon which
all the canoes, except Maratata’s were again reftored to
their owners. We kept quiet on board till the afternoon,
having but few of the natives with us, among whom there
was not one woman. Towards evening captain Cook went
afhore, and foon after fome natives arrived in a moft pro-
fufe perfpiration, who brought not only the mufket, but
alfo a bundle of cloaths and a two-hour-glafs, which had
been flolen about the fame time. They related, that hav- -
ing overtaken the thief, they had beaten him moft feverely,
and obliged him to fhew where he had concealed the flolen
goods in the fand. Notwithstanding their appearance, we -
did not give much credit to their dory, efpecially as one of f
them had been fo lately feen about the tents, that it was .
impoffible he could have run to any great diftance. They .
received fome prefents, however, to fhew that we meant to
reward their zeal in our fervice. The next day there was
no trade carried on ; but Tee came on board again, defiring
the captain to vifit the king at Parre, who was matow, an :
ambiguous court-phrafe, expreffing not only that he was
O a afraid,